Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 907 The best scholar’s ​​wife 26

Of course, because of the passing of the imperial examination, Old Mrs. Li became more and more convinced that An Ran would be a prosperous husband. Otherwise, before she got married, Li Silang would not even be able to pass the county examination. When Mr. Shen comes, the fourth child will be able to pass the national examination. bingo? If this wasn't because of Shen's prosperous husband, what else could it be? So it’s getting better and better for Enron now.

This is not mentioned later, but at the moment, fortunately, Li Silang came back early and left a few taels of silver, so he could afford to pay back the good news at this time. If Li Silang had spent all the money at that time, the family would not even have the good news. I can't even afford the money.

After the people who brought the good news were sent away, neighbors came to congratulate them. Mrs. Li and others were too busy. Fortunately, Mrs. Li and others heard the news and came to help quickly, so they were not too busy.

Sister-in-law Li San is also here now.

In the past, she thought it was very difficult to win the exam, and Li Silang would definitely not win, so she didn't want to talk to Si Fang. Now that Li Silang had won the exam, she naturally wanted to come over to try to establish relations. After all, some people in the countryside didn't know that her family There are scholars, but they know that people can become officials. Even if the fourth child fails to pass the Jinshi examination, he can still be an official and become a master, so how dare Li Sansao not come over to repair the relationship.

But to be honest, Li Silang won the exam, which was completely unexpected to her. After all, she had scholars in her family and knew how difficult it was to win the exam. She had never thought that Li Silang could win the exam at his level, so She had never taken him seriously because she had always felt that Li Silang's success as a scholar was already unparalleled, and as a scholar, he was nothing special. That's why she neglected him like that. Little did she know that this guy didn't know either. How could he be so lucky that he actually won the exam? This made Li Sansao feel a little regretful, thinking that if she had known that Li Silang could win the exam, she would not have treated him like that.

On the other hand, Li Sanlang couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that Li Silang had really won the lottery. At the same time, he was also happy in his heart. Fortunately, when he was talking to the boss and the second brother that day, he stopped after listening to the second brother's words and didn't say anything more. Otherwise, this time Erke is about to be slapped in the face.

Although the relationship between the third and fourth bedrooms was very bad, An Ran did not directly refuse their visit on such a happy day, making them embarrassed. Firstly, she did not want to ruin the celebration for such a person, it was not worth it; secondly, People came to help with good intentions, but she wanted to refuse their visit at this juncture because of past grievances. People in the village would not say how bad it was that the people in Sanfang who scolded Fourth Fang in the past were clamoring for separation. On the contrary, they would say that Fourth Fang was indeed Taking advantage, there is nothing wrong with the third room wanting to separate the family. The fourth room now holds a grudge. Treating the third room like this shows that Li Silang cannot tolerate others and does not get along well with his brothers. And such a reputation will definitely help him become an official in the future. It was no good, so when An Ran saw Li Sansao and the others came to the door, she naturally didn't say anything and just let them do what they did. It was just a matter of love anyway, but in her heart, she believed that Li Silang had a good reputation and could not repay evil with kindness.

Winning the imperial examination is indeed completely different from passing the examination to become a scholar. This is also normal, because if you win the imperial examination, you can choose an official if you want. It is difficult to get an official position above the seventh rank, but you can still choose a minor official below the seventh rank. .

Although in the eyes of big people, the eighth and ninth ranks are minor officials, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are still officials, but not ordinary people.

So in the following days, there was an endless stream of people coming to Li's house to give gifts, and they were all squires and wealthy businessmen in the county. They all wanted to invest because they saw Li Silang had won the lottery - they were not investors, and they would not invest. They are generous, giving gifts worth tens of taels of silver, and even giving gifts to houses, shops, and fields.

It’s also a loss that Li Silang has a lot of experience outside. He knows that there will be people who will flatter him after winning the election. In addition, An Ran has also been vaccinated, so his mentality is relatively stable. Otherwise, seeing so many people giving gifts now, he would give them as soon as possible. With dozens of taels of silver or things that I never dared to think about before, when a poor man suddenly becomes rich, his mentality will probably become erratic. Even if he doesn't, he will probably be like Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li, who will feel like he is dreaming.

Although both An Ran and Li Silang knew that these people came to give gifts, it was actually a kind of investment in potential stocks, but on the surface they came to congratulate him, so even if the gifts were grand, it would be inappropriate to refuse them, and it would be easy to offend them. People, so Li Silang usually accepted the money as a gift, but Li Silang confiscated the property such as the house, shop, and property.

This was An Ran's suggestion, saying that the properties such as the house, shop, property, etc. were transferred from those people's names to his own name. If there is anything in the future, it will be found out immediately. It is not good, and it is easy to be implicated, but the money will not be in the way. Anyway, it will be long. They are all the same, who knows who gave them.

Li Silang felt that An Ran was right, so he accepted her suggestion and only accepted cash.

Those who came to invest saw that Li Silang only accepted money, and thought he was quite docile. However, because he was not pretending to be aloof and did not accept gifts, he did not offend anyone. When he was ostracized, he followed Li Silang's rules. Those who gave gifts to landowners, shops and houses were all given gifts of money instead.

Not only are there people who give money to property stores, etc., but there are also people who give it away.

Those who give servants will be confiscated by An Ran - only fools will accept servants given by others. I don't say 100%, but most of the time they will be someone else's spy. Ordinary servants are not expensive. She is rich now, so she wants to If you want to use it, you can buy it yourself. Why should you accept it as a gift from others for the sake of a few taels of silver?

These people who sent the gifts probably thought that country people like An Ran and Li Silang didn't understand the affairs of the deep house and the courtyard, so they dared to give it away like this. However, they met An Ran, who had done this many times in ancient times and was well versed in the fighting in the back house. So naturally we encountered Waterloo.

Not only did the gift fail, they were also targeted by An Ran, who wanted to see if the person who gave it to them was sincere, or if they had ulterior motives and were planning to plant spies in the Li family. The former was just that, they were giving the gift with good intentions. , she naturally wouldn't do anything; the latter type was recorded in An Ran's little notebook, and she would probably be dealt with by An Ran if there was a chance. After all, who would easily let go of bullying? People with ulterior motives.

Of course, there are not only those who give gifts to servants, but also those who give gifts to women.

However, An Ran was well prepared, so before she could take action, she was beaten out by Mrs. Li.

The reason why Mrs. Li had such a reaction was that not long ago, when she went to worship the Bodhisattva and thanked the Bodhisattva for blessing her son, she met the master who once said that An Ran would have a prosperous husband. Because the master accurately predicted that the Shen family would have a prosperous husband, she spread the word about it, and now it is very popular. The master also talked to her about Li Silang's success in the imperial examination, and then told her, After her son won the imperial examination, he became prosperous and should pay attention to the peach blossom calamity.

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