Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 593 Reborn Girl 31

An Ran peeled off an orange and stuffed it into his mouth and said, "That's right. They have nothing to do and can't make money, so they can only ask us for money. If they were rich, they wouldn't ask us for money. , it just so happens that my Zhuangzi also needs people to do it. Whoever does it doesn’t do it, let them do it. When they make money, they won’t ask us for money. I think it’s good.”

Luo Li confirmed, and couldn't help but become more anxious, saying: "If you ask them to do things on your Zhuangzi, it's impossible. They are all too lazy. If you ask them to do it, if they don't do it then, let you Zhuangzi granulate." What should I do if there is no harvest? They are all relatives, so it is not easy to scold them."

Although Luo Li raised his maternal family, it was because he was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see them survive. But he didn't know what kind of people his uncle's family were, so he naturally couldn't let An Ran suffer a loss. At this time, he was afraid that An Ran wouldn't survive. Knowing all the details inside, I quickly made it clear like this.

An Ran said: "No, don't worry."

Luo Li couldn't rest assured, so he immediately said: "I really advise you not to have any wild ideas and expect them to do things. By then you won't have time to cry."

Seeing how anxious Luo Li was, An Ran comforted him and said, "Don't be anxious, let them do it for a while and then we'll talk about it. If they really don't want to do it, we'll talk about it then."

Luo Li saw that An Ran still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter and insisted on letting his uncle and the others work on her village. He had no choice but to say helplessly: "Anyway, I have advised you. If they don't do anything then, you will Don’t be discouraged by them.”

An Ran smiled and said, "Don't worry, it won't happen."

When Aunt Wang went back to talk, the Wang family members all expressed that they did not want to work, but they also realized the viciousness of An Ran's plan: if they did not accept this suggestion, An Ran would probably use it as an excuse to say that she had helped them find a job. She got a job because they were unwilling to do it. In this way, they could no longer use the excuse of not having money to ask her for money. If they told others that their nephew-in-law was rich, they would not help them even if they watched them starve to death. No one is on their side anymore.

Therefore, in this case, they must agree to Enron's proposal, otherwise they will never get any money in the future, and Enron will not be scolded.

"I didn't expect this little girl to be so capable." The third uncle, who didn't understand at first, suddenly realized after listening to everyone's analysis. "Then what should we do? Really do it? That would be so tiring!"

They have lost two acres of their own land and rented it to others for farming. Now they are still going to farm safe land. Isn't that stupid?

"Don't worry, we just have to pretend to agree. I guess she is just trying to scare us. If she really waits for us to accept it, is she really safe to let us do it? If she is really safe to let us do it, we will take it. Just do it for the money. Anyway, just do it when you want to do it. Don't do it when you don't want to do it. Then there will be no results. We are her elders, how can she still make things difficult for us?" She had already discussed this with her husband on the way back. , so the confident aunt was quite calm and disapproving.

When she said this, the whole family suddenly became enlightened. At that moment, everyone woke up from their anger at An Ran for being so mean and setting a trap for them. They nodded repeatedly and said, "Sister-in-law is right. This is the truth. We But where are her uncles, aunts, grandparents, they don’t grow well, what can she do to us?”

——Not to mention, if An Ran didn't have two brushes, what Luo Li was worried about would really happen. However, An Ran had her own way to deal with these lazy guys, so Xiao Jiujiu's fight against these lazy guys was in vain.

An Ran smiled coldly after hearing their family's conversation from the puppet following her aunt.

Without diamonds, she would not be able to do porcelain work.

Since he dares to recruit them to work in his village, he will naturally have ways to control them.

At that moment, An Ran bought another small village with the money he had saved recently, and called the veterans who worked at the previous small village to the new village.

She said that she would send away the people who worked on the previous farm, which was of course false. The old farmer had a good character and was hard to find. How could she take away these old farmers who were suitable for the Wang family? It's because I have other plans.

She sold some of her unsightly jewelry and a shop that was not very profitable. She saved some money and bought a new small shop to expand her income sources.

Originally, he only had a small village and didn't have much income in a year. If Uncle Chengyi passed away in the future and went out to live in the branch, life would be difficult. An Ran didn't want to live a difficult life, so naturally he had to save some money from now on. It’s money, it doesn’t have to be too much, but it has to be enough.

Because they agreed to An Ran's proposal, within a few days, several uncles and cousins ​​from Luo Liwai's family who were in their prime of life went to An Ran's Zhuangzi and started working.

What surprised them was that Enron didn't tell them how much harvest they were guaranteed to have in a year. Instead, they sent a manager to tell them how much a month's wages would be, and then gave them a handover to let them know what they should do. , and left.

Seeing this phenomenon, Uncle Wang couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Is this really true? Are you so trusting of us? Aren't you afraid that we won't do it? You don't even send anyone to watch us?"

"Isn't this good? Don't say it. I've seen that the place to live here is worse than ours over there. Brother, you say, we might as well bring the whole family over to live here. No one will care about us anyway. We receive money and live in a good house, so our life is so nourishing." said the fourth uncle.

The fourth uncle's words moved everyone's hearts.

Yes, the conditions in this village are really good. An Ran will pay them wages every month. With the money, they live in a good place, and their life is better than that of anyone in their village. If your wife and children take it over to enjoy the blessing, is that still a human being?

At that moment, everyone applauded unanimously, and hurriedly sent someone back to pick up the whole family.

The eldest aunt and others came over and saw that the conditions on Zhuangzi were good, and they really liked it. The whole family was as happy as if they were celebrating the New Year.

Especially since there are no outsiders in Zhuangzi, they feel that they are the masters of this Zhuangzi, and that feeling is even better. After all, who doesn’t like to live a life of wealth, leisure, and happiness.

Everyone was living a happy life while waiting to see An Ran's jokes and see how An Ran would end up if she and others didn't do anything. She had to think of this trick to force them to accept it. They really accepted it now. But just don’t do it, let’s see what she does.

A few days later, the manager came over again. After seeing that they had settled in, he gave them this month's wages. While giving them, he conveyed An Ran's instructions: "Originally, it was supposed to be given next month, but I was afraid that my uncle would give it to me." I had no money and life was hard, so I gave it in advance.”

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