Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 86 Survival in the End of the World 26

What needs to be said is that these recruits are all men. It’s not that all women are timid and dare not join the army, but that most women’s physical fitness is not up to standard, and the number that meets the standard is too small. The army does not have a special female military department. After all, This is just a small military region, not a large military region. There is no female soldier system in the first place, but the female soldiers who meet the standards are scattered among the male soldiers. This is why Enron is with the male soldiers.

At the same time, because this is a temporary call, it is not like usual, where you can't go home after you become a soldier. Instead, you have family and a place to live here, and you can go home when you have a rest. Of course, if you don't feel comfortable living at home, Well, you can also live in a military camp.

Like Enron, because we have a home at the base, we go home every day.

But he said Ning's father was right. Sure enough, two days later, it was Ning's father's turn to inquire. It happened that An Ran had a day off, so the three of them went to the civil affairs window and reported the names of Ning's father's relatives and Ning's mother's relatives. , it wasn’t long before they were found. It turned out that they had really arrived, but they had just arrived three days later than their family members. They were also picked up by the army.

When they found the address, Ning's father and Ning's mother couldn't help but be happy, and immediately took An Ran to find it.

The first ones to look for were Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning.

When they found the place, they discovered that it was Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning. Ning's father thought that his parents were fine, but a little thinner, and his eyes were red. He had been worried that the two elderly people were too old to carry them.

Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning were also very excited when they saw that their youngest son and his family were safe. When Ning's father asked how he got through these days, he said, "We are better off than you are in the city. We have everything to eat and drink. Just close the courtyard door." , and those zombies can’t get in. I heard on the radio that there was a shortage of water in the city, so I was worried about you. Fortunately, you are all okay."

Then he mentioned that his eldest son's family was in trouble, and the old man couldn't help but blush. Then he talked about the situation of his relatives and said: "Your eldest nephew and his wife are working in the south. I don't know what they are doing now or which base they went to. "

An Ran's cousin and his wife were in contact with each other at the beginning of the apocalypse, but they gradually lost contact when the power went out.

"Your eldest sister came here with us and lives next door. Since you found out about us, you should also know about her."

Father Ning nodded and said, "I found it."

Father Ning has an eldest brother, eldest sister, and a younger sister.

The eldest sister was married in the same village, so people from the army went to pick up Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning. It was normal for them to come together.

My younger sister is married in the city, and her situation is similar to that of her elder brother. There is no news about her after the accident, so I'm afraid she is also in bad luck.

After finding the person, Ning's father said: "Dad, Mom, you two are old and it's not convenient here. I'll find someone tomorrow to move you next to our house."

Grandma Ning waved her hand and said: "Forget it, your sister is right next to you, and it's the same here, so you don't have to worry about moving around."

She is getting older and has experienced the apocalypse. Her health has deteriorated a lot and she really cannot withstand the hardships.

Seeing what Grandma Ning said, Ning's father said, "Let's do this for the time being. When we work hard to save points and change to a bigger house, we can take you there."

Anyway, when the time comes to change the house, let’s not move for the time being, so as to save the old lady and old man from having to worry about it again.

This time, Grandma Ning and Grandpa Ning did not refuse and said, "Okay, let's talk about it then."

After leaving Grandma Ning's place, Father Ning went to see his eldest sister. Aunt Anran and her family were all fine, and no one had any problems.

After the conversation, Ning's father took Ning's mother to find his mother-in-law and brother-in-law.

Grandma Anran and her brother-in-law's family also arrived safely. The brother-in-law's family had an accident, and there were two aunts. The aunt's family had an accident, and the younger aunt's family is also here.

Although some people suffered a disaster, it was still exciting to see their relatives alive and well after the disaster. After several families got in touch, they had relatives to support each other, unlike before when they were helpless. They all feel more courageous. Although life is still very difficult, smiles gradually appear on the faces of the elders.

An Ran did very well in the army. Not only did she complete the basic training very well, but because she had developed internal strength and improved her five senses, she also picked up shooting faster than other recruits. She soon became very accurate, which made Captain Li secretly say that he didn't notice. The wrong person is indeed a talent.

Because they had to clear out the surrounding zombies, the recruits only trained for a month before being sent out to participate in the clearing work.

An Ran performed well during the suppression process, and was promoted to platoon leader in just three months, and to company commander in half a year. Due to successive promotions, he gained more and more points, so the Ning family soon moved into a new house. Grandpa Ning and grandma took over and lived together.

Just when the days were getting better and better, An Ran came back from duty that day and met an acquaintance - Li Wei's mother who had taken advantage of him and was ordered to return it by An Ran.

Mother Li saw that An Ran had become an officer in the army and was living a very good life. As for their family, their son was still playing games at home as before the apocalypse - the base had electricity and the Internet, so mobile phones and computers could be used It's fun - she and her husband are the only two working, and they can't find any good jobs. The income is very small, they can only maintain food and clothing, and they don't have the points to change the house. There was a big construction of the base before, but this has gone through almost In one year, almost all the houses that should be built have been built, and the number of survivors has not continued to increase significantly. Therefore, fewer manpower is needed at the construction site. Originally, the small laborers at the construction site were the most consuming of the surplus labor. Now they are no longer needed. Everyone is looking for a job. It’s difficult. It’s hard to find a job. I have to go out of the base by myself and look for things to sell in the cleared areas. Since my income is small, there are few people who are willing to spend points to buy things, so I can’t make a few bucks. Money, life was very hard.

Seeing that she was living in such misery, while her enemy was living so comfortably, the resentment that Li's mother had buried in her heart surged out again, and her eyes flickered viciously, prompting her to come up with a vicious plan to punish her enemy.

So that day, when An Ran came back, he saw Captain Li hurriedly came over and said: "An Ran, someone reported you, saying that before you came to the base, you had killed people, and killed more than a dozen people, please Is this how the base handles you?"

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised, thinking who would report him? But he still nodded and said: "I have killed people, but I killed a group of robbers who came to steal things. Those people not only robbed everyone of all the supplies, but also robbed women. I think they deserved to die. If If I don't kill them, am I going to watch them snatch my things, snatch everyone's things, push everyone to the point of desperation, and then engage in prostitution and humiliation of women? Wouldn't that harm more people? They My life is my life, and my life and that of others are also my life. I don’t understand what the whistleblower thinks. Does he think our lives are worthless and we deserve to be killed by those thugs?”

Thank you Yuer 8 for the gift~~This unit will be finished tomorrow~~

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