Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 761 When a cross-dressing boss meets a men’s cross-dressing boss 7

Mr. Tang was not a Jinshi and only passed the exam. However, because the Tang family was a big family, even the exam helped Mr. Tang get a seventh-rank official in Beijing. Now, through Mr. Tang's efforts, he has been promoted. When you reach the sixth rank, you are considered a mid-level official. Although it is not a high-ranking official, it can be promoted faster than those poor scholars who have studied hard for many years and have no connections. Therefore, whether you have a background or not, in any situation Times are all the same.

Although the Tang family is a big family, not all of them are as outstanding as An Ran and Tang Zhixian. Many of them are still idiots and playboys. After all, a family is growing bigger and bigger, and there are a few prodigal sons among them. It's normal. After all, he was pampered and pampered in a pile of beautiful things since he was a child. He didn't know the sufferings of the world, so it was easy for him to grow crooked in the end.

And An Ran's family, a large family that can produce two young scholars, is considered the most dazzling existence of the Tang family.

He was originally the eldest son of the eldest branch, and now his sons are still doing well. The other heads of the house are more and more attracted to the eldest son, which makes Mr. Tang more and more proud, so naturally, he is more and more concerned about the homework of his two sons. Every time he studies his homework, if he is dissatisfied with anything he does, he will get angry.

Because Mr. Tang was used to being praised by others, the incident of a woman disguised as a man later broke out, which tarnished the big house. The other houses avoided him one after another, which affected Mr. Tang's status in the family and made him angry. When people laughed at her, the unhappy Mr. Tang naturally hated her to the core. He immediately distanced himself from the relationship and exterminated the original body. From the time the original body was discovered to the time of his death, Mr. Tang never looked at her once. He also scolded her many unpleasant words. The original person knew about it because the tribesman who was trying to add insult to injury came to convey the words that Mr. Tang had scolded her. Only then did she know about it.

To be honest, the original person has very complicated feelings towards Mr. Tang. She not only feels that she has caused Mr. Tang, and feels a little ashamed of him, but also feels that as her father, Mr. Tang hates her so deeply that it is too heartless. She was a bit cold-blooded, but you must know that the emperor still sympathized with her at that time. He did not say that because she had committed the crime of deceiving the emperor, the whole family would be sinned. He only said that she would be punished.

According to the emperor's pity that a woman could be admitted to the Jinshi, if the Tang family sent someone to plead for mercy, the emperor would not necessarily kill her. After all, the Tang family, as an aristocratic family, still has a certain degree of power and can still move around. .

It's a pity that the Tang family was afraid of being implicated by her, and then hated her for causing the Tang family to be ridiculed, let alone activities. When Mr. Tang said that the family should be exterminated, they immediately exterminated her.

Since no one interceded on her behalf, the emperor naturally did not back down and spare her life, but executed the decision according to the rules.

It is difficult for an upright official to resolve family affairs. It is hard for An Ran to say who is right or wrong in this matter. It is true that Mr. Tang is cold-blooded and ruthless, but from the perspective of Mr. Tang, he feels that he has been deceived and implicated by the original person, and he hates him. The body is also normal. After all, Mr. Tang is a face-saving person. When he found out that he had been cheated, he was angry on the first level. Then when he saw that he was implicated, he was angry on the second level. When added up, he hated the original body and wished that the original body died. It is quite normal. .

It's just that Mr. Tang is the father of the original body after all. Because he was implicated, he completely ignored the relationship between father and daughter and wished that the original body would die. This is really too much. If the child makes a mistake, it is understandable to scold or even beat him. , but just wanting the other person to die without any affection between father and daughter is too cold-blooded. The poison of a tiger does not even eat its children. Mr. Tang is simply more poisonous than a tiger.

So An Ran didn't have a good impression of Mr. Tang to be honest.

Every time she contacted Aunt Cai again, Mr. Tang didn't know whether he really didn't discover the truth - if he really didn't discover it, it means Mr. Tang is a fool - or whether he doted on Aunt Cai and pretended not to discover the truth, always blaming her. Mrs. Tang was punished so many times that in order to survive in the palace, Mrs. Tang had to dress herself up as a man. Later, she even looked forward to the day when she would stand out and take revenge, which gave her a great deal. The pressure made An Ran no longer have a good impression of Mr. Tang.

Although it was their fault that Mrs. Tang and her daughter concealed the fact that their daughter was a daughter, which led to such a big scandal later, the initiator was Mr. Tang. After all, if he hadn’t treated Mrs. Tang like that, Tang would have It is impossible for the eldest lady to have to dress up as a man in order to survive, and end up causing such a scandal.

Everything has a cause and a result. If it weren't for Mr. Tang's indifference of right and wrong, there wouldn't be such a result.

Today is the time for Mr. Tang to examine their homework again.

Although An Ran had just arrived, he had the memory of his original self, and he had passed the Jinshi examination. Although An Ran had just arrived, the knowledge he had learned had not yet been fully utilized, but even so, Shi The level of literature is also far higher than the level when he was sixteen years old. After all, this is like a big player who has cut off his number and comes back, so the level of homework is much higher than when Mr. Tang inspected him before his original body was dismissed. He got the title of Mr. Tang of praise.

In contrast, although Tang Zhixian also made progress, it seemed much smaller than Enron's progress, so he was scolded at the moment.

Mr. Tang said: "If you continue to be at this level, your brother will be able to pass the exam in three years, but you may not be able to pass the exam. How did you study recently?"

... An Ran felt that Mr. Tang had really wronged Tang Zhixian to death. It was because he had progressed too fast, and it wasn't because Tang Zhixian didn't study hard, okay?

But how could Tang Zhixian be compared to someone like him who had his number cut and retrained? It's normal to be worse than yourself.

An Ran didn't know about Tang Zhixian's level before, and was afraid that if she did too poorly in the exam, she would be scolded by Mr. Tang, so she tried her best to write an article. Knowing that Tang Zhixian's level was not as good as hers now, she would be a little more cautious and compare with Tang Zhixian. Maintain a similar level to avoid Tang Zhixian getting scolded.

Tang Zhixian didn't say anything when he was scolded, he just lowered his head and listened. This was his character all along.

No matter whether he was scolded by Mr. Tang or Mrs. Tang, Tang Zhixian always lowered his head and listened honestly, never replied, never got angry, and never defended himself.

With him like this, Mr. Tang would not have any estrangement because he is his biological father and son, but Mrs. Tang has nothing to do with him. Looking at him, I feel that Tang Zhixian is kind and tolerant. He is a very deep-seated person who is afraid of bad things. .

In fact, An Ran saw from the memory of the original body that after the original body's accident, he worked for him regardless of the danger. He felt that Tang Zhixian was not a very well-known person in the city. After all, if he was really such a person, he would have been like other members of the Tang family. Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, draw clear boundaries with her, instead of busying yourself with him.

So An Ran felt that Tang Zhixian didn't say anything and listened honestly every time he was scolded. It was just his personality and he didn't like to argue. It was not that he was a rich man with bad intentions.

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