Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 581 Reborn Girl 19

Mrs. Shizi suddenly woke up. She wanted to slap her again. Tomorrow Mrs. Chengyi would fill the capital saying that she had been caught doing bad things. She would get angry and beat her slaves in public. Then she would have a reputation of being mean and unkind. It was about to be put on her head and she couldn't take it off.

So after hearing what Madam Chengyi said, Mrs. Prince stopped her hand and stopped hitting.

Mrs. Chengyi couldn't help but regret when she saw her stop her hand. She thought to herself that she had been so talkative just now. It would be nice to let her beat her down. Then she would have something to say again.

But there is no fight now. It can be said that after all, she has raised her hand. She can tell people outside that the Crown Prince's wife wanted to hit the servant, but she stopped her. Look, she stood up for the servant and could still fight well. reputation.

But now is not the time to think about these things. Mrs. Chengcheng immediately said: "Okay, now you are causing trouble for the second girl. Whether you admit it or not, the evidence is conclusive and it is true. Just talk about it. , how do you explain it to the second girl? If you still insist that you didn't do this when the evidence is solid, and you are not ready to explain it to the second girl, I will have no choice but to tell the master and let him talk about this matter. What should I do?"

The Crown Prince was so angry that she wanted to throw down her sleeves and leave, but she was watched eagerly, but she did not dare to do so. After all, if she really did this, then the outside world would be full of rumors that she was spreading rumors about the second girl. If you refuse to apologize after being exposed.

If the rumors are considered a minor matter, it would be more serious for the father-in-law to come forward to deal with it. If there is solid evidence, the father-in-law will definitely believe it. Then he will probably ask the family law, whether it is to pay compensation or to kneel down in the ancestral hall. It is possible. Yes, and if Uncle Chengyi punishes her, her face will be lost even more, so she would rather let Uncle Chengyi handle it. She bows her head and forgets it. Then she will say outside that she did not do such a thing at all. I don’t know. Why did the hairpin end up in the hands of Wang's second wife? She hinted implicitly that Mrs. Chengyi framed her. It was better to do so. After all, she would not dare to say that Uncle Cheng had framed her if she was punished by Uncle Cheng.

So after thinking about it, the Crown Prince's wife said, "Since mother said the evidence is conclusive, then let me consider it as my doing. How to deal with it, mother will tell you."

Mrs. Chengyi couldn't help but sneer when she saw that she was still so stubborn and refused to admit it. She thought that it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Anyway, I am the one with evidence. You can make a big deal out of it with just your mouth and no evidence for others. Whether you believe it or not is another matter.

At this time, after hearing that Mrs. Shizi had handed over the power of execution to her, Mrs. Chengyi said: "First, eliminate the influence. You let Wang's second daughter-in-law make another trip and say that what she said before was false and was meant to harm the second wife. The girl said it; secondly, make an apology to the second girl, and then give her a thousand taels of silver as compensation for the damage to her reputation. After all, her reputation has been damaged so much, even if Wang’s second daughter-in-law is asked to go out and eliminate it. I don’t know if the impact can be restored. I’m afraid it will affect the marriage, so it’s unjustifiable if I don’t pay some money. Is the second girl willing to this plan?”

As for the Crown Prince's wife, she won't ask. If she doesn't want her, just tell her what she wants to do.

Mrs. Chengyi, who comes from modern times, picked up some methods commonly used in modern times with ease. Everyone at the scene was stunned for a while. After listening, they all felt that Mrs. Chengyi’s punishment was very reasonable.

Therefore, the second girl was quite satisfied with Mrs. Chengyi's handling. She nodded immediately and said: "I listen to Mrs., I have no objection."

Mrs. Chengyi nodded and said, "If that's the case, what does the Crown Prince say?"

At this point, there was nothing more to say, so Mrs. Shizi accepted Mrs. Chengyi’s arrangement, and with a straight face, she apologized firmly to the second girl: “It’s not my fault, second girl, please forgive me. "

Although Mrs. Shizi’s apology was not sincere at all, the second girl didn’t say anything. After all, she was a soft-spoken person and did not dare to say anything about Mrs. Shizi. Anyway, when the wife saw it, she would definitely treat Mrs. Shizi as if she was at odds with her. Once this attitude was revealed, there was no need to worry about it, so she responded with the same coldness at the moment - she was hurt by the Crown Prince's wife, and her attitude was so cold that others would not blame her - "I will accept this apology for the time being. , I hope my sister-in-law will not do such a thing again in the future, and I don’t want to see such a thing happen again.”

When did a concubine say this to Mrs. Prince, the muscles on her face trembled with anger, but Mrs. Prince knew that now was not the time for an attack, so she did not answer her words, and then said to Uncle Chengyi: "I'm sorry." I’ll get the money later.”

After saying this, the Crown Prince's wife left, lest she would be angry to death if she stayed any longer.

But when it came to losing money, she played a trick - she deliberately did not give the money directly to the second girl, but gave the money to Mrs. Chengyi and asked her to give it to the second girl.

Money attracts people's hearts, but Mrs. Chengyi's natal family's conditions are not very good. I heard that she was not given much dowry. Now that she has entered the house, she is so eager to seize the housekeeper's rights. Although on the one hand, it is for revenge on herself, on the other hand, it must also be for money. A person who desperately wants money like this will definitely want it when she sees this one thousand taels of silver. When the second girl gives her part of it, the second girl will probably feel sad; The girl's impression will be bad. When the time comes for the second girl to talk about marriage, I'm afraid she won't be able to help the second girl choose a good marriage.

Mrs. Chengyi didn't try hard to help, and she had slandered the second girl's reputation before, so even if she succeeded in finding out the culprit, she would not end well, and she would definitely not find a good marriage. In that case, she would not be able to find a good marriage. It can be regarded as a secret revenge. Maybe the other party will blame Mrs. Chengyi for not finding a good marriage for her and have resentment towards Mrs. Chengyi. That would be even better.

——The Crown Prince’s wife doesn’t know that finding a good match for the second girl is playing into the hands of Madam Chengyi, because by then the second girl will not live well in her husband’s family, so she will definitely not bear Madam Chengyi’s grudge, but will only feel that It was Mrs. Shizi who caused the harm, so to be honest, Mrs. Shizi's little trick was of no use to Mrs. Chengyi. She was the one who was hurt, but she didn't expect this, so she did it like this.

As expected, Mrs. Prince delivered the thousand taels of silver notes to Mrs. Chengyi as she planned.

Mrs. Chengyi looked at the thousand taels of silver notes. It would be a lie to say that she was completely unmoved, because she had no money in her last life, so she naturally coveted so much money when she saw it, but she also knew that she could not get her hands on this money. Otherwise, instead of hating the Crown Prince's wife, the second girl will turn to hating herself, which is naturally not what she wants to see.

So no matter how much he coveted the one thousand taels of silver, he still called the second girl over and handed her the banknote.

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