Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 909 The best scholar’s ​​wife 28

Think about three years ago, the people in Dongfeng Village were talking about the Li family's preference for Li Silang and that they deserved to have a big house with two and three bedrooms, so they thought it was normal for the three-bedroom and fourth-bedroom houses to be separated. If you tell them, they will do the same.

As a result, the slap in the face was like a tornado, coming so fast. They said that it took thirty years to Hedong and thirty years to Hexi. However, Li Silang ended up in Hedong and Hexi in just three years. Many people who had spoken about them at the time had met them now. Li Silang felt a little embarrassed, fearing that what he said back then would reach Li Silang's ears, so don't cause trouble for them then.

But Li Dalang and the others felt that the fourth family's family was like a dream. Sitting in the spacious living room of the fourth family's house, watching the maids helping serve tea, they really felt unreal.

Just two months ago, they were worried that the fourth child would come back and ask for money from them, so they sent the child to school, hoping to silence the parents so that they would not come to them to borrow money in the future. Now, Well, let alone borrowing money from them, the fourth child had so much money that he even bought his servants.

An Ran was determined to buy a maid. Originally, the couple was reluctant to spend the money, but An Ran said that as Li Silang's mother, it was not appropriate for Mrs. Li to pour water for guests; she was a young daughter-in-law, and a wealthy family in the city was very particular about gender. There is a difference, it is not appropriate to ask her to pour water for male guests; as for asking Shiro to pour water, he is a man, so it is not appropriate, so it is better to buy a servant, the price is not expensive, and it is suitable to serve tea and pour water when guests come. , and can also do household chores, so that the old lady can also enjoy the happiness.

Mrs. Li thought this was the truth, so she agreed to buy An Ran. This is why An Ran now has a servant girl in his new home.

But he said that because Li Silang had the money, he repaid the two hundred coins that Li Dalang and Li Erlang lent him, and also gave more, one or two to each person.

However, Li Dalang and Li Erlang refused to accept the money. After all, if they did, it would mean that Li Silang had returned their favor. How could that be done? They still had to maintain a relationship with the fourth house, so they said it was a loan payment at first. Treat it as a gift from them, so that no matter when others ask in the future, they can also say that when Li Silang rushed to take the exam, they gave him the money - although the gift was very small, Li Silang and his wife could not deny this. fact.

Li Silang and An Ran naturally didn't want to owe them the favor, but seeing that they refused to accept it, the couple had no choice but to forget it. Although it was a hot potato, there was nothing they could do about paying it back.

It was also at the beginning that Mrs. Li was afraid that Li Silang would not have enough money, so she had to go to several brothers' houses to borrow money. At that time, An Ran said that she had money on hand, but Mrs. Li didn't want it, saying that unless Li Silang and his brothers didn't have any, Give me the money, it's not too late to find her, otherwise it won't be appropriate to take the daughter-in-law's private house.

In fact, this is a bit far-fetched. Logically speaking, this is illogical. An Ran guessed that there is only the old couple's simple wisdom in dealing with things - although the old lady loves the fourth child, the other three are also her sons. Since she firmly believes that Li Si Lang can win the election, so on the eve of winning the election, the old lady naturally wants to help the other sons mend their relationship with the fourth son, so that in the future, if the fourth son becomes successful, it will be possible to support the other three sons. That’s why I deliberately went to my three sons’ houses to borrow money.

In the eyes of the old lady, this was because she wanted to help the three sons, but in the eyes of Li Sanlang and others, she wanted to ask them for it because she had no money, so in the end, only Li Dalang and Li Erlang took out two One hundred pennies, Li Sanlang didn't give a penny.

The old lady was angry, but she couldn't say anything more. After all, she couldn't force the third child to provide money for the fourth child. That wasn't mending the relationship, that was enmity. After all, it wasn't anyone who believed as much as she did that the fourth daughter-in-law was a prosperous husband. This person can definitely lead Li Silang to win the exam.

So the old lady didn't say anything at that time, but now she saw that the fourth child was successful as she expected, driven by Shen's prosperous movement. However, since the third child and the fourth child have a normal relationship, they probably won't win the prize in the future. I expected the fourth child to support the third child, so I couldn’t help but sigh, thinking that it’s not that you, the mother, don’t help you, but that you are so unsatisfied and short-sighted that you just stare at the three or five cents in your hands all day long. The money is good now, the fourth child won the lottery, and the difficult time has passed. In the past, people did not help others when they were in trouble. Now that they are prosperous, it is difficult to stick to them even if they want to. After all, icing on the cake is not as good as providing help in the snow.

At this time, the head of the Li family was sitting in the hall and said to Li Silang with a smile: "Silang, I have already calculated the number of fields in our clan that are willing to put your name on it. It is two hundred acres in total. Look at our When will I go to the Yamen to transfer the ownership?"

Yes, Patriarch Li came today, firstly to attend the housewarming banquet of Li Silang's family, and secondly, to bring the donation list of the Li family to donate to Li Silang.

Li Silang won the election, and now has a tax-free quota of 400 acres. His family has used more than 100 acres, and there are still more than 200 acres of quota. The Li family does not have much land, and some people have various concerns. , unwilling to contribute, so what we have now is only 200 acres.

Unlike when Li Silang was admitted as a boy student, Patriarch Li could still speak casually in front of Li Silang because of his status in the clan. Now that Li Silang has become the master of the exam, even though Patriarch Li has a status in the clan, he does not dare to speak in front of him. What kind of score was placed in front of him? Instead, he asked with a smile and a good voice.

Li Silang said: "I'm free at any time, just make a schedule according to my uncle's schedule."

Patriarch Li hurriedly asked: "How about the day after tomorrow?"

Patriarch Li was thinking that the Li family's housewarming party would definitely not work today. The Li family might have to clean up the house tomorrow. After all, the house has been messy enough in the past few days, and Li Silang didn't have much time, so he decided to hold it for the day after tomorrow.

Li Silang nodded and said, "Okay."

Patriarch Li added: "The fact that you won the election has been printed in the family tree. It has been completed. The clan has decided to open the ancestral hall on the tenth day of the next month. Nephew Lao Xian will go back then."

Li Silang naturally nodded again and agreed.

Then Patriarch Li asked Mrs. Li and Li Silang about building a memorial archway for juren.

It turns out that this kind of juren is rare, just a big family, and a mere juren is not in their eyes. But like in the countryside, if a juren happens in a place, it is a sensation. Therefore, if you are admitted as a juren, the court will allocate money to build a juren memorial arch. .

Li Silang couldn't give any opinion on this matter. After all, there are regulations on the archway, and he can't make the decision. He can make the decision on how to build it and where to build it, but he has been immersed in reading, and he doesn't understand these things. Ah, Old Mrs. Li knew about it, so she said she was asking him. In fact, he was sitting there as a mascot, and the main discussion was between Patriarch Li, Old Mrs. Li and even Li Dalang.

After finally deciding on the date to start construction, how to build it, and where to build it, Patriarch Li left, leaving only his family.

Thank you Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~

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