Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 566 Reborn Girl 4

But he said that Mrs. Chengyi's daily task of grooming people was completed. After explaining some things to her subordinates, she asked her subordinates to go down. When no one was around, she opened the suitcase and took out a piece of... sexy lingerie.

When An Ran saw it, he saw her taking out sexy underwear. As soon as he saw her taking out something completely different from the bellyband of this era, he knew that Mrs. Chengyi was Time traveled.

It's just that at this time, An Ran only thought that Mrs. Chengyi had traveled through time, and was not aware of anything else. She secretly told herself to beware of this Mrs. Chengyi. After all, she was not an ordinary person, but a time-traveling woman, although she was not as powerful as a time-traveling woman. , but the fact that her thinking is absolutely different from that of ordinary indigenous women must always be considered. From now on, she must at least consider issues from the perspective of a time-travelling person, rather than using indigenous thinking.

And An Ran also understood why Mrs. Chengyi married Uncle Chengyi after Prince Chengyi regretted the marriage. If she were an aboriginal woman, she might not take this step. After all, as a noble daughter of a noble family, she is young and beautiful, so for her, No matter how angry you are about this matter and want to take revenge, I am afraid that you will not think of this step. Only time-traveling women may be mentally older. Marrying Uncle Chengyi, who is about forty years old, does not think that the other party is older and has suffered. Secondly, in order to take revenge, he could save his dignity and marry an old man in the eyes of people of this era.

Of course, I understand why in the original memory, Uncle Chengyi was attracted by Mrs. Chengyi. It was probably because of the bed style that people of this era had never seen before.

And just when An Ran was thinking about this, Mrs. Chengyi surprised herself again——

Just when An Ran thought she was going to put on that sexy underwear and watch someone take off their clothes, and was about to stop watching, he saw Mrs. Chengyi gesturing the sexy underwear on her body, and sighed, saying: "I can't believe that, I A time-traveling woman would be defeated by such an indigenous woman, and she had to load the game and restart it, she was drunk."

When An Ran heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised, secretly thinking, not only is she a time-travel girl, she is also a reborn girl. This woman's cheats are not simple. She only has the advantage of time-travel, and she also has the advantage of rebirth. This is amazing, especially the rebirth advantage. , knowing the future, no wonder in the original world, the Crown Prince’s wife would be reduced to disgrace.

Just when An Ran was thinking about it, she heard Wu Li continue: "This time I married Uncle Chengyi and became your stepmother and mother-in-law. I'll see how you mess with that scumbag! Fight me and we'll see. !”

The next thing Wu Li can't say to others is that she usually can only keep it in her heart. Now when she is alone, what she can say is nothing more than calling Prince Cheng Cheng a scumbag, his wife a mistress, a bitch, and stealing her fiancé. , embarrassing her, wanting revenge, etc. An Ran saw and heard nothing nutritious, so she cut off contact with the puppet. You must know that she has no spiritual power now. If she wants to use the puppet, she relies on spiritual stones. Maintenance is actually about eating money, so naturally you can't monitor it all the time.

As soon as he exited the surveillance, his cheap husband Luo Li came in.

The original person was a little transparent, and the original husband was also a little transparent. Judging from the original person's memory, the original husband was not good to her, but he was not bad either. Anyway, he was on the same level as most people.

Luo Li is a little transparent, and at the same time, he has no ability, so he can't make money by himself to support his life. He just relies on the monthly money from the government.

Since he couldn't do much, and of course no one asked him to do anything, and he had no worries about food and drink, Luo Li just wandered around with nothing to do every day. Sometimes he went to outside teahouses to listen to music and stories, but he didn't go to any brothel - —It’s not necessarily that I don’t want to go, but that I don’t have the money.

It was almost noon and it was time to have lunch, so Luo Li came back.

When An Ran saw Luo Li come back, he asked Xiao Cui to order the food to be served.

Luo Li looked at the food and couldn't help but frown and said, "What are these things? Is the quality getting worse day by day?"

An Ran said: "It was delivered from the kitchen. Xiao Cui also reported this problem just now. This food is a bit too deceiving. What do you think we should do with it?"

Luo Li glanced at her and said disapprovingly: "Sister-in-law, housekeeper, just tell my sister-in-law about this."

"What if - it's useless to say it?" An Ran said in a long voice.

Luo Lidao: "If you still don't change your mind after telling me, then your sister-in-law is bullying others. My wife has always wanted to take back the housekeeping rights, so let's wait for my wife to take over the housekeeping and see if the situation can get better."

After listening to Luo Li's words, An Ran thought to herself that this is probably the result Wu Li wants - if the Crown Prince's wife changes and is about to hand over the power of the house, and still trains people, or even needs to replace people, it will definitely offend her. There are a lot of people. If these people are called back by Mrs. Chengyi in the future, these people who have been offended by the Crown Prince's wife, why don't they punish the Crown Prince's wife who has lost the power of housekeeping? If the Crown Prince's wife doesn't change, then well, in the eyes of Luo Li and even other people in the mansion who were bullied by the servants, the Crown Prince's wife is a bad person. If she bullies others, her reputation will be very bad.

Therefore, whether the Crown Prince's wife changes or not, it will not do her any good.

However, since the cheap husband had given instructions, An Ran would definitely act according to the instructions and mentioned this opinion to the Crown Prince's wife to avoid having to do the same for the next meal. When Luo Li asked, he realized that he had not asked and it was not good to blame himself.

Anyway, it was a real thing that the food quality was not good, and she should mention it.

So after dinner, An Ran got up and went to Mrs. Shizi's place.

Seeing An Ran coming, Mrs. Chengyi Bo Shizi couldn't help but smiled affectionately and said, "Brothers and sisters, why do you have time to come over? Sit down."

An Ran looked at her and thought to herself that it seemed that Wu Li's troubles with her had some effect - in the past, the Crown Prince's wife looked down on the original person and ignored her at all, but now she was being troubled by her stepmother and mother-in-law. Find teammates and become enthusiastic about yourself.

An Ran sat down with a smile and replied to Mrs. Prince's words, "I have something to tell my sister-in-law."

Reversing her usual attitude of ignoring her, Mrs. Shizi enthusiastically asked someone to bring out the melon and fruit cakes, and then asked: "What's the matter? Tell me."

So An Ran said: "Sister-in-law, the food in the kitchen is getting worse every day. Does sister-in-law know what's going on?"

When Mrs. Shizi heard that she was here, she was not here to chat, or even talk about the cheap stepmother and mother-in-law, but to ask about the kitchen, that is, about her. Her face immediately turned ugly, and she secretly thought that this sister-in-law is just a piece of shit. It’s already this time that I can’t hold myself up to the wall. I’m still worrying about these trivial matters, but I haven’t thought about Mrs. Cheng Yi’s trouble. Is there something wrong with my brain?

Thank you Karen for the gift~~ I also wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!

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