Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 857 Unlimited Copies 37

Obviously, Yixiao Hongchen also blocked him, which made Wei Wei even more confused. He wondered what kind of crazy these people were, why did they block him one by one? Is this what 123 told Yixiao Hongchen about poaching himself, so Yixiao Hongchen blocked him? Then my relationship with 123 was always good, and I never offended her. Why did she block me?

——Yes, Vitamin has not yet thought that his behavior of breaking the appointment has angered An Ran.

In fact, what he did at that time was intentional.

He knew that if he broke the appointment, Enron and his team would definitely have problems, so he deliberately broke the appointment.

When An Ran can't defeat the nightmare copy, she will definitely think of him and look for him, and then he can let her join his team.

Anyway, they are playing nightmare dungeons, and the conditions he opened are better than Yixiao Hongchen. Where can An Ran fight? He has the confidence that An Ran will come over.

Who knew that An Ran didn't contact him at all and they made a copy themselves, which made him a little regretful, but he didn't take it seriously. He continued to harass An Ran and wanted to draw An Ran over - who knew that he was blocked by the two of them. .

Wei Wei, who didn't understand why, decided to take the opportunity to find An Ran in person and ask her what was going on. Anyway, there were fewer and fewer people in the subdivision, so it was not difficult to find someone.

By this time, An Ran's skills could be upgraded again.

When she entered the last dungeon, Anron had more than 7,000 combat power points. After two dungeons and acquiring legendary-quality equipment, Anran's combat power now reached 10,000 points, allowing her blessing from the gods to be restored. One more level.

Gods bless you:

Resurrection LV5: Resurrection of five people within five meters at full state, mana consumption: 500; cooling time: 20 hours. Upgrade conditions: combat power 50,000.

Rejuvenation LV5: Instantly restore 25% of the health of five people within five meters. Mana consumption: 50; cooldown time: four minutes. Upgrade conditions: combat power 50,000.

After clicking on the skill upgrade, the skill upgrade added another 1,600 combat power points to her, bringing her combat power to nearly 12,000 points, far exceeding the 7,000 combat power points needed next time.

Although the increase in combat power brought by skill upgrades is considerable, at this rate, the next upgrade should increase combat power by 3,200 points. However, the upgrade condition of 50,000 combat power points is not something that can be achieved if she wants to. After all, she must choose it every day. The optional dungeons and guild dungeons can only increase combat power by more than 2,000 points. In order to reach 50,000 combat power points, we don't know how many dungeons we need to clear, so I'm afraid there is no hope in the near future.

However, after this upgrade, she discovered a small change - the cooldown of the Rejuvenation Technique, which had not changed, was finally shortened by one minute after it was upgraded to level five.

Although it was only shortened by one minute, the effect it brought when playing a dungeon was not small. After all, the current dungeon is very difficult. It usually takes more than an hour to play a dungeon. Take one hour as an example. In the past, she could only use this The skill can help people add blood 12 times, but now it can add blood once every 4 minutes, which can help people add blood 3 times more, giving everyone a higher chance of saving their lives.

This change in An Ran's skills was immediately discovered by Yixiao Hongchen and others when they pushed the guild copy.

"It feels like your blood-increasing skill has become faster. Can you add blood in less than five minutes? And the amount of blood added has also increased. Now it can restore 25%? Has it been upgraded?" asked Yixiao Hongchen .

An Ran nodded and said, "Yes, so everyone is safer now."

When An Ran admitted it, he was both happy and worried when he smiled at Hongchen. Needless to say, he was happy. Naturally, he was happy that An Ran's skills were getting better and better, and it became easier for them to make money. But he was worried about such a powerful An Ran. , he gradually worried that his temple was too small to keep this big Buddha.

After all, when Enron was not very powerful before, some people started to poach him. What's more, now that Enron is getting more and more powerful, there will naturally be more and more people poaching him, and the conditions for opening are probably getting better and better. He is not very confident whether Shi Anran will still insist on not leaving. After all, in such an apocalyptic world, most people put their interests first.

Although he was very worried, Yixiao Hongchen could only think for the better. After all, An Ran was still in his team for the time being, so he should cherish every day he could.

After thinking about it, Yixiao Hongchen was in a better mood. He and An Ran and others immediately made all the nightmare copies that the guild could do. After finishing, Yixiao Hongchen and everyone started looking for a new partner - after all, Mingzhixuan is I made it clear that I won't play a dungeon with them next time. If that's the case, then they have to choose someone now. They can't wait until the next time they enter a dungeon, because it will be too late.

Because there are thousands of people in the Apocalypse Survival Guild now, it is easier than finding people in the subdivision, so Yixiao Hongchen mainly posts the news on the guild channel.

Sure enough, more people is better. Even people who don’t have a team can always form a team after joining a guild because there are more people, so most people have a team. But even if there are more people, there are still fish that slip through the net. No, It didn’t take long for several people to ask to join.

Because An Ran's priest skills are getting more and more powerful, Yixiao Hongchen feels that one priest in the team is enough, so this time he no longer looks for a priest, but looks for a DPS, the more violent the better.

Because other professions are output, even if the number of people in each profession is the same, the total number of these professions will be several times the number of priests. What's more, the number of people in each profession is not the same - in fact, playing The number of clerics is much smaller than the average for other professions.

So as long as you don't look for a priest, but look for other professions, it's still easy to find, and it's normal for people to apply to join.

Yixiao Hongchen asked them to demonstrate their combat prowess. After looking at them one by one, he chose a similar person to join in. Although this person's combat prowess was not as good as that of Vitamin and Ming's Choice, those two were at the superhuman level, not ordinary people like them. , naturally you can't select people according to their standards, but being able to select this person is already pretty good.

After figuring out the regular teammates for the next game, An Ran and others went offline.

After going offline this time, An Ran saw a big news on the Internet.

LZ: Big news: The system prompts that the number of people in our zone is less than 1,000, and the zone will be merged in the next instance. Has this happened to you?

1L: Sofa. Reply to the original poster: No. There are still more than 1,000 people in our district, which is less than the system’s standard for district integration.

2L: Neither does our district.

3L: No.

4L: Will they be reunited? Actually, you don’t need to use it. You might have used it in the past. After all, if the number of people becomes smaller and smaller, the resources in each district will become smaller and smaller, and it is difficult to form the right people in dungeons. But now, most people have guilds. You can find people from the guild to create the book together, or you can buy resources in the guild. You don't have to worry about the issue of book and resources at all. How can you join the zone?

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