Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 901 The best scholar’s ​​wife 20

The agricultural tax rate in this era is about 100%, which means that for every 100 pounds you harvest, you pay five pounds to the state. The 5% tax rate is not particularly high, especially since the other party does not weigh you door to door every year. How much grain has been harvested this year will only be estimated based on the number of acres of your home and an official yield per mu.

The official yield per mu is not very high and will definitely be lower than the normal output value. For example, the Li family used to have 15 acres of fields and two crops of rice a year, which could probably produce tens of thousands of kilograms of rice. However, According to official statistics, one acre only counts them 200 jins, so two crops of rice a year only count as 6,000 jins, and the tax collected is only 300 jins. Compared with their family's harvest, it is not much at all.

But even if it’s not a lot, it’s still three hundred catties of rice. For the people at the bottom, they can’t bear to part with even three catties, let alone three hundred catties, so naturally they don’t have to pay taxes if they can.

You have to pay so much tax on fifteen acres. If Li Silang had eighty acres, even if it were calculated as two hundred kilograms per mu, he would have to pay a tax of 1,600 kilograms for two crops of rice a year. This number is not small. Therefore, the imperial court waived the food tax for scholars, which actually saved them a lot of money.

In fact, the country cannot collect this amount of tax, because this dynasty is just like the Ming Dynasty in the real world. Some people take advantage of Wang Lv's loopholes. Knowing that those scholars have tax exemptions, they will take the land and donate it to the names of those scholars. .

Although on the surface, there is a limit to the tax exemption for scholars, and it is logical that there will be no situation where they cannot collect the money, but those scholars do not only collect the land within their tax exemption limit, and many people will collect donations that exceed their tax exemption limit. Scholars may not be so bold, but as long as they have a certain amount of power, many people will do this. Anyway, the people above will not go to the countryside to check one by one - if they really want to be so serious and check one by one, then You may immediately become the sworn enemy of the entire court's land-owning class, so no one will do such a stupid thing - the key is the tax collectors at the county level. As long as you win over the local parents and officials, who will care about what you have in your name? How many fields.

In this way, this dynasty lived happily in the farming era without financial bankruptcy. At first, Enron was surprised why. Later, after Enron inquired about it, he found out that it was because the dynasty was supported by commercial taxes - that is to say , this is an era that does not suppress business. The development of commerce has resulted in a large amount of commercial taxes to be collected, and agricultural taxes have become dispensable. If they cannot be collected, forget it.

An Ran felt that this was somewhat similar to the Song Dynasty, where the country had plenty of money.

But he said that after hearing what Mr. Li said, the three brothers Li Dalang couldn't help but look at each other. Finally, Li Dalang said: "Let's go back and discuss it."

But he didn't agree immediately.

Li Erlang and Li Sanlang also meant this.

An Ran understands why. Because the donation requires the land to be put in someone else's name, some people are worried that the land is sold fake, but if the other party is not trustworthy and takes the land away one day, wouldn't they cry? ? In order to save some tax, it would be a waste of money to lose the land.

After listening to the words of the three Li Dalang brothers, Mr. Li understood their thoughts. It is indeed impossible to decide such a big matter right away, so he did not object at the moment and nodded: "Okay, you can go back and discuss it."

At that moment, the three brothers came out and walked home with their own thoughts.

On the way, Sister-in-law Li San couldn't help it at first and said: "Didn't we agree that the land in my parents' names would be temporarily used for their retirement? Now, without asking our opinions, they just put it in the name of my fourth brother. Next? Then from now on, will you just default to the fourth brother's things and no longer share them with us? The conditions of the fourth brother's family are good enough, but the old man still favors them, I really don't know what to say... No matter what You said, since our conditions are so poor, we should be more partial to us, right?"

Although Sister-in-law Li and Sister-in-law Li also thought about this, they thought more about it. They thought that if the fourth child's good luck continued and he was admitted to the Juren Examination, the benefits to them might be greater than these few acres of land. More, after all, the three acres of land were divided among the four brothers, and each of them could only get less than one acre. In total, ten taels of silver were worth the weight of the sky.

But if the fourth child is admitted to the Juren Examination, the improvement in social status and other invisible benefits that will be brought to them, Sister-in-law Li and Sister-in-law Li thought, are definitely not comparable to this acre of land, so although they are not Thinking of this, I feel a little uncomfortable, but I don't plan to have an attack immediately, but I plan to wait and see. If the fourth child uses up all his good qualities and fails to pass the exam, then it's not too late to talk about it; if the fourth child In the future, if they can pass the imperial examination, or even become a Jinshi, and become a high official, then forget it. After all, as long as the fourth child is willing to take care of them, they will get their money back.

Sister-in-law Li and Sister-in-law Li didn't say anything, and naturally Li Dalang and Sister-in-law Li Erlang didn't say anything either, because their wives had already talked to them about pillows, and they thought they could wait and see for a while, but it was Li Sanlang, because Sister-in-law Li and Sister-in-law Li Erlang wanted to The pillow wind blowing on him is also different. In addition, Li Sanlang has always been proud to have married this wife with good conditions, so Li Sanlang sometimes listens to her words - of course, he also I thought what Li Sansao said was right - so no one else said anything at the moment. Only Li Sanlang agreed: "That's right." Then he looked at Li Dalang and Li Erlang and said, "Big brother and second brother, don't you think so?"

Li Dalang and Li Erlang, who didn't want to express their opinions, were suddenly asked by Li Sanlang, and they could only say: "How did dad arrange it? From what we heard, although dad and mom loved the fourth child more, they didn't lose anything to us."

The truth cannot be told, so Li Dalang and Li Erlang can only say this.

"What have you done to us?! Why don't we let the fourth child read if he can read it? I don't believe that we are both the biological children of the fourth child. The fourth child can read well and pass the exam. Scholars, we may not be able to do it if we don’t." Li Sanlang said.

Speaking of which, this has always been a knot in his mind, because he is only two years older than Li Silang, and he has been smarter than Li Silang since he was a child. Otherwise, he would not be able to marry such a good wife. As a result, she is so smart. My parents don't allow me to read, but let the fourth child read. If I let him read, he will definitely be as famous as the fourth child, or even more famous than him. After all, he is smarter than Li Silang. Yes, maybe I can do better than him?

Li Erlang said: "Isn't this what the wandering Taoist said? He said that our fourth brother could be a high official, so it is normal for his parents to let him study. Now it seems that it is really possible."

Li Sanlang muttered unhappily: "Can you believe the words of those liars? To be a high official? Let's wait until he passes the Jinshi examination! Now he is just a little scholar!"

Happy March 8th Goddess Day, everyone!

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