Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 877 Unlimited Copies 57

After dinner, An Ran checked the news on the Internet.

There is no doubt that the hottest news on the Internet this time is the discovery of peace and joy.

LZ: According to reliable information, I have found peace and joy with the blessing of the gods!

1L: WOCAO, is it real or fake? Where is it?

2L: Really, in the United People's Liberation Army guild, everyone has saved people with the resurrection spell!

3L: Male or female?

4L: Female.

5L: How did you know? Was she exposed?

6L: Oh, it was during the guild war. The other party set fire on her, and the people in the guild protected her. She had a good heart and didn’t want people to be set on fire to death in order to protect her, so she took the initiative to tell her about it. If she didn't take the initiative, how would we know? After all, she bought a name-changing charm and changed her name.

7L: It seems that she is really good at hiding. She was exposed after so many copies. She was exposed proactively. If she hadn't said it, others wouldn't have discovered it.

8L: Isn’t that right? The operation is also quite good. Unlike some female players whose operation is a mess. She looks pretty at first glance, a bit like a beauty in a vase, but she can’t be judged by her appearance. Although she is beautiful, her operation is equally good. .

9L: That’s no wonder she’s been able to hide it for so long. If she doesn’t operate it well, someone else will definitely have to play with it, and it’s easy to be exposed. But if she operates it well, she probably did it alone for a long time before she bought the name-changing talisman. If I have enough money and buy a name-changing charm, I will dare to play with you.

10L: It can only resurrect five people at a time, so the effect is a bit unsatisfactory. It would be great if it could resurrect all people within a certain range.

11L: ...Upstairs, if this is what you said, then the game will be out of balance. If any guild wants to have such a person who can resurrect everyone, what else can other guilds do? It allows you to resurrect five people, which has greatly increased the strength of the United Nations guild. Think about it, you finally killed one of the opponent's five masters, and before you had time to rejoice, you were finally resurrected by peace and joy. Killing in vain, this feeling , think about it.

12L: What you said above makes sense. Besides, it seems like only five people were resurrected, wasn't it that Peace and Joy persisted in cooling down for 20 hours, and a total of 10 people were resurrected? This is even more powerful.

13L: I agree with the person above. Being able to save 10 people is considered a lot. Otherwise, what else do you want to do? If you want to save everyone, are you thinking of going to heaven?

14L: Generally speaking, if you kill someone, everything belonging to the other party will belong to the person who killed you. Now I want to know, for those people who have been resurrected in peace and joy, have their things come back?

15L: Same question, I’m also curious about this.


36L: No one answered that question before? No one knows whether the things of those who were resurrected came back?

37L: I know some gossip, let me tell you. It seems that it has not come back. It seems that it will be resurrected within thirty minutes, and it can be restored without damage. But if it is thirty minutes later, the things will not come back, but I want to say The thing is, for those high-level players, equipment is only an external possession, and the most important thing is people. After all, if the equipment is lost, such a big guild will have a new set immediately, but people, expert players, are not If you die, another one will appear immediately.

38L: What you said above makes sense. People can make a lot of money if they survive.


An Ran watched everyone's discussion and continued to practice. At this time, he heard running in the corridor and the sound of banging on the security door. Apparently, there were people who didn't want to live anymore and ran into this building. What kind of tricks were they doing? Let An Ran think about it. Fortunately, she has a maze as a defense. Otherwise, if she stayed in the game for more than 20 hours like this time, how could she dare to stay at ease? After all, if someone broke into her home, she would be killed. What should she do if she is lying on the bed and her consciousness has entered the game? It's not good that time flows at the same speed. Otherwise, if like her system, no matter how long it takes in the mission world, the real world will not change, then she can rest assured and don't have to worry about someone being there when her consciousness enters the game world. Hurt yourself.

Although she placed the maze defense magic weapon in front of her, no one should be able to hurt her, but apart from not hurting herself, she didn't want her home to be broken into. Thinking of this, she stood up safely and walked to the door. I looked outside through the peephole and saw someone breaking in. However, I don’t know if all the people in that house were dead or if there was no one in the first place. Anyway, after the other party broke in, no one was found and there was no call. With the sound of fighting with someone, I only robbed a bunch of things, left disappointed, and went to the next house.

An Ran saw the other party going to the next house, and was afraid that the other party would come to his house after sweeping house to house, so he used his superpower to reinforce the security door.

She had reinforced it before, and now she was reinforcing it again - previously she had only reinforced the security door, but Anron was afraid that the other party would have tools and would not be able to pry open the security door, so she used the gold power to secure the security door to the building wall. The steel bars were connected together so that they couldn't pry it off. Even if they tried to use a cutting machine to cut it, they couldn't cut it because she had thickened the security door. Ordinary cutting machines couldn't deal with the half-meter-thick security door. Door, and as long as she is willing, she can also make a one-meter-thick security door, let alone a half-meter-thick security door.

Just as An Ran expected, those people arrived in front of An Ran's door shortly afterwards. Because they were behind on tools, they pried for a long time, but the security door did not budge. Even though they were tired and sweating, they could not pry open the door. Discouraged, he cursed a few times, kicked the door a few more times, and left.

An Ran breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they couldn't get in.

In the days that followed, several groups of people who had their brains wet, went around killing people, setting fires and grabbing things, also came to Enron, but they were unable to break through Enron's defense, and returned disappointed and went to other places.

With the interruptions from these lunatics from time to time, it was time to play games again.

This time it's a dungeon, not a guild battle.

This time, the dungeon requires 12,000 combat points. At the same time, the number of people allowed in the dungeon has been increased to 20, indicating that from now on, the difficulty of the dungeon will increase.

Although An Ran planned to play alone, in order to prevent the difficulty of leveling up, for the first time, An Ran listened to Han Bing's words and played with the team he organized to see the situation.

As soon as Han Bing saw her, he asked: "Last time you persisted in the game for more than 20 hours before going offline. Are you okay?"

An Ran shook his head and said: "It's okay, but I hope I don't have to hold on for so long this time because I'm really too tired."

"No, there is no need to fight a guild war this time. Based on the strength of our guild members, there shouldn't be many casualties in the dungeon. You can log off early by then." Han Bing said.

"I hope so." An Ran said.

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