Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 560 The Interstellar Colonization Era 36

After the Star Wars, Planet A ended up being divided - among the many planets it once owned, the Alfa race occupied 60% of them, and the remaining 40% were occupied by non-Afar races.

Because of the split, Star A stepped down from its position as interstellar overlord.

Although the split Afar Star A and non-Afar Star A are still forces that cannot be underestimated in the interstellar world, they are no longer the unshakable overlords of the interstellar world as they were before the war.

But after the war, the former Shining Civilization, the second in the interstellar world, did not become the new overlord.

The Shining Civilization has a small number of people, and it lost many masters in this star war. As a result, although it won and was very powerful, it did not have the strength to become the dominant being like Star A before the war.

The interstellar world after the war is a multi-polar world. After the split, Star A, the Shining Civilization, and some of the great powers on the victorious side of the interstellar war have all become one of the overlords that others dare not mess with. They check and balance each other and survive in multi-polarity - and This is naturally a good thing for Earth Star. After all, in this way, Earth Star can have its way between several big countries that are scheming with each other and benefit continuously.

In fact, this kind of advantage of having both sides has been shown in previous wars.

At that time, after the unification of the Earth and the stars stabilized, An Ran and Shen Weitong sent people to Star A to collect those people who had been pulled as cannon fodder. As long as they were willing to come back, An Ran and Shen Weitong sent starships to bring them back.

At that time, Planet A was in trouble both internally and externally, so the proposal of An Ran and others was agreed by Star A, and the remaining people who were not dead but planned to go back - most of whom were willing to come back - were returned to An Ran. Most of them were already dead anyway. There are not many left. Since Earth Star wants to take them back, let them go back, so as not to keep them useless. Instead, they will become an excuse for Shining Civilization and other civilizations to attack themselves. The price/performance ratio is too low.

From this small incident, the Earth Star people knew how to exploit both sides and try to survive.

Seeing that the A-Star people were completely driven away, An Ran resigned from the Academy of Sciences.

She entered the Academy of Sciences to complete her mission. Now that the mission has been completed, she can naturally retire and go back to enjoy her leisure time. After all, she was afraid of being attacked by Planet A people before, but she spent her whole life in the Academy of Sciences researching mechas and planets. Ships, weapons and other things are quite hard work. After being busy for decades, it is time to take a good rest.

Although the Academy of Sciences feels that she is still very young - An Ran has already exceeded level 30 and her lifespan has been extended again, so compared to her lifespan, she is not still very young - there is no problem that she can continue to contribute to the Academy of Sciences for hundreds of years. , but because An Ran was determined to resign, the Academy of Sciences had no choice but to agree to her departure.

Fortunately, An Ran said when she resigned that she could come back at any time if necessary, which made everyone feel at ease.

And seeing that An Ran resigned from the position of dean of the Academy of Sciences, Shen Weitong did not run for the position of consul again - the position of consul is different from the dean of the Academy of Sciences. It is run for once every ten years and can be re-elected for two terms. Previously, Shen Weitong was afraid of other people. Being in power is not good for Enron, so basically he will continue to run for election after two consecutive terms and one term off. Because of Shen Weitong's outstanding military achievements, he was elected every time.

But now, since An Ran has retired, Shen Weitong will naturally no longer be a consul, and is ready to concentrate on training - and of course, on pursuing his wife.

Previously, due to internal and external troubles, An Ran was so busy that he never had a moment to spare. He was always embarrassed to mention this, but now that he was finally completely quiet, he thought that he could ask An Ran.

Until now, he didn't dare to ask, but now he really couldn't control it and wanted to know the result.

If An Ran is still unwilling, then he can just wait silently as before. Anyway, the worst result is nothing more than this, so he is ready to risk everything.

An Ran really never thought about it. Shen Weitong was still thinking about this matter almost a hundred years ago. Before, she saw that Shen Weitong got along with her very naturally and did not show any emotions at all. She thought Shen Weitong had already thought about it. , turned love into friendship. After all, the national crisis was at the time, and everyone needed to work together to drive away the A-planet people, and they didn’t bother to think about this issue. So seeing that Shen Weitong had been cooperating with her, he only thought it was for the sake of his family, country, and the world, not That aspect of meaning.

Now it seems that after so many years of co-authoring and cooperating with her, in the final analysis is it purely a matter of emotion?

"I said that cooperating with you is all because of feelings. I dare not say that. After all, driving away aliens has always been my idea, but liking you must be a big part of it." Facing An Ran When asked, Shen Weitong said calmly.

An Ran couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this.

"So I just want to ask you, do you still not like me at all after so many years?" Shen Weitong said helplessly.

An Ran was silent for a long time, and just when Shen Weitong's sadness was about to turn into reality, Fang said: "Humans are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless, but... I feel that my feelings for you are more of friendship, and even if you want You can talk about family ties, after all, we have fought side by side for many years, and in my heart, you are more important than my family, but when it comes to love, I think... I should... not have it."

An Ran felt that she couldn't deceive Shen Weitong, even if she didn't, she said so, so she spoke frankly.

In fact, An Ran didn't know how she could live and die for love like those heroines in movies and TV dramas. Sometimes, she couldn't imagine herself looking like that.

I have experienced several relationships in the previous mission world, but I felt affectionate, but not strong, at least not the hot, passionate, world-destroying emotions described in novels.

Sometimes she thought that maybe she was a person who was incompetent in love; but maybe she had never met such a person, but she really couldn't imagine that she would hate someone so much that she wanted to die, and loved him so much...

Shen Weitong couldn't help but be happy after hearing the first half of her words, but after hearing the second half of her words, he couldn't help but fall silent.

After a while, Shen Weitongfang sighed and said, "I understand."

Seeing An Ran's embarrassed look, Shen Weitong pretended to be free and easy, waved his hand and said: "You don't have to be embarrassed, I won't make it difficult for you. Just pretend you didn't hear what I said today."

An Ran hesitated and said: "Then...do you want me to avoid you?"

After all, if she had to be in front of his eyes every day, wouldn't it make him emotional? So she thought, maybe it would be better for her to hide and keep him out of sight.

Shen Weitong couldn't help being shocked after hearing this. He still thought it would be nice to see her every day if they couldn't be together. Why should he avoid it? If after confessing, not only can we not be together, but the beautiful woman has not been heard from, then wouldn't he be in a big loss if he confessed?

So Shen Weitong quickly said: "Of course not, why should we avoid it? Even if we can't be lovers, we are still friends after all, right? How can we stop communicating if the confession fails?"

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