Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 830 Unlimited Copies 10

Although she has the blessing of the gods, if she is really killed, the worst she can do is use the resurrection spell. After resurrection, she can pass into this small house and there will be no more danger.

However, once she uses the resurrection spell, the person who killed her will get nothing. This is not normal. In that case, it is easy to think that she was resurrected with full status, and then she will be exposed. Once those people know they If someone in this area has resurrection skills, I'm afraid she will think of the Gods' Blessing Staff at that time. Someone will definitely investigate everyone in the area one by one and force her out, so naturally she can hide and hide.

Although she didn't buy any more equipment, fortunately, An Ran's combat power had exceeded 500 points, reaching the level she wanted.

This is the level of combat power that can only be obtained by equipping the Blessing of the Gods. If she were equipped with the green weapon she used as a decoration, it would not have so many points.

Because the combat effectiveness reached the standard required for upgrading the staff, An Ran clicked on the upgrade words after the two skills of the Gods Blessing Staff.

At this time, the blessings of the gods become:

Gods bless you:

Resurrection LV2: Resurrection of two people within two meters at full state, mana consumption: 500; cooling time: 23 hours. Upgrade conditions: combat power 1000.

Rejuvenation LV2: Instantly restore 10% of the health of two people within two meters. Mana consumption: 50; cooling time: five minutes. Upgrade conditions: combat power 1000.

At the same time, An Ran increased her combat power by 200 points. Now her combat power has reached more than 700 points, which is more than 300 points higher than the combat power standard required for the next dungeon. I believe it is because the difficulty has increased, and she should be able to beat the speed of playing the dungeon this time.

After getting these things done, Enron was out of the game.

I bought everything I needed to buy. There was no need to buy anything this time - of course I had no money to buy anything - An Ran did nothing else and directly opened the website to read the forum discussion.

The main topic of discussion this time was indeed the matter of someone using red to kill people.

LZ: Does anyone in your area use red to kill people? So scary! I always thought that places other than dungeons in the game were safe! I didn’t expect that I could kill people and steal treasures!

1L: What's going on? There is none in our district.

2L: Something like this happened in our district. I’m afraid. The dungeon is already very difficult to fight. Do we still have to be wary of those lunatics in the future?

3L: Why can you use red to kill people? Hasn't it happened before?

4L: It seems that this function will be turned on when the combat power reaches 500 points.

5L: No wonder something like this didn’t happen before. I guess no one had reached 500 combat power points in the last dungeon.

6L: Not necessarily. You have to keep doing nightmare dungeons, and collect all the equipment with purple quality or above. The last dungeon should be able to reach 500 points of combat power. There are no kills. Maybe someone has not noticed this function. Or maybe they noticed that Renren was a good person and didn’t do such a thing.

7L: I didn’t realize that this function was possible. If it hadn’t been for the game and someone mentioned it on the forum, I wouldn’t have discovered this function.

8L: What should I do now? I don’t want to kill anyone, but I can’t stand a madman who will kill me! I don't want to die! I would accept death if I failed the dungeon. If someone killed me like this, it would be too bad.

9L: I don’t want to die either. Even if it’s a death game, it’s better to die than live. One more day counts as one more day.

10L: Alas, these days are really tough. I thought we didn’t understand the situation in the first and second dungeons, so we suffered heavy casualties. We knew how to do it in the third dungeon, so we should have fewer casualties. But what happened? A group of madmen are going around killing people and grabbing treasures. A lot of people have died. There are only 7,000 people left in our district of 10,000.

11L: Just form a team. We have played three dungeons. Don’t you have a fixed team? I think, not only you, but others also don’t want to die, right? In this case, wouldn't it be enough to form a team or even a guild to avoid being killed alone? Although this is not guaranteed to be 100% effective, it is better than doing it alone.

12L: Is there a guild-building function in this game?

13L: I haven’t seen it yet, but does it have to have that function to build it? If we build a gang in reality, can it have the function of a guild? Aren’t there still gangs? So let’s do it as it is in reality, right?

14L: What you said above makes sense.

An Ran looked at the results of everyone's discussion. It was similar to what he remembered. Major guilds began to be formed. This was indeed the best way to save his life at the moment. Unfortunately, he did not change his name and did not dare to join any guild.

And without a guild, I am afraid that I will become a target of robbery in the game.

Therefore, we must find a way to improve the current predicament. At the very least, if we are trying to sell everything, we must buy the anonymity charm or the name change charm, otherwise we will not be able to live well at all.

It's a pity that this game is not a real game. There are no bugs for her to clear, and there are no shortcuts. It is just one copy that becomes more and more difficult. After all, this game is full of malice. It is a kind of death copy. How can it be given to people with shortcuts? Walk.

Fortunately, after going through the first three dungeons, in addition to purchasing necessary equipment, she had already saved some game coins. It was estimated that by playing two more dungeons, she would be able to save up the cost of purchasing the anonymity charm. Once she bought the anonymity charm, she would no longer be afraid.

Soon it was time for the fourth copy.

An Ran was prepared this time, so he came out of the normal difficulty dungeon in about the same time as last time, about forty minutes. The difficulty of the dungeon did not increase, and it took too long for one person to play the dungeon, exceeding the game limit. time.

Then An Ran went to the market to choose equipment as usual, but this time, he was much more vigilant than before. While choosing, he was on guard against anyone attacking him.

Fortunately, right now, everyone is busy forming guilds or teams, and some people are busy seeking revenge, so they are not in the mood to attack ordinary people yet.

An Ran quickly picked out what she wanted and left at the speed of light, because she knew that if she didn't leave, when these people built the guild or team, the revengers would also avenge themselves, and then they would have to find the missing person. Single ordinary people have taken action, so if they don’t run away now, when will they wait?

Returning to reality, she found that the focus of discussion on the Internet this time was not the establishment of various guilds, nor the fights between each other, and how many people died, but an official announcement.

After more than a month of searching, peace and joy, blessed by the gods, were not found at all. On the contrary, foreign forces also felt that peace and joy should be from the Jin Kingdom. Recently, many forces have infiltrated into the Jin Kingdom. Their intentions are known to all fools. This makes The leader of the Kingdom of Jin had to pay attention. If he was really from the Kingdom of Jin, he would be laughed out of his head if he was found by people from other countries instead of not finding him.

So at this time, the official issued a message stating its position.

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