Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 588 Reborn Girl 26

As mentioned before, Mrs. Chengyi’s natal family is not in good condition and the dowry given to her is not much, which makes her attach great importance to money. How can such a person, after becoming a housekeeper, not be able to control so much money in her hands? She is tempted, so it is normal to use various means to turn public money into her private money.

I have done things like falsifying accounts, loan sharking, and passing off rouge, gouache, jewelry, and clothes as good ones. It is a little inconvenient to expose them all, but it is still okay to expose one of them and cause some trouble for Mrs. Chengyi. .

So that day, Mrs. Shizi heard her servant say to her: "Grandma, it's really strange. The quality of the jewelry issued in the mansion is similar to before, but I don't know if it's my misunderstanding. I always feel that these few months The jewelry I made feels much lighter than before, and the craftsmanship of this thing is not any different from before. It’s the same craftsmanship, but it’s much lighter. I’m afraid it’s much cheaper, right? The wife said she wants to save money recently, jewelry Is it cheaper to buy it?”

——That's right, only the Crown Prince's wife could come forward to do this. Otherwise, even if ordinary people knew about it, they probably wouldn't dare to tell Mrs. Cheng Yi what to say. That's why An Ran deliberately let people know about it to the Crown Prince's wife.

After hearing this, Mrs. Shizi couldn't help but feel moved. She compared the jewelry she had been issued in the past few months with the jewelry she had issued before. Sure enough, she found that it was a lot lighter. She immediately understood what was going on. It was nothing more than that Mrs. Chengyi was lining her own pockets. That’s it.

She has done this kind of thing herself, but after she reached that level, she felt that it couldn't be any worse. She didn't expect Mrs. Chengyi to be more ruthless than herself, and she didn't hear that she had recently tightened the money for buying jewelry. , that is to say, the money should be about the same as what I spent at that time, but the things are much cheaper than I was back then, and it is estimated that I will earn more than half of the money. This made Mrs. Shizi sneer, and at the same time she was refreshed - she was worried recently. , I was thinking about how to teach Madam Chengyi a lesson and avenge her for arranging Keren. Now that this happened, I had an excuse.

However, there is no need for her to come forward in person for the time being, so Mrs. Shizi is just publicizing the matter in the palace for the time being to let everyone know Madam Chengyi's face, and is planning to wait until the publicity is enough before mentioning this matter.

So before Mrs. Chengyi could react, everyone in the house knew about it. They all said that Mrs. Chengyi didn't say anything about saving money. She spent the same money as before, but the jewelry she bought was more expensive than before. The family is much lighter, which is obviously a way to line their own pockets.

By the time Mrs. Chengyi heard the news, it had spread throughout the house, and many people were secretly scolding her for her wickedness.

Although no one dared to say anything in front of her because she was a wife, the scolding behind her back was very unpleasant, and the scope of the scolding even went beyond discussing the matter. Many people began to attack her personally, saying they had already seen that she was not the best person. It's a good thing. At such a young age, he took the initiative to marry a man older than his father. Isn't it just for money? It's normal for him to be so greedy now.

Not only did the discussion in the house begin to develop in an unpleasant direction, but the remarks even spread outside the house. Gradually, some people in the capital came to know about her actions. This was not what Madam Chengyi wanted to see.

She is not afraid of being scolded by people in the house, but if someone in the capital says bad things about her, how can she get along in the capital in the future? She didn't want to have other ladies laugh at her behind her back when she was dating them.

So Mrs. Chengyi prepared to investigate who had spread the news, but the investigation had not yet begun. When everyone was greeting her this morning, Mrs. Shizi suddenly became angry and said: "Madam, I seem to have heard that something happened in the mansion recently." There’s something wrong with my jewelry. It’s said to be a lot lighter and not worth that much money. What’s going on? Didn’t your wife reduce her jewelry expenses at some point?”

As soon as Mrs. Chengyi saw her making a fuss, she understood in her heart that it was probably this bitch who was responsible.

After Mrs. Chengyi knew who was responsible, she hated Mrs. Shizi in her heart and replied: "There is nothing wrong. The jewelry is the price. If you feel something is wrong, it is probably because I am young and don't know how to manage the house. It’s other people’s fault. But since you mentioned this, I will pay attention to it and tell the shopkeeper of the jewelry store that if it still happens like this, I will buy it from another store at worst. I’ll deal with it this way, okay?”

Of course Mrs. Chengyi cannot say that she has reduced her jewelery expenditure, because once she says so, it will arouse public outrage in the government. After all, how can she win over people if she reduces her jewelery expenditure as soon as she comes to power? So I can only say this. Anyway, when she took over the power of the family and asked about the incorrect accounts in the account books, this is what the Crown Prince said. She also says the same now. What can the Crown Prince say? After asking her to say this, if the Crown Prince's wife still refuses to let go, then she can curse.

If she hadn't been buying jewelry, she wouldn't have lied like Mrs. Shizi and said she forgot where she bought the jewelry. Otherwise, she would have just like Mrs. Shizi and denied that she didn't know where she bought it.

Sure enough, after she said this, Mrs. Shizi couldn't help but look ugly, but she finally caught Mrs. Chengyi's handle. Of course she didn't want to let it go just like that - Mrs. Chengyi probably didn't know, but she was well prepared. Yes, when Mrs. Chengyi was in charge of the family, she asked her about the accounts and what she had cheated on. Madam Prince was naturally afraid that she would go and question Mrs. Chengyi now, and Mrs. Chengyi would do the same to her, so naturally it was prepared.

It's just that she thought she wouldn't be able to use it, but she didn't expect it to be used. Mrs. Chengyi was really as cheating as she thought, and her face naturally turned ugly. Fortunately, a servant reminded her, otherwise she really wouldn't have thought about it. Now that I have gotten up, that servant is a good person, and he is steady and reliable in everything he does. I will use him more in the future.

Needless to say, the servant who reminded him was naturally arranged by An Ran. However, An Ran did not have direct contact with the other party, so as not to be found out in the future that he was the one causing trouble inside, which would interfere with the fight between the two, which would be inappropriate. , so the method used was to let other people talk and be heard by the other party: deliberately letting the other party hear someone else (actually herself) talking about where Mrs. Chengyi bought the jewelry, saying that as long as she found the shopkeeper, she would be able to tell Uncle Chengyi It’s not clear whether the madam has deducted anything.

After the man heard this, in order to show that he was capable, he naturally told the Crown Prince's wife as An Ran expected.

Mrs. Shizi couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard this, and sent someone to find the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper had been threatened by An Ran a long time ago, so naturally he would not cover up for Mrs. Chengyi, but would only tell the truth.

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