Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 922 The best scholar’s ​​wife 41

Among the children, except for the eldest child, whose family conditions were not very good when he was born, so he knew that life in the countryside was difficult, when the other children were born, life at home was very good, so they had no idea about the poor life in the countryside. , limited to the impressions of the few days when I went back to my hometown to worship ancestors during the New Year, I don’t know much about them, so they are no different from the young masters from high-ranking families in Beijing. At most, An Ran has a way of educating children, so although these children do not know the world Fireworks, but his character is still very good, and he has not turned into a playboy like some people.

Originally, his character was pretty good, but he was used to being pampered and raised a little too much to endure hardships. Now after staying in the country for four years, he not only has a good character, but he can also endure hardships. This makes An Ran naturally happy.

In the Li Family School, due to Li Silang's guidance, in four years, twelve students in the Li Family School passed the county examination, three passed the government examination and became Tongsheng, and one person was admitted as a scholar. This made the Li Family School unable to help but With such a great reputation, I don’t know how many people would send their children to the Li family school just to get some advice from Li Silang. After all, if it weren’t for the fact that the Li family school was a new school, there would be no students in the school who had already won the scholarship. , otherwise he might have been tutored by Li Silang for a few years, and he would have already passed the exam, so because he passed the exam, some people would naturally send people to the Li family school.

Among the people who passed the exam, there are the children of Li Dalang and Li Erlang. Among them, Li Erlang's son is the smartest and passed the Tongsheng Examination. Li Dalang's family only passed the county exam, but this is already very good. Anyway, it is better than that of Li Silang back then. I am much more powerful.

Because it was thanks to Li Silang, the second bedroom of the eldest family was even more attentive to Li Silang. Although the old couple passed away, the fourth bedroom would have to live in Beijing for a long time and would have less time to come back. His son I don't expect him to give any guidance, but if Li Silang is happy and takes his son who can study to live in Beijing for a while, it will be different. Besides, even if he doesn't take him, he can still give him guidance through letters.

It’s not just a matter of giving advice. Seeing that his son has a talent for reading, the second room of the eldest family thought that if he could pass the exam, he would have to take care of his uncle in Beijing, so there was no harm in getting closer to the fourth room. .

By the time Li Silang left Ding You and the capital was restored, the Li family academy had become a large academy.

Although Li Silang left, because the academy has grown, excellent teachers have been invited to teach the children. I believe that even if Li Silang leaves, the teaching quality of the academy will not drop too much. After all, Li Silang's ability is limited. Even if he is here, he can't take care of all the children.

Li Silang returned to the capital. It was not long after the new emperor ascended the throne. Many ministers in the court who were not members of the new emperor's faction were demoted, transferred to outside, dismissed from office. Many people were cleared from various errands in the capital, leaving many vacancies. , Li Silang was lucky. Not only was he not affected by the earthquake, he was promoted to the sixth rank and entered the circle of middle-level officials.

As for An Ran's five sons, the first three sons have all reached the age of being dismissed. Because they were taught by Li Silang and An Ran since they were young, all three of them passed the county and government examinations. However, the third son was younger after all. , did not pass the college examination, but the eldest and second child both passed the college examination and became scholars, taking the first step in the imperial examination.

And now, as the eldest son is sixteen or seventeen years old, she will start to see his marriage.

Whether you can form a happy family in the future is also related to whether you can live a good life.

Although the good life mentioned by the original body, she felt that it mostly refers to the good life in material terms, excluding the spiritual life, but what if the sons' families are not happy, and the original body cannot stand it and does not give her a good evaluation? In addition, she gave birth to the child herself, and she herself did not want her son to have an unhappy family, so she naturally had to be cautious when it came to marriage.

Fortunately, since she first entered Beijing, she has been paying attention to the situation of the little girls who are about the same age as her sons, and now she has a good idea of ​​the marriage.

She doesn't have any requirements for her daughter-in-law. As long as she has a good character and is old enough to have a few sons, that's it. As for her family background, it's enough to be similar to her own. It doesn't matter if she's a little bit different. The key is that she's a good person, so even if she has a few sons, it doesn't matter. , it doesn’t matter, after all, as long as the couple can be happy in the future, it will be fine. She has never thought that her family’s livelihood depends on her daughter-in-law’s natal family. Anyway, with her here, the Li family’s life will not be bad.

Later, An Ran chose the daughter-in-law for her eldest son, and the eldest son was indeed satisfied. However, An Ran never cared much about her daughter-in-law's affairs, nor did she want to establish authority in front of her daughter-in-law like other mothers-in-law in Beijing. , The water in the well does not offend the river, so the eldest daughter-in-law is also very satisfied with An Ran, her mother-in-law. Of course, she is even more satisfied with her husband who does not take concubines. The family is really living a good life.

The next few sons, An Ran, followed suit, and soon the family became prosperous.

Because there were too many people, the previous Sanjin House was a little unlivable, so An Ran bought a big house again. Fortunately, the family had more money at this time, and the land rent plus Li Silang's salary allowed him to buy a big house. Still no problem.

As for the previous house, An Ran sold it and replaced it with land.

The houses of this era are not like modern concrete buildings. They are made of bricks and tiles. If no one lives in them, they will be easily damaged. Anron does not want to take the trouble of maintaining the house from time to time, nor does he want to rent it out, because the rent in this era is very high. , there will definitely not be much land to rent. After all, this house is worth one thousand taels, which can be exchanged for at least one hundred acres of land. At that time, one hundred taels of land a year will be available for rent, but if the house is rented out, it will not be possible for one year. You can get a hundred taels of land to rent, and you have to maintain it from time to time, which is very troublesome, so it would be better to replace it with fields.

The life of the fourth house was getting better and better. This news was passed back to the son of the second house of the second house who occasionally came here to stay for a while and was good at school. This made Li Sanlang and his wife very angry.

The children from the second and third bedrooms all did well in the exams, but none of the third and third bedroom children passed the exam. Li Sanlang and his wife felt that this must be because the fourth child had a bad relationship with them and had a personal grudge, so he deliberately did not teach their children well, so their children were He didn’t pass the exam. Otherwise, why would it be that after four years of teaching, so many children in the village had passed the exam, but his child had not passed the exam? If he is so smart, his child will be smart too, and there is no way he will fail the exam.

Since there is nothing wrong with his own children, it is natural that Li Silang is not good to their children.

Thinking about it this way, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

But... the capital is far away from Dongfeng Village, and Li Sanlang and his wife are reluctant to spend the money to go to Beijing to scold Li Silang, so although they are angry, they can't do anything to Li Silang, even if they want to spread unpleasant words in the village and slander Li Silang. Si Lang's reputation cannot be improved - now Dongfeng Village and even the entire Xihe Town are Li Si Lang's "running dogs" (as Li San Lang feels). If he dares to speak out about Li Si Lang's fault, he is afraid of ruining Li Si Lang's reputation. People, even people from Dongfeng Village, would come forward and scold him. He had been warned several times by the Li family, saying that if he dared to talk nonsense again, he would be kicked out, so let alone go to Beijing to scold Li Silang. It was difficult to hurt him in Dongfeng Village, so at most he could only complain at his own home, which would not cause much trouble at all.

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