Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 554 The Interstellar Colonization Era 30

Although the anti-theft gun is not very powerful, when it is taken out, some people in An Ran's team are still a little frightened, fearing that they will die before they get out of the battle. After all, everyone knows that these A-Star people regard the Earth Stars as ants. Once they wait for If people are really stunned to the ground by their anti-theft guns, the other party will definitely not run away, but will definitely kill them. On Star A, they use this gun to stun people to the ground, and they will not do anything to the other party. After all, In their own country, killing is illegal, and they cannot kill people casually. But on Earth Planet, they do not have to bear any responsibility for killing people. After all, they will find excuses, saying that they stopped the people of Planet A from performing official duties, so they killed them.

When they thought about the possibility of being killed, it was no wonder that the people in the team were a little frightened.

Don’t blame everyone for their lack of fighting spirit. You must know that before this, everyone lived in a peaceful era. How much fighting spirit can people who have lived in a peaceful era for a long time be like the A-Star civilization? There were not many people in the A-Star civilization at the beginning. Special beatings are also carried out because the good times have gone too long and no one wants to fight. But time is the catalyst. Over the past few years or more, there have been beatings every day, every month, and every year. In the end, the hostility of the people has been aroused. The fighting became more and more fierce, leading now to an all-out war.

Fortunately, An Ran said: "Don't be afraid of their anti-theft guns. My mecha has a reflective effect. The frequency emitted by that thing can be reflected back and will not affect you."

When An Ran originally made these mechas, she took into account the weapon effects of these transport spaceships on Earth. In order to counteract them, she specially added this function. After all, she couldn't fight an unprepared battle, right?

Adding a certain function she wants is not a difficult task for her who is proficient in high-end mecha manufacturing.

If she didn't create a very powerful mecha at once, it would arouse suspicion, so she controlled the progress of mecha invention, otherwise she had to rely on her ability to create a mecha that could reach the level of the strongest mecha currently in service on Star A. of.

As soon as An Ran said these words, everyone couldn't help but feel relieved, but they were not completely relieved.

Although their mechas are powerful and should be able to dodge attacks, and they have mental power and can create mental shields to protect themselves, the opponent's transport team's mental power level is better than theirs, and they are afraid of losing in a fight. Unknown - The average mental strength level of Star A civilization is level 20. Those who can engage in interstellar commerce cannot have lower than the average strength level. What if they encounter star thieves? In this way, they are naturally more powerful than this group of Earthlings who are wandering between level 15 and level 20. When the opponent wants to directly use mental power to attack, they are afraid that their own people will not be able to resist it.

As soon as An Ran finished explaining to his men, the people from the transport team took action - rushing up with anti-theft guns.

An Ran rushed forward first.

Because she knew that if these people who had never experienced combat would be cowardly and afraid to take action if she did not set an example, it would affect morale if everyone acted like this, so she had to take the lead and set an example.

She rushed forward, and as expected, others also rushed forward - it needs to be said that An Ran only brought a few dozen people with him this time, not all of them. At the same time, Shen Weitong did not follow. The reason is very simple. , because after discussing with Shen Weitong, she decided that Shen Weitong would hide first, and if she was in danger, he would come out later. This could be regarded as a trump card.

But just as she thought, to deal with a transport team, she and these dozens of people would be enough to go up there. There was no need for a large team of people to take action. After all, what she was dealing with was not a transport team from All Earth Planet, but just The city’s transportation team.

Although the other party's mental power is stronger than the people on An Ran's side, An Ran is stronger than everyone on the other side. In addition, there are more people on An Ran's side than the other side, and the mechas are more powerful than their civilian mechas, so this is considered In a battle with an advantage, An Ran and others will soon knock the opponent to the ground.

In order to reduce the hatred value, An Ran and others only knocked people to the ground and did not kill anyone. After all, resisting Star A to arrest people and killing Star A people are two different concepts. Although Star A was angry, they could understand the former. But if you want to kill the people from Planet A, even if some people want to understand, they will still send people to take revenge for the sake of face.

So before coming, An Ran had discussed with everyone that for the time being, he would only knock people down and not kill people. But if the other party dared to kill people, then they naturally couldn't bear to let their brothers suffer.

Fortunately, the people in the transport team were also cowards. Seeing how powerful An Ran was and how powerful the mechas of An Ran and others were, they quickly drove the transport ship and ran away. Before running away, they did not forget to say harsh words like the villains in movies and TV shows that they would come back. Yes, let them wait. If they dare to resist Star A, they will be happy.

Shortly after these people left, An Ran said: "Hurry up and leave before the officials arrive."

Otherwise, if the authorities find her, don't confiscate her mecha.

Seeing that she has these mechas, the forces nearby will probably covet them. Although she has made the appearance of the mechas look like some retired interstellar mechas for safety reasons, as long as it is a mecha, no matter it is a new one, It's old, and there are always people who want it. After all, who can let the Earth Star fail? The old mecha is also a good thing for the Earth Star. Although now both domestic and foreign countries are gradually fighting together, I guess the official is not really official. Now, when the time comes, whoever comes to her for a mecha, she doesn't have to give it to her, and she doesn't have to worry about confronting the entire state machine, but she can save some trouble if she can.

After listening to An Ran's words, dozens of people followed An Ran and evacuated in an instant.

An Ran, who had been a hacker, took care of the traces along the way, so it was not easy to find them.

From Earth to Star A civilization, the people in the transport team have to travel for a month, and the round trip takes two months. Even if the people in the transport team tell Star A civilization now, and Star A civilization sends people to deal with them, that is It takes a month. Who knows that there is no base of the A-star civilization around the earth star? If we want to mobilize the army, we can only transfer it from the A-star.

Originally, the A-star civilization had a garrison on the earth star, but this was not the case since the war. The A-star civilization's garrison on the earth star had internal strife, and almost all of them were killed or injured. The people above couldn't bear to kill everyone, so they killed them all. They called them back, so the only ones left behind at the Earth Star garrison base are a few gatekeepers - mainly because Star A was in a mess, and no one could be drawn over for the time being. Fortunately, the base has defenses, and even the Earth Star people can't. If you can't get in, just a few gatekeepers are enough, so don't worry.

It is obviously unrealistic to think that the A-Star soldiers are so powerful that a few gatekeepers can defeat An Ran and his group. After all, no matter how bad An Ran, Shen Weitong and the others are, they are not so bad that they cannot even defeat a few gatekeepers. situation.

Sure enough, as An Ran thought, nothing happened at all after they rescued people that day. It was calm for a month, but nothing happened.

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