Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 871 Unlimited Copies 51

After beating all the dungeons, An Ran immediately said: "Next time the guild battles, should I still defend the city?"

Han Bing nodded and said: "Maybe, because no one can defend the city more effectively than you and can save many priests."

It is estimated that until the United States of America guild encounters a well-matched opponent, An Ran will be asked to defend the city. When it encounters a well-matched opponent, she may be asked to fight in a matching battle to help protect her teammates. After all, members of the United States of America guild are not afraid of fighting in a matching battle now. .

In fact, if you encounter a well-matched opponent, you will need to defend the city safely. Then you will have to make a dilemma. There is only one Anran. It would be great if there were two, one to defend the city and one to fight in a match.

An Ran listened and nodded to express understanding.

At that moment, Han Bing gave the legendary equipment to An Ran again, and then said: "I have asked the leader for instructions. Since there is a guild war every other time, I will give you this set of equipment. You don't need to finish the guild war." Me, to save you the trouble of bringing it back and forth.”

An Ran happily took the equipment and put it on, saying, "Okay."

Of course she is happy to be able to wear this equipment all the time without having to go back and forth. After all, with this equipment, she really won't need Han Bing to accompany her to the nightmare dungeon in the future. She can definitely fight it alone.

But the only regret is that after going through another dungeon, this set of priest equipment has been replaced with the latest and best attributes, but it still has not reached 50,000 combat points, and is still a little short of it. It is estimated that I will need to play another dungeon to upgrade to level six.

However, it was said that this time the dungeon is limited to 10,000 combat power points. In addition to the next time you enter the dungeon, the combat power will be increased by 1,000 points compared to before and requires 2,000 points. There are two changes.

The first is to prompt that 20 people are allowed to enter the next dungeon. Obviously, the difficulty of the dungeon is increasing, otherwise players would not be allowed to enter 20 people at a time.

Fortunately, Han Bing gave her such a good set of equipment, which almost doubled her combat effectiveness. Otherwise, she would have been afraid that she would not be able to push the dungeon that required 20 people.

Now that she has such a set of equipment, it is estimated that she can still push. Of course, she will fight with everyone first, and after looking at the situation, she finds that she can indeed push alone. She should not push it later, so as not to have an accident like Han Bing worried about. .

Second, the districts were merged.

It turns out that in the last guild war, the number of people in Enron's district was completely less than 1,000 - in fact, most districts had less than 1,000 people, and only a few districts still had more than 1,000 people - so the district she was in at that time was officially After combining the districts, the district she is now in is numbered 00123 - it needs to be said that the area code used to be six digits, but now it has been reduced to five digits. Obviously, this is due to the decrease in the number of people.

After the merger, the number of people in the district reached 10,000, and it was indeed much more lively than before.

However, the merging of zones has no impact on her, because she basically stays in the guild now and rarely goes to the zone. That is, when she enters the game to play dungeons, she walks around the zone.

Knowing that the guild might have fewer members after the war, the meeting area would have to spend money to inquire about the whereabouts of Lihua Fenbai and Zui Xiaoyao. He was afraid that he would not be able to find them for a while, so An Ran went to the thieves guild before and stole them again. Pear pollen is white and drunk once.

The two of them had been very cautious since it was stolen last time, but unfortunately, it was stolen again and no one was caught, so they were furious.

But no matter how angry they were, there was nothing they could do, because they couldn't catch anyone, so they could only knock out their teeth and swallow blood.

On the contrary, Li Huafenbai suggested to Zui Xiaoyao that they also find someone to steal An Ran's, because she had vaguely guessed that An Ran might have done it because she was so unlucky, so she suggested it.

However, this proposal was rejected by Zui Xiaoyao.

Zui Xiaoyao said this: "Do you know where Hua Kai Fugui went? (Based on An Ran's appearance, they bought An Ran's information from an intelligence dealer and knew her name and which guild she went to.) As far as I know, She went to the military and was treated as a guest by the military. She became a member of the military. How dare you make trouble for her? Be careful that she brings people from the military to trouble us. Military elites are equipped with legendary equipment. The fighting power is amazing, but it’s not something I can handle.”

Although I was not angry with my boyfriend for being as cowardly as a mouse, I didn't dare to rebel because of his pear blossom pink. However, I felt wronged, so he said: "Then let her steal our things? Even if she is from the military, the military You can't be unreasonable, right? If you know what she has done, can the military still tolerate her? After all, the military always prides itself on being the most upright and refuses to accept anonymous people. How can it still tolerate this?"

"That's not necessarily true. In the face of absolute interests, the military will not help her. After all, she is a person who can increase her health by 25%! It is too late to support her, and they even drive her away. The military is not stupid." Zui Xiaoyao smiled bitterly and couldn't help but regret in his heart. He thought that the last time he was with Lihua Fenbai, he was implicated by her and was stolen from her once. He should have a better memory and separate from Lihua Fenbai, but in the end he was stupid enough not to separate. , now it’s fine, it was stolen again. This time, we must separate and not be together again, lest we be taken away by the flowers blooming and wealth as the pear-white lovers.

Fortunately, the zones will be merged soon. As long as he doesn't use the pear blossom pink in the team props, she won't be assigned to the same zone as him. In this way, if they are not in the same zone, he can get rid of her completely.

Naturally, Lihua Fenbai didn't know that Zui Xiaoyao thought she had caused him trouble and was about to dump her. After listening to Zui Xiaoyao's words, he couldn't help but said: "No matter how good her skills are, she can't be such a shameless woman just for the sake of flowers and wealth." , ruining the reputation of the military. If the military really wants that skill, it can just kill Hua Kaifugui. Then the skill will still belong to the military, and the military will be very happy when it disposes of such a thief."

"Do you think the military will do this? Why don't you contact the military? Anyway, I'm not optimistic about your idea." Since Zui Xiaoyao has decided to leave Lihua Fenbai, he no longer actively thinks of ways to deal with Enron, and just acts perfunctorily. road.

After listening to Zui Xiaoyao's words, Lihua Fenbai was really moved.

Not to mention that Lihua Fenbai was planning to go to the United Will City Guild to discuss An Ran's crimes, but said that the plan could not keep up with the changes. Just when the top leaders of the United Will City Guild wanted An Ran to continue to defend the city in the next guild war, ten days later, a new round of guild After the war started, United was preparing to choose a guild that was good but definitely worse than themselves to declare war just like last time to ensure that they would be the victor. However, before the list of war declarations could be submitted successfully, they were defeated by other guilds who were faster. Picked, war declared.

The one who dares to challenge a military guild like Unity is naturally not an ordinary player guild, but the largest military guild in country D.

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