Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 796 When a cross-dressing boss meets a men’s cross-dressing boss 42

Then Mrs. Tang saw Mrs. Tang looking like she wasn't worth it for him, and said, "This money is too much. You know, the eldest sister-in-law only has a male nephew. If the eldest sister-in-law hadn't given the money to the fifth girl, she would never have given it to her." The 40,000 taels taken from the private house will belong to you and your wife in the future. This is equivalent to giving your money away, which is a bit excessive."

Mrs. Tang Er's anger is not fake. Of course, she is not angry for Xiao Yue, but for her own family.

It’s no wonder that Mrs. Tang Er was angry, because the people in the first house went too far. They gave one hundred thousand taels to Tang Anran, then another hundred thousand taels to Tang Zhixian, and now they gave another fifty thousand taels to Tang Wu. Girl, the big house took away 250,000 taels in one fell swoop. Can she not be angry?

You must know that Mrs. Tang went too far. She obviously took it from her husband. She insisted on taking it from their main room, especially the dowry given to Miss Tang Wu. She even said that it was taken from her private room, which made her think It was impossible to let her son marry a wife, or to ask Mrs. Tang to give her son one hundred thousand taels from the public servant, because they would not admit that she took it from the public servant.

When she thought that Tang Anran and Tang Zhixian spent 100,000 taels on their marriage, and when it was her son's turn, the father-in-law was only prepared to pay 10,000 taels, leaving the rest to her, she was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, so now she was losing money. Miss Tang Wu, Mrs. Tang gave her a dowry of fifty thousand taels, which was more than what a dignified Tang family man like her own son would get when she got married. How could Mrs. Tang not be angry? He came over to stir up trouble and make the big house uneasy.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yue, who had high hopes for her, listened to her instigation and said disapprovingly: "What's this? My mother gave me more than she gave to my fifth sister."

When Mrs. Tang Er heard what she said, she secretly thought that this girl was so stupid and didn't know how to fight for things that belonged to her, so she immediately smiled and said: "How can it be compared? The second young master is my sister-in-law's only biological son. These things are his." Yes, and the fifth girl is the one who is getting married, why should she take away so many things that should belong to you and your young couple? I also feel sorry for you. "

Xiao Yue frowned and said: "Second Aunt, be careful. What the wife wants to do with her private room is her business. What right do I have to comment?"

Mrs. Tang Er saw that Xiao Yue seemed to be angry, and thought to herself that it seemed that the instigation was unsuccessful, so she smiled and said: "That's what I said, I don't mean anything else. Since my nephew-in-law can think like this, then of course it is OK."

On the surface, he praises Xiao Yue, but in his heart, he despises her for being a fool.

When An Ran came back from Hanlin Academy in the evening, Xiao Yue told An Ran what Mrs. Tang Er said.

An Ran had heard of this kind of simple provocation in other mission worlds, so he could tell at a glance what Mrs. Tang Er wanted to do, so he immediately said to Xiao Yue: "Your reaction is right, don't worry about her waste." What the hell, my mother can give her money to whoever she wants. I never thought of relying on her to give it to me. We are young and capable. We don’t need to rely on anyone to give it to us. We can earn tens of thousands of dollars by ourselves. Those who can’t do it only care about what’s in other people’s bowls.”

Listening to An Ran's words, Xiao Yue felt that she really appreciated Tang Anran more and more. Only Tang Anran was so confident and majestic. If it were anyone else, she would probably be salivating looking at the 40,000 taels of silver. Why? He couldn't bear to part with it, so he couldn't help but nod his head and said: "We can earn a share of the family business ourselves. After all, so much property in the house was not earned by our ancestors? Since they can earn such a large share of the family business, of course we can." That’s fine too.”

An Ran nodded and said, "That's it."

Just as Xiao Yue thought, not everyone is as confident and majestic as An Ran. For example, the two sisters of the original body did not think so - they were dissatisfied that Mrs. Tang gave Miss Tang Wu so much dowry, but there was no dowry back then. It is very objectionable to give yourself such a large dowry.

It turned out that Mrs. Tang Er was not only sowing discord in front of Xiao Yue, but also went to Miss Tang and Miss Tang Er to sow discord.

Miss Tang and Miss Tang are both the biological daughters of Mrs. Tang.

She would forget about those concubines. If they wanted to provoke them, even if they hated Mrs. Tang, Mrs. Tang would probably not take it to heart. But if this biological daughter hated Mrs. Tang because of this, she would probably make Mrs. Tang sad. Yes, so Mrs. Tang Er naturally found Miss Tang and Miss Tang Er.

As mentioned before, in the world of the original body, something happened to the original body. Except for Tang Zhixian and Mrs. Tang who ran for the original body, no one else helped the original body at all. Of course, there are differences. Some people can only protect themselves wisely, or others If you can't help the original body, you can at most express some verbal concern. An Ran thinks it's understandable for these people. After all, there's nothing wrong with being afraid that something will happen if you stand up for the original body. It's quite good if you can show some verbal concern, just like Miss Tang Wu. , at least he went to the prison to see the original person, so An Ran would help her choose a marriage for her this time. But some people are disgusted. It is not enough to protect themselves. In order to clear themselves up, they also add insult to injury, like Cai Auntie, Mrs. Tang Er, etc. are such people.

Although Miss Tang and Miss Tang were the sisters of the original body, they were afraid that they would be implicated by the original body, so they chose to add insult to injury. When they saw that Mr. Tang said that he wanted to exterminate the original body, he was as active as Aunt Cai and others. agree.

Don't expect people like this to have good character, so when Mrs. Tang Er provoked them, they naturally fell for the trick and began to express their dissatisfaction with Mrs. Tang for giving so much dowry to Miss Tang Wu.

In fact, when Miss Tang and Miss Tang got married, it was normal for the dowry to be small, because at that time there were not two young people with bright prospects in the family. Therefore, although the Tang family was a big family, the people who wanted to marry were like In the past, the same people who proposed marriage to Miss Tang Wu had average conditions and average betrothal gifts. In addition, Mrs. Tang had just taken over the housekeeping power not long ago and did not have much money on hand, so the dowry was only She didn't give too much. Since the dowry was given by her two sons-in-law's families, she gave her the same dowry, which did not exceed the dowry given by the two sons-in-law's families.

In fact, the reason why Mrs. Tang gave a large dowry this time was because Miss Tang Wu’s husband’s family gave her a large dowry. If she had to pay the dowry according to the standards given to Miss Tang and Miss Tang back then, it would be a bit too little, no. It's appropriate, so on the other hand, the reason why the dowry given back then was so small was because the eldest son-in-law and second son-in-law's family gave so little dowry. Otherwise, if she had to give as much as the fifth son-in-law's family, even if she didn't have much money, she still had to think as much as possible. Find a way to give more, so as not to be embarrassed by giving too little.

Because they were dissatisfied with Mrs. Tang's actions, Miss Tang and Miss Tang made an appointment to go home together that day to discuss this matter with Mrs. Tang. They wanted Mrs. Tang to give them 40,000 taels as well. Private housing subsidies, otherwise, if they don’t get the same amount, they won’t leave.

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