Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 841 Unlimited Copies 21

After pushing three nightmare dungeons of 1500, 2000, and 2500 in a row, although unfortunately I didn't encounter the hidden BOSS, the purple equipment was not too much, plus the two low-level dungeons that Anron had fought alone before, at this time, Anron's whole body finally finally After switching from shotgun to cannon, he got rid of the pitiful situation of wearing blue equipment and not having any purple equipment except for a legendary staff. Now An Ran wears purple equipment all over his body. Although some purple equipment is not the purple equipment with the best attributes at the moment, it is still The attributes were slightly better than the previous blue suit, bringing Anron's combat power to nearly 4,000 points. Not to mention the next time, she had saved up enough combat power for the next time. This made her feel a little relieved and thought to herself. Sure enough, some people say that not joining a guild is a loss. It is indeed a loss. Just being able to play one more copy is also a net profit.

So the original person was persuaded by Lihua Fenbai not to join the guild, which was a big loss.

"Everyone's combat power should be pretty good now, so do you want to push this nightmare dungeon that has a limited entry limit of 3,000 combat power points? If you don't dare to push it yet, we will wait until the next dungeon adds equipment and improves its combat power before pushing it." Yixiao Hongchen asked everyone.

Because he had joined the guild a long time ago, contributed a lot, and exchanged it for good equipment in the guild warehouse, so his combat ability may be the second best among everyone present - by the way, the best is An Ran, who let her get it? There is a staff of legendary quality on it. The staff of legendary quality is two levels higher than the purple equipment. It is completely different. Therefore, the current combat power of this thing is not low. An Ran is waiting for the combat power to reach 5000. Then let her staff continue to upgrade. The next upgrade will increase her staff's combat power by 800 points, which is very powerful. After all, purple equipment generally does not have 800 combat power points. With this upgrade, she can Increasing combat power by 800 points is not very powerful.

Because not everyone has nearly 4,000 combat points like An Ran, so everyone immediately said that they would not recommend it for the time being and would push it again after the next dungeon.

"After all, it would be a pity to only push hard difficulty dungeons and not get purple equipment, so just wait and wait until next time. If you can push nightmare difficulty dungeons, you will naturally push nightmare difficulty ones." Rain channel.

Yixiao Hongchen nodded and said: "I think so too. Since everyone thinks so, then fine, let's settle it."

An Ran thought the same way, so he would try to save as many purple outfits as possible to increase his combat power. The main reason was that An Ran was afraid of waiting for the required combat power to reach 10,000 points. Don't enter a dungeon then, as he would need to increase his combat power by 10,000 points - that would be the case with his original body. My son is dead, so I don’t know how much combat power will be needed after reaching the limit of 10,000 points in the dungeon. In that case, if I don’t save more combat power now, how will I get so much combat power in the dungeon then?

After finishing the guild copy and buying the equipment he wanted from the guild station, An Ran left the guild station.

After coming out of the guild station, An Ran was in a good mood, thinking that joining this guild would be a good idea for the time being.

Before she joined, she had privately asked Yixiao Hongchen if she could join the Apocalypse Survival Guild anonymously. Yixiao Hongchen said yes, but it was not a requirement, so she joined. If anonymous people were not allowed to join like the military guild, she would Just don't join.

Now that anonymous people are allowed to join, she can stay in this guild. Unless something evil happens to this guild one day, it will not be too late for her to quit.

Just as I was thinking about it, the system prompt sounded: "You are attacked by Pear Blossom Pink, Soaring, Defiant, Romantic, and Gentle!"

Seeing the blood bar drop rapidly, An Ran understood that her opponent was very powerful and she could not handle it alone. Without thinking twice, An Ran quickly sent a distress message in the newly released guild channel.

Why would you rather ask for help than go offline immediately?

The reason is very simple. Although this game does not say that you cannot go offline during combat, there is time to log out of the system - when you want to log out, you have to click to log out of the game. At that time, the system will pop up a prompt: "Do you want to log out?" System, Yes/No". After you select "Yes", the system will prompt:

"Logging out of the system, please wait..."

"Saving player information, please wait..."

"Preparing to log out, ten, nine, eight..."

All in all, it would take a long time to log out of the system. If she didn't ask for help, she might not be able to endure it before logging out.

So An Ran sent a distress message to the guild while running, instead of logging out of the system immediately. If no one rescued her for a while, it would not be too late to log out. Anyway, if she died, she would just use the resurrection spell. She was not afraid.

As for why Lihua Fenbai found someone to attack her, she knew it without asking. After all, An Ran had not forgotten that they had sent messages to scold them in the world after the last dungeon. Since the other party would scold them, they would find someone to attack them now. She is quite normal.

An Ran was thinking that if no one from the guild rescued him soon, he was going to log out. However, the new guild he joined was obviously very powerful. Within a moment of asking for help, several people appeared beside him, including Yixiao Hongchen and others. Old acquaintance.

An Ran sent a distress message on the guild channel before. Because of the rush of time, he naturally did not say who attacked him. He just pressed the distress button in the guild and sent a distress message in seconds. It only contained the standard distress content of the system: " "XXX is in danger, please go to the rescue quickly", plus the coordinates.

So before, Yixiao Hongchen and others didn't know that Lihuafenbai was looking for trouble for An Ran. They only saw the distress message sent by An Ran. It showed An Ran's pseudonym 123, so they came over. When they saw it, they couldn't help but get angry. He smiled back and said: "Okay! You almost killed our group in the dungeon before, and then you scolded us on the channel. We haven't caused you any trouble yet. Now you are good, you still dare to find someone to chase and kill 123, You are quite brave!"

Seven or eight people including Youxiao Hongchen showed up to help An Ran, and new guild members appeared from time to time. Lihua Fenbai couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise - the other party looked like he had obviously joined the guild! What's going on? Obviously this 123 didn't seem to have joined the guild last time, but it was just a copy, so why did he join the guild? This speed is too fast. You must know that it is not easy to join a guild these days. After all, there are more monks than meat. Isn't it fast to join a guild so quickly?

There are too many people in the guild, so wouldn’t the helpers you worked so hard to find be in vain? After all, no matter how powerful Soaring is, he cannot fight against the entire guild on his own.

Thank you ShariC for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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