Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 873 Unlimited Copies 53

According to what was previously discussed, before the war started, Han Bing discussed with the other party: "We are about the same strength. How about we stop fighting, so as not to hurt both sides? How about we just get through like this without killing anyone on either side?"

Don’t worry about the other party not being able to understand the language. In such a powerful game, language translation is just a small case. Although the language spoken here is Xia language, when you switch to the other side, it will automatically become the language of country D. They can understand it naturally.

The people who listened to Zhichengcheng said this, and the captain of the Royal Guard sneered: "The last time we provoked our military for no reason, we suffered heavy losses. Now that we are here, you are afraid and want to live in peace with us? How can there be such a cheap thing? !”

Han Bing couldn't help but be speechless after hearing this. In fact, he was just trying to discuss a cooperation that would be beneficial to both parties, but he didn't know how it got into the eyes of the other party and made him afraid.

Since the other party was unwilling to cooperate, he would not persuade him.

So he immediately said: "Since your country does not want mutual benefit and win-win results, then if it works, then let me see the real deal."

"Hey, it's mutual benefit and win-win. When you provoked us last time, why didn't you say these words about mutual benefit and win-win? Instead, because you saw that the FLY guild was weak, you fought to death and cost us a lot of warriors?" The captain of the guard said.

Seeing that Han Bing's attitude towards him was different from that of the people in the FLY guild, I decided that he was afraid, so I couldn't help but feel a little contempt for the United People's Liberation Army Guild, thinking that they were not very good. After all, if they were really powerful, how could they say such words to show weakness.

Seeing what the other party said, Han Bing stopped persuading him and immediately called his teammates to prepare.

As soon as they finished greeting, the Royal Guards over there started taking action.

When it comes to fighting, it's no different from a traditional game team battle. It's nothing more than the warrior charging in front to carry the monsters, the mage dealing damage from behind, and the priest watching the blood.

The scene soon became chaotic. Fortunately, An Ran was a good player at the game and could tell who had less blood. He immediately added that this would require a rookie like Pear Blossom White. I was afraid that he would immediately be in a hurry and didn’t know how to add Who is better? After all, looking at the blood of hundreds of people is not something ordinary people can do in an orderly manner. It was Han Bing and others who knew that An Ran's operations were very powerful, so they dared to rest assured and bring so many people on stage.

After using ordinary skills to increase blood and found that several people's blood dropped to the warning level, An Ran immediately used the rejuvenation technique to bring the blood back to the normal level. In this way, he added blood twice, that is, after fighting for almost five minutes, the Royal The guards realized something was wrong.

As soon as I saw that several people on the opponent's side had clearly lost blood, someone immediately brushed up the blood. The increase was very large, so I started to fight those people who were staring at them, and prepared to eliminate the few people with less blood first. Besides, it would be a good idea to make this team battle, even if the opponent could not be completely eliminated due to the short time, a few members of the Royal Guards who could still eliminate all the opponents were in vain. In this case, several leaders of the Royal Guards team were defeated. They couldn't help but exchange looks with each other.

"FLY Guild mentioned that the person who can instantly increase health by 25% may be in this team." One of them said to the captain.

"No wonder there are a hundred people in their team. It turns out there are powerful priests together." Another person said.

The captain stared at the united team and said with sinister eyes: "Find the priest who can instantly increase blood by 25% and see if he can be brought to our side. If he can't be brought, kill him." , to avoid future troubles!”

"Yes! Captain."

After thinking about it, the captain added: "If we don't find it right away, kill all the other party's priests. We would rather kill him by mistake than let him go. This way we can always kill him, right?"

"...Okay, captain." This time the team members' answers were not so convincing. You know, in the fight just now, they had discovered that the other party was still very powerful. They wanted to kill all the priests who were protected by the other party's output team. How could they? It's so easy, it can even be said to be a bit whimsical.

Because An Ran's skills have a long four-minute cool-down period, the Royal Guards never found out which priest they were looking for until four minutes later, when the matching match was almost over, and they discovered how many more people there were. His blood volume increased a lot in an instant, and then he found An Ran.

At that moment, someone pointed at An Ran and said, "It should be the priest. I just looked at it. Among the people who had their blood added, this priest was the only one among them."

When the captain of the Royal Guard saw that he had found it, he said to An Ran: "Priest across the way, how about joining our team? You can choose the equipment from now on, and the treatment will definitely be better than here."

Although I don’t know what kind of treatment that woman will receive in the United As One Guild, but anyway, the asking price is higher than that of the United As One Guild. Once your own guild has such a powerful priest join, you will have more confidence in future guild wars and defense of the city.

After An Ran listened to his pre-battle solicitation, she was naturally not tempted. She didn't answer immediately and just continued to add her blood. Anyway, it was about to be ten minutes and the matching battle was over. The next time she fought, the match would not necessarily be... After all, the teams between the two sides in the matching match are only 20,000 to 30,000 people. Between 20,000 and 30,000 people, the chance of encountering them again is still very small.

Seeing that An Ran ignored him, the captain of the Royal Guard couldn't help but became angry. He immediately said to his subordinates: "We found the priest. She is still a woman. Very good. Everyone, pay attention. Listen to my order and focus on the female priest!"

No matter how awesome you are, can you withstand it if we gather fire to destroy you? He still doesn't believe it.

Ignore the attacks from the United Nations Guild and focus only on attacking the female priest. People may die, but even if they die, the priest must be destroyed to prevent the other party from helping their enemies too much. Even if ten people are sacrificed, she will die alone. Thinking about the future, it will be a good deal!

Make you awesome! Look how awesome you are!

"Got it!" The members of the Royal Guard shouted after hearing the captain's order.

Although they might die regardless of the United Nations Guild's attack, they, the people of Country D, are never afraid of death!

Han Bing naturally heard the other party's instructions, and couldn't help being nervous at the moment, and said to An Ran: "Back off! Back off! There are still soldiers holding shields on top!"

No matter what, we can't let An Ran hang here. She is too important to the guild war and we can't let anything happen to her.

Thinking of this, Han Bing couldn't help but regret, thinking that An Ran should have been allowed to defend the city before. After all, with her guarding the city, the castle should be 100% defendable. Not only would she be able to defend the city, but she would not die, unlike in a matching battle. People were going to set fire on her, but she might not survive, so it was too dangerous to leave her here. So I really shouldn’t have thought that defending the city shouldn’t be a problem, so I just let An Ran come over, hoping that a few more people would survive in the matching battle. , now no one died in the matching battle, but An Ran was going to die, which was simply not worth the gain.

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