Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 896 The best scholar’s ​​wife 15

Although competing with Li Silang can promote Li Silang's progress because of Li Silang's love for face, rewards are also indispensable. Rewards will make you more motivated, so An Ran will give money to Li Silang.

Li Silang didn't expect An Ran to give him money, so he couldn't help but refuse immediately, saying: "How can any wife give money to the husband? It's so embarrassing to say this!"

An Ran said: "This is not the money I gave you, it is what you deserve. Look, you passed the county examination, and my face is bright. When you pass the government examination and become a child, then my face will be It’s even more glorious, you let me take advantage of it, so of course I have to express it in some way.”

Li Silang was immediately moved by An Ran's words. He felt that what An Ran said was good, but he was still a little embarrassed to take her money, so he immediately said: "We are husband and wife, and it is my duty to make you look good. Why should we divide it so much?" Clear."

"I'm happy, I'm willing to give it, isn't that okay?" An Ran said.

Anyway, after Li Silang loses a few times, the money will be back in her hands, so what should she be afraid of?

Naturally, Li Silang didn't know what An Ran was thinking, so when he saw what An Ran said, Li Silang didn't refuse. He immediately collected the money and said with a smile, "I'll buy more delicious food then."

"Okay!" An Ran said with a smile. This was the reason why she dared to give money to Li Silang. When Li Silang got money, he would buy food, not whoring, and not gambling. But she didn't mind if he bought food. , anyway, she also wants to live a better life. If she buys it by herself, her mother-in-law may be unhappy. But if Li Silang buys it, her mother-in-law will not dare to say anything even if she feels distressed. So, it’s great to get a few things with one stone.

And just as Li Sansao and others thought, when the three families came over to congratulate Li Silang on passing the county examination in the evening, Mrs. Li specially warned them not to come empty-handed and not to offend their brother with something that was too bad. Li Sansao and others listened. Naturally, I felt uncomfortable for a while, but I couldn't pretend to be sick when Lao Si's family was having such a festive time. Therefore, although Li Sansao and others were very unhappy with Lao Si's family, they had no choice but to go over there. .

Although the county examination is nothing, passing the county examination is a great joy for Mrs. Li, so naturally she will not just give it up quietly, and immediately held a banquet to let the villagers I know that her child is promising and has passed the county examination.

But it was just that he passed the county examination, and it was not that he was selected as a scholar, so the Li family was busy for a few days and then rested. Li Silang continued to study and prepare for the upcoming government examination in April.

In order to allow him to pass, An Ran would naturally give him questions from time to time and give him test questions.

The April Prefectural Examination period soon came. In order not to miss the exam due to accidents, Li Silang left five days in advance. Fortunately, the county where the Prefectural Examination was located was in the next county. It only took one day to get there. After that, you can get familiar with the environment. After all, Li Silang has participated in the county examination many times and is familiar with the environment. However, this is the first time for him to take the government examination and he is not familiar with the environment, so he naturally needs to adapt to the environment in advance.

As for the prefectural examination, after tutoring Li Silang for the past two months, An Ran is not confident, because every time he takes the exam, Li Silang's results are not very satisfactory. An Ran feels that maybe the result of this year is that Li Silang has passed the county examination. He hopes Next year, I will tutor him for a long time. He will be able to pass the government examination, and the year after that, he will pass the college examination and become a scholar.

Although he was twenty-three years old by then, it was a bit shameful to fail to pass the county examination at the age of twenty. It was not too late to be admitted as a scholar at the age of twenty-three, because many people passed the county examination and the government examination, but they were not able to pass the county examination. It's not bad that you won't be able to pass the scholar examination for ten or twenty years. This is normal. Otherwise, in history, there would be no such thing as an 80-year-old man who was still a child and took the academy examination to be a scholar.

But things were a bit beyond An Ran's expectations.

About twenty days later, someone came to the Li family to report the good news. They said that Li Silang of their family had passed the government examination and obtained the qualification to give birth to a child. Li Silang himself had to take care of some things there, so he hired someone to go back to his hometown to report the good news. .

Although generally those who have not entered school, that is, those who have not passed the scholar examination, can be called Tongsheng, but in fact, only those who have passed the county and government examinations are truly Tongsheng.

"Old lady, your Mr. Li is now qualified to be a child. He is just one step away from taking the scholar examination. You will soon become a scholar, and your wife will also become a scholar. Congratulations." The person who announced the good news was special. He can talk and pour out nice words for free.

To say that she could pass the county examination before made Mrs. Li almost faint with excitement. Now that she heard that her son had passed the government examination, and the person who announced the good news said that her son would soon be admitted as a scholar, she became even more dizzy. Okay, now it's even worse than the last time I spoke.

An Ran saw that she was obviously a little too happy, and was afraid that she would die if she didn't get too excited. There were many precedents for this. In ancient times, Fan Jin almost failed in the imperial examination. Nowadays, many people died suddenly of being overly excited after playing mahjong. So An Ran hurried forward, patted Old Mrs. Li and smiled at the person who announced the good news, and asked Li Silang some information.

Old Mrs. Li was patted on the shoulder by An Ran, her mood eased a little, and she quickly took the wedding money to the person who brought the good news.

An Ran saw that she had taken two bunches of money. Although it was more than the last time, but thinking that it was a long way from Fucheng, it was not much, so An Ran also took a bunch of money to the person. In order to prevent Mrs. Li from being unhappy when she saw her giving double money, she immediately explained to Mrs. Li: "My husband has become a child. I am happy, so I can give him some traveling expenses."

The person who brought the good news originally thought that Mrs. Li only gave two strings of money, which was a bit too little. He was about to say something. Then when he saw that An Ran gave another string of money, he gave up the idea and immediately praised the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. At the same time, I was thinking to myself that this Mrs. Li Sifeng is indeed a clever person.

Mrs. Li heard that An Ran said she was happy, so she gave him some traveling expenses, that was all. Then she asked the person who brought the good news to have a meal at her house before leaving. After all, it was not easy to come a long way, so she didn't want to leave without letting him have a meal. , somewhat inappropriate.

The person who brought the good news saw Mrs. Li's enthusiasm to persuade her to stay, so she stayed.

And just like last time, it wasn't long before the villagers found out that someone was bringing good news to the Li family, and then they heard that Li Silang had passed the imperial examination and became a child. Although everyone didn't know what the names of the imperial examinations were. It must be a good thing to become a child despite being famous, so people flocked to Li's house to congratulate and join in the fun.

This time not only ordinary people came, but also the patriarchs of the Li Zheng and Li families.

Unlike ordinary country people, they knew nothing about the imperial examination. They still knew that passing the government examination and becoming a child had different weight than passing the county examination, so they came to express their congratulations.

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