Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 894 The best scholar’s ​​wife 13

Every year, Li Silang did not go to the exam alone, but was accompanied by several brothers.

Of course, everyone does not need to accompany them together, but the three brothers take turns. This year, it is Li Sanlang's turn to accompany Li Silang - even if the family is separated, this matter related to the future of the Li family must be done.

This made Li Sansao couldn't help but complain. After all, it was the time for spring plowing, and there was nowhere to leave the house. Since they were gone for ten days, the family's affairs would be delayed, so she immediately complained to Li Sanlang: " You obviously can't afford the exam, but you still have to go through it every year, which is a waste of money! It's really annoying to waste other people's time!"

After so many years of companionship, Li Sanlang was actually impatient. He immediately said: "He is his brother. What can I do? I can only accompany him. But don't worry, I guess I won't be able to accompany him for a few years. After all, it looks like If they spend money so lavishly, they will lose all their money in a few years, and then they will not be able to raise the money to take the exam, and then they will definitely not be able to take the exam."

Li Sansao said: "That's not certain. Maybe they will ask us to borrow money to take the exam. I'm leaving it here. If that day comes, you are not allowed to borrow money, or I will be in trouble with you. Lend it to others. , you can still hear the sound, lending it to him is just a waste of money and of no use at all."

She was very afraid of this matter, fearing that the old couple would ask their brothers who had separated families to take Li Silang's exam, so she said this now.

Li Sanlang said: "Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion."

Hearing Li Sanlang say this, Li Sansao felt relieved.

At that moment, Li Sanlang went to Li Silang's house and saw that Li Silang had a lot of luggage in big and small bags. He couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth. He remembered that he didn't bring so many things last year. Why so many things this year?

When I asked, I heard Li Silang say: "The food in the city is not delicious. Your brothers and sisters got me some dried meat, fish and snacks to take with me."

He is now used to eating meals cooked by An Ran, and it really feels uncomfortable if he doesn't eat for a day, but he can't bring An Ran to help him cook for the exam. Not to mention that she is pregnant now, and he can't let her run around and work hard, even if she is not pregnant. , so he brought some pancakes, dried meat, dried fish snacks made by An Ran, etc. He would have these things to eat when he arrived, and he would not be afraid that the food in the city would be unpalatable and he would not be able to eat anymore.

After hearing this, Li Sanlang couldn't help but have black threads in his head, thinking that this fourth brother was becoming more and more unreliable.

In this era, the county examination announced the examination time one month in advance, and then the candidates registered at the county office. When registering, the candidates filled in the personal statement, mutual agreement, and recognizance.

A personal confession is a personal resume.

Mutual knot means that five candidates protect each other, and five cheaters sit together.

The guarantee is to find a local resident of the county to guarantee that he or she will not assume his or her nationality, conceal his or her identity, use a substitute, or use a false name, and that he or she is innocent and is not the descendant of a prostitute, nor is he the descendant of a prostitute, nor has he committed a crime or engaged in a lowly career. After completing the above, you will be admitted to the exam and the roster will be deposited with the county office. (The above content is taken from the Internet)

Because Li Silang has taken the exam for many years, he is familiar with these routines, so he is not as busy as someone who takes the exam for the first time. He had already completed these things after the county announced the exam time, but it took a lot of time. It's just money - don't spend any money on the first two. The last one is to ask a local resident to provide a guarantee. That will definitely cost money, otherwise why would they give you a guarantee?

In addition to asking someone to be a guarantor, it costs money, and the expenses during the exam also cost money. Of course, not to mention the money required to buy pens, inks, paper, inkstones, and even go to school. Therefore, unless someone has a certain financial strength, they cannot afford it. As a scholar, I really need money everywhere, and the expenses are too high.

Li Silang has been scolded by his brother and sister-in-law in the past two years. In order to save some money, he did not go to school and only studied at home, otherwise the expenses would be even greater.

But in fact, sometimes it is impossible to pass the exam by self-study. That is, when An Ran came, there was such a person who could pass the Jinshi to tutor Li Silang. Otherwise, he would not go to school and just rely on Li Silang's self-study, plus Li Silang was so lazy, he was just dawdling around, and he didn't study hard at all. He was the only one who could pass the exam.

Li Silang has been away for more than ten days, and Mrs. Li worships gods at home every day, asking gods and goddesses to bless her son to survive this time.

Perhaps her sincerity moved God, and that day someone came to Li's house clamoring all the way.

This man was also from the same village. As soon as he entered the door, without waiting for Mrs. Li to ask what was going on, he said happily: "I'm here to bring good news to my aunt. Your Shiro has passed the county examination. He still has to listen to the county magistrate in the county." Talk, you may have to come back a little later, if you happen to see me there, let me tell you the good news in advance."

This was a good job. The man wanted to come to announce the good news, and Mrs. Li would definitely give her some money, so she came back as soon as Li Silang ordered her.

His guess was correct. When Mrs. Li heard that her son had done well in the county exam and passed the county exam, she was so excited that she almost fainted. She quickly gave him a bunch of money and asked someone to come in to serve tea and snacks. She was so happy. .

An Ran was happy to hear that Li Silang passed the county examination. However, this was actually in line with An Ran's speculation. After tutoring Li Silang and Li Silang's careful study during this period, An Ran felt that Li Silang would take the easiest county examination. The test shouldn't be a problem. As for the government test, it's a matter of luck. She doesn't know if she can get a few questions right when she tests Li Silang. If she can get a few questions right, then he should be able to pass; He was unlucky and didn't get a single question, so Li Silang's results this year probably stopped at the county examination, and he would not be able to obtain the qualifications for a child. According to the rules of this era, those who passed the county examination and the prefectural examination would Even Tongsheng, if he takes the college examination in the future, he will not need to take the county or government examination, but will only have to take the college examination directly.

So when An Ran heard the good news that Li Silang had passed the county examination, although An Ran was happy on the surface, he actually felt that this was expected.

On the other hand, Mr. Li and Mrs. Li had provided Li Silang with education for twenty years. However, Li Silang failed to pass the simplest county examination. The old couple said that they were not disappointed and thought that Li Silang might really not be able to pass the exam. It was a lie. , it’s just that Mrs. Li is doting on her and doesn’t want to believe this reality, so she always thinks that her son can pass the exam.

So at this time, when I heard that Li Silang had such bad luck and actually passed the county examination, he was naturally so happy that he was almost speechless. It took him a while to react and thank the other party for the congratulations.

Although I responded, I was still a little tongue-tied when I spoke because I was so excited, and I couldn't speak well.

Although in the eyes of others, passing the county examination is nothing, after all, it is not even the most basic scholar, what is there to be proud of, but in the eyes of Mrs. Li and his wife, it is like the iron tree blooming, and her son passed the scholar examination. Pretty close.

After a while, everyone in the village knew that Li Silang had passed the county examination. Although passing the county examination was nothing new, there was nothing new for country people, and it was rare to find anything new. So when they heard about it, they naturally came to tell Mr. Li Wife congratulates you and kills the time.

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