Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 562 The Interstellar Colonization Era 38 (End)

It turned out that Shen Weitong heard that An Ran did want to help him and was not refusing outright. This made him hopeful and excited.

No matter what, if he couldn't be with An Ran, he would be satisfied with having a child between him and An Ran.

An Ran didn't expect such a development, and couldn't help but said: "This... if the child has no talent, you really won't treat him badly?"

Shen Weitong shook his head quickly and said: "No, absolutely not, so, An An, you must help me."

In fact, asking An Ran to help him is second. The most important thing is that he wants a child like An Ran. No matter how talented the child is, as long as it is his and An Ran's child, he will be satisfied.

An Ran saw Shen Weitong's firm attitude, looked at him for a while, sighed, and said, "Well, I'll think about it."

"Okay, no problem, I'll wait for your news." Shen Weitong said happily, changing his previous depressed look.

In fact, because An Ran rejected his confession, Shen Weitong had been a little depressed over the years, looking like he had no love in life. Until this time, he seemed to be re-injected with vitality, and he felt like there was light.

Seeing Shen Weitong's appearance, An Ran felt that she would probably agree to his request, because it was difficult to deal with Shen Weitong like this, but she still reluctantly advised: "You should also think about it carefully."

Shen Weitong secretly thought, this has been my wish for many years, what should I consider? However, facing An Ran's request, Shen Weitong did not refuse, but nodded and said: "I will do it."

An Ran said she was thinking about it, but actually she wanted to give Shen Weitong a chance to regret it. In fact, as long as the other party agreed, she would not put pressure on the child even if the child was not talented. If the other party asked her for this, she would be willing to help. After all, These days, it's easy to pay back anything she owes, but it's hard to pay back favors. And she owes Shen Weitong a lot of favors, so it can't be justified not agreeing to help.

How could Shen Weitong regret it? He didn't change his mind at that moment. An Ran asked her to help him give a child to him, so he had no choice but to agree.

But she really couldn't bear to see her child suffer in the future without mental talent - although Shen Weitong promised not to treat the child badly, what about the eyes of the people around him?

The child's Yuxue was cute, embodying the good qualities of An Ran and Shen Weitong's appearance. As he grew older, everyone who saw him couldn't help praising the child's excellence and handsomeness.

When he was ten years old, his talent for measuring also made the Shen family very happy, because this child's talent was even better than that of Shen Weitong back then.

Shen Weitong was already good enough, but this child was even more talented than Shen Weitong. It was obvious that the Shen family had a bright future, so it was no wonder that the Shen family was overjoyed.

And all of this was brought about by An Ran, so although An Ran did not marry Shen Weitong, the Shen family regarded her as their mistress. Every time An Ran came to see their children, the Shen family treated her with great respect. .

An Ran comes to see the child from time to time. This is what she mentioned to Shen Weitong when she originally promised to Shen Weitong. Shen Weitong hopes that she will come to see the child more often to deepen her relationship with him, so she is willing to come to see the child, and Shen Weitong naturally agrees.

Because Shen Weitong and An Ran both tried their best to educate their children well, so although little Douding grew up with the love of three thousand people, he rarely grew crooked and became better and better as he grew up.

What made the Shen family even more relieved was that Xiao Douding was not like his father, who was infatuated with an impossible person and almost had no children. Instead, when the marriage came, he got married and had children, which made the Shen family stronger.

When Shen Weitong saw that his children were all married and had children, and the family was getting stronger and stronger, he no longer had to worry about it, so he gradually left the family affairs behind for his son, and he and An Ran lived a life like a couple of gods.

Although she still felt a little regretful that she could not be with An Ran, because An Ran was not married and did not reject his presence by her side, Shen Weitong felt that it was no different from An Ran being with him. After all, she had children. Well, it's just that the two of them didn't have a closer relationship, which was fine. After all, there was no spiritual love, so he just regarded it as a spiritual love.

After An Ran retired, he has been studying the advanced knowledge of this interstellar world so that he can use it in the future.

Of course, I also study the system occasionally.

When she left this world, she learned a lot about high technology.

This time, just like before, the task was naturally completed, and the original person also gave her a five-star rating. An Ran was already used to it.

After returning this time, An Ran did nothing else but concentrated on practicing.

Before entering a new mission last time, she had practiced very well. She felt like she had a breakthrough. If it hadn't been for the time to do the mission, An Ran would have had to enter the mission world, otherwise there would have been a possibility of a breakthrough, so this time she was ready to make a breakthrough. , break through the Qi refining stage, reach the foundation building stage, and then do the task.

In order to prevent being forced to enter the task after entering the stagnation for more than 100 days, Enron applied for the time limit and automatically deducted the life days and extended it to the actual time.

An Ran estimates that he may need to do this every time he improves his level in the future, otherwise it will affect his breakthrough.

As a result, when she set it up, she found that the life days deducted were not as she had learned before. One more life day would be deducted for every extra day in reality. Instead, every one hundred days passed, the life days deducted would be doubled tenfold, that is, Say, for the first hundred days, only one life day will be deducted for each day; but for the second hundred days, ten life days will be deducted for each day; for the third hundred days, one hundred life days will be deducted for each day. value... and so on.

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