Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 743 The daughter is a cannon fodder female supporting role 53

The reason why An Ran dared to marry her in person was because she was a monk, so why should she be afraid of marrying Cheng Wei? When it's time to have sex, if she doesn't want to have sex, using force to refuse will offend Cheng Wei and avoid future troubles. However, she can use magic to create an illusion and make Cheng Wei mistakenly think that she has already had sex with him. In this way, she can , you don’t have to actually have sex, and you won’t annoy Cheng Wei. It’s the best of both worlds. Isn’t this great?

Of course, the main reason is that substitute marriage is unrealistic. After all, isn’t that a blatant disobedience? Even if she was the eldest sister closest to Emperor Yong'an, it would not be good to slap him in the face like this. In order to give Cheng Wei an explanation, I couldn't get anything good from her, so if I didn't marry in person, what else could I do?

Cheng Wei naturally didn't know what An Ran was thinking. He was very happy just to see An Ran marry him honestly. He felt that the princess's willingness to marry him meant that she had accepted him, otherwise she would definitely find ways to refuse. .

——He didn’t know that An Ran had the memory of his original self. He was afraid of offending him and causing trouble. He also relied on his skills and was not afraid of getting married, so he married him honestly.

However, An Ran's self-confidence was soon slapped in the face. When she had a drink with Cheng Wei honestly, Cheng Wei couldn't wait to pick her up and lay her on the bed. When she was about to cast a spell...she found that she Damn it, she couldn't use spells on Cheng Wei, just like she couldn't cast spells on Emperor Yong'an. She didn't know what Cheng Wei was wearing. All her spells disappeared like a mud cow into the sea when they touched him.

This made her curious after a moment of panic, wondering what was on Cheng Wei? She couldn't find anything about Emperor Yong'an, but Cheng Wei... the two of them would be honest with each other later. Is there anything on him that she couldn't see?

So I couldn't help but watch Cheng Wei, watching him take off his clothes one by one.

... She didn't see anything. Until Cheng Wei took off all his clothes, she didn't find any magic weapons or the like. Instead, there were a few jade pendants and other accessories. An Ran didn't see any light on them either. She took them in her hand and looked at them. , she didn’t see any clues, but Cheng Wei was stared at nakedly by her, her eyes became darker and darker, and she laughed in a hoarse voice: "Princess, if you look at me like this again, I won’t be able to control myself..."

He immediately threw An Ran onto the bed.

While An Ran blushed a little at what he said, she looked at the other party's naked body, thinking that now that there was nothing on her body, she should be able to cast spells, right?

In the end, the illusion still had no effect.

This is strange, how can he avoid any of her spells without wearing any magic weapon.

An Ran often writes and reads novels, and has stayed in many mission worlds. Looking at this situation, An Ran thought, could it be that Cheng Wei has the legendary forbidden demon physique? It is said that no spells are useful to people with this kind of constitution.

But at this time, she could no longer think. When she relentlessly touched Cheng Wei's body with her hands and couldn't find anything strange, Cheng Wei, who couldn't stand her "enthusiasm", quickly took her down. .

At the same time, he secretly thought to himself, Marquis Dingyuan, oh no, the other party is not Marquis Dingyuan now, but Mr. Wen Er. How could Mr. Wen, such a blind thing, be willing to put aside such a peerless beauty to favor Aunt Qin and other mediocre people? Fat and pink, he didn't mean to say it. The princess's skin, as delicate as gelatin, was enough to make him put it down. He didn't think that Master Wen Er's concubines had skin as good as An Ran's.

But he was naturally happy that they were not in the same room. After all, he already liked An Ran at that time. If the two of them slept together frequently, he was afraid that he would not be able to control the devil in his heart and not have any murderous thoughts towards Mr. Wen.

So An Ran, who originally didn't plan to sleep with Cheng Wei, couldn't bring up the idea of ​​sleeping with him because of this accident. So their newlywed life was very normal, nothing was wrong, and Cheng Wei couldn't read minds. Naturally, he didn't know that he almost became a monk. He only knew that he had fulfilled his wish and lived a fairy-like life with the princess, and he felt very satisfied.

What made him even more happy was that three months later, An Ran was pregnant!

He originally thought that An Ran was getting older and might not be able to get pregnant easily. If he really couldn't give birth to a child, he wouldn't mind. At worst, he could just adopt an orphan. There weren't many other things these days, and there were still a lot of orphans, so he didn't have to worry about adoption. Less than.

But there is no other way. Now that the princess is pregnant, he is naturally happy. After all, who doesn't want his own child.

In this era, there were no dangers for older mothers to give birth, so Cheng Wei was naturally not worried that An Ran would have trouble giving birth.

Of course, An Ran herself wasn't worried. For no other reason than she was a monk, so she didn't have to worry about the birth not going smoothly.

And An Ran's pregnancy made those in Beijing who were not optimistic about their marriage couldn't help but be dumbfounded, including Miss Wen Er who was already married but still missed Cheng Wei in her heart.

Miss Wen Er, who had been thinking about Cheng Wei, just saw that she could not get Cheng Wei's love. Cheng Wei also fell in love with his former second aunt and even married her. When the news came out, Wen Er The girl was so shocked that she thought she heard wrongly.

However, at that time, she firmly believed that Cheng Wei married his former second aunt unwillingly. Maybe the former second aunt fell in love with the handsome Cheng Wei, and relied on His Majesty's kindness to her, so he ordered His Majesty to force Cheng Wei to marry her. of.

As a result, after the two got married, Cheng Wei was very kind to the princess. It is said that he would bring something to the princess every day when he returned from court, either snacks or makeup, jewelry, etc. In short, I have never seen a husband-in-law treat his daughter-in-law so well.

And every time the princess appears in front of the public, she looks much more dazzling than before at the Zhenguo Palace. People say that whether a woman is happy or not can be seen from her face. Princess Jing'an looks more beautiful than before. She is much more nourishing. Needless to say, her married life must be very good, and her consort is very good to her.

Thinking of this, Miss Wen Er was extremely jealous. She wished that she was the one who married Mr. Cheng in the first place, and that she was the one who was so favored now.

This jealousy reached its peak after hearing that An Ran was pregnant.

Miss Wen Er couldn't help it, so she ran to Cheng's house that day to see if the former second aunt was really living a good life, or was she just pretending.

Of course, it would be even better if he could see Mr. Cheng who made him happy in the Cheng Mansion.

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