Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 855 Unlimited Copies 35

She hadn't met Zui Xiaoyao before, so she hadn't taken action yet. Now that they had met both of them, the previous plan would naturally be put on the agenda, and she had to think about it quickly.

Thinking like this, An Ran immediately went offline, preparing to return to the real world and think about it.

In fact, when she first entered the mission world, she had thought about how she would cause trouble for Lihua Fenbai and Zui Xiaoyao if they didn't cause trouble for her. After all, they didn't cause trouble for herself. She took the initiative to cause trouble for them. It was really It's a bit too much.

But now she doesn't have such troubles, because Lihua Fenbai has caused trouble for her. In this way, she has an excuse to cause trouble for them. The reasons are all ready-she wants to retaliate against Lihuafenbai at that time. Huafenbai seeks revenge on Aoxiang to kill him.

As long as she makes trouble for Lihua Fenbai, Zui Xiaoyao, as Lihua Fenbai's boyfriend, will definitely help her, and she will be able to deal with him naturally.

As long as you can find an honest excuse to clean up Lihua Fenbai and Zui Xiaoyao, it's still a trivial matter. If it doesn't work, why not hire someone to clean up the head office?

Thinking of this, An Ran went to the forum to inquire about the price of hiring someone.

The price of hiring people is related to combat effectiveness and completion rate.

The reason why there is still a completion rate is normal. After all, some people have high combat effectiveness, but they are actually parallel imports. Their combat effectiveness relies entirely on the equipment provided by friends and relatives, so it is natural to look at the completion rate. Since the combat effectiveness is high, the completion rate Those who are still high are the real experts.

Of course, the higher the combat effectiveness and completion rate, the more expensive the price will be.

After looking at the price, An Ran found that if she wanted to deal with Lihua Fenbai and Zui Xiaoyao, there might even be other helpers. The price was not low. Anyway, it was not something she could afford now, unless she didn't buy the name change charm. , or sell one or two pieces of purple equipment on hand.

And whether it was the money to change the name or the purple equipment, An Ran was reluctant to spend it, so An Ran thought about it and decided to wait until the next dungeon was played to see if there was more money. Then we would talk about it. , anyway, the zone merging system will prompt you, the worst thing you can do is deal with the two of them before the zone merging.

Besides, even if the districts are merged, there will be fewer and fewer people in the future, and the intelligence system among players will become more and more developed. You can also buy information on the whereabouts of Lihua Fenbai and Zui Xiaoyao on the forum. We will look for it when the time comes. It is not difficult for people to deal with them.

Thinking of this, An Ran made up her mind and stopped thinking about it.

Ten days later, when An Ran entered the game again and joined the team as soon as she was online, Yixiao Hongchen grabbed her and asked if anyone had contacted her.

An Ran did not deny it, after all, there was no point in denying it.

So he nodded immediately and said: "Yes."

When Yixiao Hongchen heard that it was true, he was worried that An Ran would leave, and couldn't help but ask: "Do you know who leaked the news?"

An Ran shook his head and said, "I don't know. I was so impressed by the other party that he didn't show up at all."

"How did they contact you without showing up?" Yixiao Hongchen was as confused as An Ran at the time.

An Ran said: "The person who contacted me is from a big guild. He is rich. He told me my description. He bought information from an intelligence dealer and knew where I was and contacted me."

Only then did Yixiao Hongchen understand, and he couldn't help but sneer: "The guy who hides his head and shows his tail has the courage to do it, but he doesn't have the courage to admit it!"

As he spoke, he glanced at everyone vaguely.

He determined that it was the people in front of him who did it, but now he needed to form a team with them to play a dungeon. After all, it would be difficult to form a team again when it was not easy to recruit people.

Although they need to continue playing dungeons together, the thought of someone poaching him in front of him still makes him feel uncomfortable, so he feels very unhappy with these people at the moment, but for the sake of unity, he can't say anything, so he can only He whispered to An Ran in private, and he didn't even dare to say anything in front of everyone.

An Ran secretly paid attention to everyone's expressions and found that no one looked guilty. She secretly wondered if it was really what these people said or if these people were too good at acting.

After communicating with An Ran about someone poaching, Yixiao Hongchen contacted Vitamin, who had not yet joined the team for some unknown reason today, and asked him to join the team quickly.

As a result, Vitamin told him that he was not free today, and a friend asked him to help him play a dungeon, so he would play together again in the future if there was a chance.

This was obviously a shirk. In other words, Wei Wei did not intend to fight with him in the future. This realization made Yixiao Hongchen confused, although he had heard An Ran remind him that Wei Wei did not really want to play dungeons with them. , but came for her. I was afraid that if she refused too much, the other party would quit fighting and would not fight with them. He asked him to find someone earlier, but he originally thought that An Ran was hanging on the other party, and the other party still I was able to fight a few more nightmare dungeons with them, allowing them to get more purple and even orange equipment. So I didn't listen to An Ran and find someone. I didn't expect that the other party ran away after just two dungeons. This made Yixiao Hongchen naturally confused. I feel a little regretful that I shouldn't have listened to An Ran before. Now it's okay. Where can I find a suitable person to play a copy with? If they can't find it, do they only play hard difficulty dungeons, or even normal difficulty dungeons?

Thinking of this, and then thinking that there is someone who is secretly poaching me, I can't help but have a headache. I always feel that it is too difficult to get along these days, the dungeon is not easy to play, the people around me can't believe it, and even my partners have fallen behind. What is it if it's not difficult to get along?

At that moment, Xiaoxiao Hongchen had no choice but to recruit new people.

He thought he wouldn't be able to recruit anyone, but as soon as the news came out, people quickly submitted applications to join the team. When he saw it, I thought, this combat power is only higher than vitamins. Although he is not a priest, there are people like this. As a helper, it shouldn't be a problem to fight the nightmare dungeon.

So he immediately added people to the team.

Seeing that Hongchen had recruited someone so quickly without any hesitation, An Ran couldn't help but wonder how he had made up his mind so quickly. When he saw the person coming, An Ran couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth - it turned out that this person was Ming's choice.

He couldn't help complaining in his heart, thinking about Yixiao Hongchen's luck. Every time he was looking for people who wanted to poach him.

But she did know why Ming Zhixuan joined their team. She probably wanted to test her own level.

However, the other party may not know that if his conditions do not meet her requirements, it is impossible for her to go to his guild. After all, Ming Zhixuan is inspecting herself, and she also has to inspect them.

Since Ming Zhixuan is a member of the military guild, his combat power is naturally higher than that of Vitamin C. Therefore, with him joining, it is more than enough to fight the nightmare dungeon. It is no wonder that when Yixiao Hongchen saw his combat power, he did not hesitate and immediately Group him.

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