When An Ran arrived, the ambulance had already arrived and was lifting Grandma Qiao into the car. An Ran squeezed in and used her spiritual consciousness to scan it and found that Grandma Qiao's wrist was broken. However, with modern technology, it shouldn't be a big problem. Although he is a bit dangerous due to his age, there will be no problem with her protecting him.

But this does not mean that Grandma Qiao has no problems at all - just when she used her spiritual sense to check the injuries of Grandma Qiao, she found that there were very slight fluctuations in spiritual power on Grandma Qiao's body, and it was just It was on Grandma Qiao's neck, and this kind of fluctuation was very similar to the fluctuation of the spiritual power of the bad luck charm. This made An Ran's expression become serious. He thought to himself, Grandma Qiao fell this time. Wasn't it a normal fall? Could it be that someone had done it intentionally? Why?

So An Ran, who thought it was just an ordinary wrestling accident and was just going to wait for Grandma Qiao to be hospitalized, felt that maybe she had a heavier task - at the very least, she had to find out who put this thing on Grandma Qiao, and then ask Grandpa Qiao , has anyone also put something like this on him?

But now she has to send Grandma Qiao to the hospital. She is very busy and Grandpa Qiao is anxious. Naturally, An Ran will not ask Grandpa Qiao at this time who gave the amulet to Grandma Qiao - the outer packaging of the thing says "Amulet" , who probably used the bad luck charm as a talisman to harm Grandma Qiao, but An Ran couldn't guess who would deliberately harm Grandma Qiao at such an old age.

It's really deliberate. You know, bad luck charms are not cheap. Unless you have money or deep hatred, who would buy such a thing to harm others.

Although it was difficult to ask Grandpa Qiao about the origin of the amulet for the time being, An Ran could not let Grandma Qiao continue to carry the bad luck charm.

With that bad luck charm, An Ran would not have any accidents during the operation, but An Ran couldn't just take the bad luck charm away, so as not to alarm the snake, so An Ran used his spiritual power to destroy the bad luck charm.

She now has the third level of foundation building, so it is easy to do this. At the same time, she also used her spiritual power to slightly repair Grandma Qiao's broken wrist, so that at such an old age, Grandma Qiao's previous injuries would not result in poor surgical results.

The quick repair will feel good. Fortunately, Grandma Qiao’s hand was in pain at this time, but she didn’t feel anything was wrong.

Not long after, after the examination, the doctor said that the inflammation would be cured first, and then the operation would be performed. It would take more than half a month before I could be discharged from the hospital.

Hearing that her grandma would stay for more than half a month, An Ran hired a nurse to take care of her. After all, given the situation of the Qiao family, the children could not be counted on - the two uncles found various reasons to blame their parents for their bad deeds. If they die and the property is divided, they definitely can’t be expected to take care of Grandma Qiao; Mother An puts the family first and doesn’t dare to pay too much attention to her natal family to make her husband unhappy. Of course, the idea that providing for old age is the son’s business is definitely We can't count on it; as for An Ran's aunt, she is pretty good to her parents, but I heard that my cousin Wen Wen is getting married soon and is very busy. She can't let her lose what she is doing and come to take care of Grandma Qiao, causing her cousin's life events to be affected. Even if the aunt is willing, it is estimated that Grandma Qiao will still feel guilty and will not let her take care of her; and Grandpa Qiao is too old to let him take care of her; and she is busy practicing and has no time to take care of her all the time, so she can only find a caregiver.

After everything was settled and Grandpa Qiao was sent back to rest safely, he asked Grandpa Qiao: "Grandpa, grandma is injured. Have you told your two uncles?"

Grandpa Qiao shook his head and said, "Not yet."

He had only looked for An Ran before, but not anyone else. Now after hearing An Ran's inquiry, he said, "Let me talk to them."

Although I don't expect two unfilial old ladies to take care of them, they can't just tell them that their mother is injured.

So Grandpa Qiao immediately called his two sons and told them about it.

"Boss, your mother fell..."

"Ah! When did it happen?" Uncle Qiao asked anxiously.

An Ran, who was drinking water on the side, listened to Uncle Qiao's inquiry and couldn't help but pause slightly while holding the tea cup.

She has high senses, so although Grandpa Qiao didn't turn on the speakerphone, she could still hear Uncle Qiao's words clearly, but...why did she feel that Uncle Qiao's anxious voice didn't sound like he was worried, but actually happy?

"Just now, when your mother was going to the bathroom, she got up in a hurry, felt dizzy, and fell down..."

"How is it going?"

"The doctor's examination said it's not too bad (actually, judging from An Ran's spiritual scan, it's very bad. The results of the examination now say it's not bad. That's because An Ran repaired Grandma Qiao) , she just fell to the ground and her wrist was slightly fractured. After surgery, it shouldn’t be a big problem. Ranran and I just sent her to the hospital, and we’ll do the surgery after the inflammation is gone.”

"Oh? Really?...That's good, that's good..."

Although Uncle Qiao said "That's good," An Ran felt that his voice didn't sound relieved, but rather a bit disappointing.

An Ran, a bystander, clearly understood, but Grandpa Qiao was a fan of the authorities and didn't notice anything unusual at all. He said a few words to his eldest son and then hung up. Then he called his younger son. An Ran could tell that his uncle's reaction was similar to that of his elder uncle. This is interesting.

At that moment, An Ran couldn't help but feel something in her heart. Seeing that Grandpa Qiao had made a call, she asked Grandpa Qiao, "Grandpa, I just saw an amulet hanging on grandma's body. Who begged grandma to give it to her?"

Grandpa Qiao said: "Your uncle and uncle asked for it. They said they traveled to Xuan City some time ago and asked for it for us in a big temple. They also gave me one, but I didn't believe it and didn't wear it."

It turned out that Grandpa Qiao was not interested in spiritual things, so when his two uncles gave him amulets under the pretense of filial piety, Grandpa Qiao didn't wear them at all. However, Grandma Qiao saw that her sons rarely had a good look on them, so she immediately Say "Okay, okay" and put the thing on.

Sure enough!

Just now, An Ran heard that Uncle Qiao and Uncle Qiao reacted wrongly. An Ran already had some kind of guess. Now that it was confirmed, he couldn't help but sneered and secretly thought that the uncle and the younger brother were really good. They hoped that grandpa and the others would die and inherit the family property. Grandpa and the others were temporarily Not dead, they were so anxious that they even thought about sending their parents to die. It was really okay! There are also people who have children like this!

——When An Ran saw what they were giving their grandparents such things, he knew what they wanted to do. Isn’t it just illegal to kill their father and mother directly? But they also coveted the property of the two elders, so they could only buy a bad luck charm to let the elders Wear them both, so that if they have an accident, they will die quickly! It's really vicious, and he can do this to his own parents.

If she hadn't practiced this, she would have really let them get their wish, but with her here, she would naturally not let them get their wish.

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