Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 883 The Best Scholar’s ​​Wife 2

Although Li Silang is a top performer, the three brothers and sisters-in-law above him are not the kind of honest people who are cheated in Taneda-ryu novels. Especially the three sisters-in-law are not likely to be slaughtered by others. They are powerful, so they have been arguing. Although the two old couple of the Li family didn't want to separate their families, they couldn't bear the fact that their three sons all wanted to separate, so they had no choice but to separate.

After the separation, neither the original couple liked to work, so they could only rely on the two old couples for work. Life naturally became more and more difficult. Finally, after the old couple passed away, they died of poverty, poverty and illness.

The reason why the original husband doesn’t work is because he is studying. The reason why the original person doesn’t like to work is because she is the only daughter in her family of five brothers, so she is naturally used to it.

The original person who lived his life like this seemed to regret it after his death, saying that he wanted to live a good life.

This is a blue mission.

After the last mission that made An Ran work hard to survive, An Ran felt quite tired, so she chose a blue mission and wanted to relax.

The blue mission was originally considered to be of medium difficulty, but for An Ran, who had done many purple missions, it should be very easy.

But An Ran felt that this task was not that easy.

If she just plans to live a good life on her own, that won't be difficult. After all, An Ran can just take her time. After passing through so many worlds, even if there are no supernatural powers, spiritual powers, etc. in this world, if she wants to live a good life, There are ways.

But the key point is that the original body also made other wishes - the original body felt that the poor life was not only her own problem, but more of her husband's problem, so she asked An Ran to reform her husband and let her He made progress, gained fame, and his life became better and better.

Obviously this is a difficult one. After all, she would not be afraid if An Ran could gain fame by herself. How about letting her husband, Li Silang, gain fame? Isn't that a joke? This is not only a question of laziness, but also a question of whether he is talented or smart. Even if she can correct his laziness and make him study hard, if Li Silang is a dull-headed person, he will not be able to learn no matter how hard he learns. What’s not good? How can you gain fame? She might be able to help the other party get admitted as a scholar, but to get admitted as a Jinshi... she is not that capable, so this wish of the original person is probably the reason why the difficulty of this task is blue, otherwise she would just do the one in front of her. As far as her current ability is concerned, it would be very easy to achieve it, and it would be considered green difficulty at best.

Although it is not easy to achieve, An Ran has planned to slowly find ways to correct Li Silang's laziness.

After Li Silang studies hard, if he still can't become famous, then he can think of a way.

After all, if laziness cannot be corrected, nothing else can be discussed.

When I was thinking about this, I had already arrived at Li's house.

The Li family has not been separated yet. Although they can afford to send their children to school and the conditions are considered good in the village, it is still quite crowded for a large family to live together.

The houses of the Li family are actually not that small in the countryside. You must know that some families only have two or three thatched houses, but the Li family has one and three rooms, and a wing room on each end. Moreover, it is not a thatched house, but a tiled house. The house is not as dark as the thatched house, but much brighter, so the conditions of the Li family are not good in the village.

Although the conditions are good and there are many houses, because there are too many people, An Ran and his wife only have one room, which is the wing room on the west side. It is divided into two rooms by a wardrobe in the middle. There is a room at the back and a table in front. The desk is where Li Silang studies.

Although there is only one room, it is much better than the other three brothers.

Although the other three brothers lived in the main house, there were not so many rooms in the main house for them to live in, so each main house was divided into two small rooms, and the three main houses were turned into six rooms, with one in the middle. There is a hall in the front, a room in the back, plus the four rooms divided into the east and west, there are five rooms in total, one for each of the three brothers, one for the old couple, and one for the older children.

As for the east wing, it is the kitchen and dining room.

So in this way, although the first three brothers live in the main room, they are not as comfortable as the fourth and fourth brothers living in the side room.

But because Mrs. Li said that Li Silang needed a desk to study, and the space was too small to fit it in, she could only let him live alone in a wing that could be divided into two small rooms. Others had no choice but to be envious.

Despite the cold looks from the sisters-in-law of the Li family, An Ran put the pigweed in the kitchen with a calm expression, then washed his hands and returned to his room.

Although she doesn't want to take advantage of others, her original temperament is like this. If she suddenly changes, people will feel wrong, so she can only change slowly.

Of course, there may be no need to change it, because the family may be separated just like in the original world.

If the family was really separated, that would be fine, and it would be convenient for her to discipline Li Silang - in her original world, after the family separation, Li Silang's three older brothers all ran out to build a new house and no longer lived together, for fear that The old and the young will continue to take advantage of the separated families if they still live together. Of course, the main reason is that if the separated families do not move out, they will have no place to cook.

An Ran returned to the room and saw Li Silang hurriedly taking out a book. Seeing that she had come in, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his leisurely look. He threw the book aside and continued to be in a daze.

——Yes, my original husband Li Silang was very lazy and disliked the hard work of studying, but he didn’t dare to say that he didn’t want to study anymore, so as not to have to do things. So when there were people around, he pretended to be very hardworking and always read with a book in his hands, but in private , actually just sitting in the room in a daze.

But he was pretty good to the original person. He was lazy, so he didn't force his wife to be diligent. Seeing that her wife was equally lazy, he just let her go.

Of course, An Ran felt that he didn't force the original person to be diligent, and he probably wanted the original person to cooperate with him. After all, he was his pillow person. In the long run, he couldn't hide it. Since he couldn't hide it, the original person knew that he was lazy. Then he would He is lazy, but he wants his wife to be diligent. He is afraid that his wife will be unhappy and will expose him. On the contrary, he will let her be as lazy as him. Not only will his wife not expose him, but she will also help him cover up so that he can be in the house. Relax, after all, no one has to cover him, he has to defend everyone by himself, it's too hard.

Because the family has not been separated yet, there are many people and many people are watching, so An Ran has not forced Li Silang to study now. Of course, the main reason is that she has just arrived and has not yet practiced martial arts to a high level. It will be difficult to deal with Li Silang until the time comes. Home, and then her inner strength will deepen again, and she will cause trouble to Li Silang again.

When the internal strength is deep, if Li Silang doesn't listen to her, let's see how she adjusts and teaches him by tapping his smile point.

Li Silang didn't know that the danger was approaching. When he saw An Ran came back and was sitting there eating raspberries, he didn't know how to give him some, so he immediately said: "Give me some."

Thank you Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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