Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 811 When a cross-dressing boss meets a men’s cross-dressing boss 57

Although An Ran wanted to deal with this person named Liu Dongming, she would not show it on the surface. After all, this was the first time they met in this world. Wouldn't it be too weird for her to be hostile to Liu Dongming? Therefore, she will list Liu Dongming as a surveillance target and monitor him first. When he does something illegal and criminal, she will find him out later.

Enron believed that the other party would definitely do something illegal and criminal.

If the other party could send assassins to kill her in her original world because they were political enemies, she would definitely be able to send assassins to kill other people in this world. She only had to wait for the other party to do this. It's enough to expose the other party's behavior.

Just when An Ran discovered the murderer who caused his original death, Emperor Xianren approached An Ran again and expressed his desire to change his ways.

An Ran said: "Has your Majesty found some supporters?"

A trace of anger flashed across Emperor Xianren's face, but he quickly calmed down and said calmly: "You don't necessarily need supporters. Over the past year or so, I have cleaned up the court. Even if the supporters don't If there are more, when we do things, there won’t be as many obstacles as when I first came to power a year ago.”

When Emperor Xianren said this, An Ran thought, I'm afraid that Emperor Xianren didn't find anyone to support him at all. It would be good to find one or two kittens, but there was no need to ask again, lest Emperor Xianren's face Unable to hold on, he was about to get annoyed, so he nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I will listen to your majesty."

It's impossible not to listen. Seeing Emperor Xian Ren's eagerness, if she dares not to listen, people will probably get angry and cause trouble for her. After all, it seems that his probing into other people's opinions is ineffective and he is not in the right mood. Well, if you refuse again, your mood will get worse and worse, and it's normal for you to get angry.

Sure enough, Emperor Xianren saw that she did not refuse, but agreed. The look on his face improved a lot. He smiled and said to her: "The Qing family don't have to worry about the reform. I will be your strongest support. I will never It will hold you back.”

An Ran secretly thought, "You are the only one who believes in ghosts. No one will believe what an emperor says."

However, An Ran naturally would not show it, and only said gratefully: "Thank you for your support, Your Majesty."

Emperor Xianren then asked: "Where do the Qing family plan to start?"

Fortunately, An Ran was prepared, otherwise when Emperor Xianren asked her, she would have gone dark and didn't know what to do if she was not prepared.

So An Ran immediately said: "Wei Chen wants to start from the household department that he is familiar with."

The reason why I started with the Ministry of Household Affairs was not only because it was a territory I was familiar with, but also because only when I had money could I carry out other reforms. If I didn’t have money, it would be a waste of money and people. If the reform failed, it would not be implemented, and then the ministers would They felt that they could not reform and pushed themselves down.

Money is the foundation of everything, so Enron naturally plans to start from the household department.

Emperor Xianren was also fascinated by the household reform proposed by An Ran. When he thought that the treasury would be full of money, Emperor Xianren became very enthusiastic. He immediately said: "Well, let's leave it to the Qing family. If you need my cooperation if you need anything, just tell me."

An Ran said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Immediately, he went back and handed a plan that he had already prepared to Emperor Xianren, saying that he was going to do this.

Since Enron had been preparing for it for a long time, the plan was written very well. Anyway, Emperor Xianren applauded the plan as soon as he saw it and wished Anron could implement it immediately.

At that moment, An Ran said: "Let's open sea trade first. Sea trade is extremely profitable. Once you have money, you can do other things. After all, it's easy to do things if you have money."

Emperor Xianren nodded and said: "It is best to open sea trade first. Sea trade has little to do with the ministers in the DPRK and China, and will touch fewer interests, so the resistance will be smaller."

After hearing this, An Ran couldn't help but reveal a honeyed smile, secretly thinking that things might not go as smoothly as Emperor Xianren imagined.

However, Emperor Xianren was in a good mood at the moment, so she would not go against the grain and make Emperor Xianren unhappy. It was better to wait for him to discover the cruel reality himself.

Sure enough, when Emperor Xianren came to court the next day, he encountered many people's objections when he mentioned sea trade.

Those who object have good reasons.

"Your Majesty, although sea trade is very profitable, it should not be promoted. If everyone engages in sea trade, who will be left to farm? There will be no food, which will affect the foundation of the country!"

"Exactly, Your Majesty, you can't destroy the foundation of the country just for money!"

Many people say these words.

Emperor Xianren never thought that the courtiers would object to something that had nothing to do with him! He also thought that this matter would not affect anyone's interests, they would not object, and he could promote it smoothly.

"Why would they object?!" Emperor Xianren didn't understand the reason and couldn't help but said angrily.

Emperor Xianren didn't know the situation at the seaside, so he didn't know the reason. However, An Ran, who had investigated the situation at the seaside before making this plan, knew why there was opposition.

At that moment, An Ran said calmly: "Of course it's because of interests."

"Benefits?! These guys are thousands of miles away from the sea. What benefits do they have?" Emperor Xianren asked.

"As far as Wei Chen knows, there are several aspects of interest. The country has banned the sea, and those without background dare not go to the sea to trade or even go fishing, but those with background can bribe their superiors and subordinates to secretly Going to sea, because there are very few people competing with them, their profits are huge. The relationship between the top and bottom, and also because of their management, is full of food. There are actually many interested parties, and once His Majesty relaxes the sea ban, everyone can If they go out to trade, they will not only lose their advantage, but also have to compete with others. This is naturally not what they want to see. So your Majesty, think about it, it is strange that those who have received benefits from others would agree to let go of the sea ban. They obviously belong to them Who would want to open up the big business of a few people to everyone?"

After hearing this, Emperor Xianren suddenly realized. After understanding the twists and turns, Emperor Xianren couldn't help but slap the table.

"One by one they said it loud and clear, they kept saying it was for the good of the court, but the love was for their own pockets!" Then he said to An Ran: "Then what should we do?"

An Ran smiled and said: "This is not an easy task. These people either accept bribes to protect people who go to sea, or their families are secretly going to sea illegally. We just need to punish them according to the law."

Emperor Xianren couldn't help but nodded and said: "Aiqing's method is good. Those who have committed crimes should have been punished!"

Emperor Xianren also had confidants. At that time, Emperor Xianren sent a person who had little connection with these people who opposed the opening of the sea to investigate the matter.

Because it would take some time for Emperor Xianren to send people to investigate this matter, for a while, Emperor Xianren did not have time to urge Anron to continue the reform. After all, this matter was not done well and there was no money, so other reforms would not be discussed in the future. .

Thank you Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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