Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 832 Unlimited Copies 12

Probably because too many people died in the game, An Ran went offline and went online, and saw someone on the Internet issuing an initiative: "I suggest that everyone stop killing each other, and expose people who often kill people, and call on everyone to kill those People who often kill people so that everyone can survive, instead of like now, where the copies don’t kill people, but they kill each other but kill a lot of people. If we continue to kill like this, humankind will perish.”

1L: The poster’s suggestion is very good, I agree, but the implementation is not high.

2L: In fact, it is not difficult to talk about the degree of execution. As long as there is a big force in a certain district, and this force is peaceful, and whoever dares to kill people randomly, that force will maintain order, so that everyone's lives are safe. There will be protection.

3L: What you said above is good. It’s just a daydream. Where can such a big force exist?

4L: Why not? There are people from the military in our district. They act in unison to maintain order. If anyone dares to kill people randomly, they will come out to deal with it. So except for the two dungeons at the beginning, everyone in our district was confused about the situation and many people died. Except for people, in the later dungeons, not many of us died, and now there are still 70% of the people, which is much higher than the current common level of 50%. And because there are more people and more equipment, the price is cheaper than in other areas.

5L: Envy, jealousy, why there are no military uncles in our district, we also want it, even if I am controlled by someone, I will be happy, it is better than the current chaos, being worried all day long and precarious.

6L: I’m envious, when will we have a military uncle here?

7L: How did the soldiers end up in the same district?

8L: As long as you have team-building props, you can form a group of up to 100 people. With the team-building props, you can enter the same area. However, this prop is extremely rare and is hard to find.

9L: That’s not right. The military team in our district definitely has more than 100 people. If there were only 100 people, it would be impossible to control the situation with an overwhelming advantage. Let me ask, how did they come to the same district with more than 100 people?

10L: Is there still such an operation? I asked how I could do it. If I could do it, then I would be able to go into the same area as my relatives and friends, and I would never have to worry about being killed again.


16L: Does anyone know how it was done?


25L: Okay, let me tell you, there are actually more precious guild props. As long as a guild is formed, people in the same guild can enter the same area. Of course, you can also choose a partition. This prop was dropped from the hidden BOSS of the Nightmare dungeon. I don’t know how many have dropped around the world. Anyway, looking at it like this, the military must have gotten one.

26L: How did the person above know?

27L: Because there is a team in our area who got one from the hidden BOSS of the Nightmare dungeon, and now they have formed a guild.

28L: There are also good things like this. It would be great to have guild props. When a guild is formed, I will join one and it will be safe.

29L: That’s right. Where can I join the guild? If you know anything, please let me know and join me.


36L: Don’t join a guild. I met a guild before. There are too many conditions for joining. The bottom five in terms of combat ability can be eliminated at any time. How much money or designated equipment do you have to hand in every time you enter a dungeon? There may be attacks from outsiders when you download a dungeon. The staff of this guild have to obey transfers, etc., which is more tiring than going to work, and they completely control your freedom.

37L: No matter how much you control your freedom, it is still better than death. As long as safety is guaranteed, I am willing.

38L: Are you stupid? If there is an outsider attack and you need to fight, you won’t go? If you go, are you sure you won't die? Moreover, joining a guild involves human connections. What if you have a bad relationship with someone and they have a background and want to kill you on purpose? This is not a real society. It is against the law to kill people, but it is not against the law here. Some people are determined to retaliate. When you may not even know it, you offend the other party, and then the other party kills you. What should you do? All in all, you are no safer than those who have not joined a guild, and you are still more restricted. Unless the guild you join is good enough, then it is worth a try.

39L: Anyway, since there are guilds, I guess when these guilds grow up and control each district, at least the security will be better, not like the chaos now, which is too unsafe. After all, a tyrant’s order is better than no order.

40L: I agree with what was said above.

41L: Reinforcement platoon.


45L: Haha, your thinking is too simple. If you compare countries to guilds, wars often occur between countries. Do you think that after the guilds in the game grow up, they will not have wars with each other? It is naive to expect that the guild will be safe once it develops.

Everyone on the Internet was arguing, but An Ran knew that what they said was right.

The emergence of guilds has indeed reduced the death rate for a certain period of time, but soon there will be wars between guilds to compete for resources. In addition, the game official also has competitions, and the deaths will be even more severe.

Therefore, the undead are temporary, while the dead are permanent.

How to break the situation? In the original world, I didn't find a way until the original person died. I don't know if I found it later.

Even An Ran himself doesn't think he can find a way.

The reason is simple. If you just play dungeons, you may be able to survive, but later on there will be a guild competition, and people will die no matter what. What to do then becomes a difficult problem.

But now, since the guild has appeared, she can join when she gets the chance, and her life should be protected in a short time.

The sixth copy will arrive soon.

Because An Ran had an anonymous charm, after entering the dungeon, he started looking for a team and no longer planned to play the dungeon alone.

Because the current dungeon is getting more and more difficult, and her equipment is not very good due to saving money to buy the anonymous charm, so she can only find people to form a team - if it is not to buy the anonymous charm, if she has money , her equipment can be upgraded not only by one level, but at least by half a level. If the combat effectiveness is increased, one person can still handle the current dungeon. Now, the combat effectiveness is not enough, so naturally she can only find someone to form a team. .

Although it is easier to make money by forming a team, there are also disadvantages of forming a team, that is, the equipment you use does not belong to you alone, and if you encounter a team with bad character, you may not be able to win the test. If you lose the equipment and run away, you will get nothing. Who knows that the equipment in this game is not automatically distributed to everyone by the system, but falls on the ground for everyone to pick up. If you encounter a gang and you are the only outsider, The opponent has released a dungeon, and there is a high possibility of grabbing the equipment and running away. Anyway, I can't do anything to defeat them by myself. If I don't take it, I won't get it.

An Ran observed for a while and added a team that didn't look like a gang and was ready to play a difficult dungeon.

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