Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 997 The Daughter of Educated Youth 14

In fact, if it weren't for An Ran's study, Sun Dahu would not agree to An Ran spending that money to buy a house in the city. After all, for him, if he has a house at home, why go to the city to buy a small house like that? Necessity - People at this time don't know that housing prices will skyrocket in the future, let alone how advanced the city will develop in the future. They just think that having a place to live is enough, and there is no need to spend more money.

Sun Dahu bought a house and planned for his daughter to start school in September and go to the city to study, which surprised everyone in the Sun family.

At that moment, Grandma Sun frowned and said: "Why are you going to the city? I heard that even drinking water in the city costs money! You also need money to buy food. How can you spend so much money? Isn't it nice to be at home? You don't have to spend money. You can also go to scenic spots to make money, how can you make so much money in the city?”

An Ran secretly thought that she would definitely be able to make money. There were more and more job opportunities in the city. Besides, she would have an excuse to go to the city to study. The teacher taught her well. She wrote better and better essays. She submitted them and made money.

But she didn't need to say anything at this time, because Sun Dahu, who had been brainwashed by her, would help her with the Sun family's work.

Then I heard Second Sister-in-law Sun say: "Yes! What are you going to do in the county? The family is so nice and you don't have to spend money on anything to eat."

The reason why Second Sister-in-law Sun dissuaded her like Grandma Sun was because she thought that when An Ran, the God of Wealth, went to the county, who would she look for to find ways to make money? You must know that various shops in the scenic area have been decorated with various kinds of knots recently, and many people have set up stalls to sell them. Although the number of tourists has increased in the past two years, there are also more people who can't stand it. So her income was already declining. She also wanted to ask An Ran if there was any new way to make more money. She was leaving now, where could she ask?

——It is said that the income has dropped, but it only dropped from thirty or forty yuan a month to twenty or thirty yuan. She is still making some money. If she had so many people in the past, she would be very satisfied, but now her appetite has changed. Now that I'm old enough, I naturally don't want to see my income fall instead of rising, so when I saw that An Ran, the God of Wealth, was leaving, I was naturally anxious, so I discouraged him.

As expected, there was no need for An Ran to say anything. Sun Dahu began to explain the reasons An Ran said, saying: "My child is so good at studying, but the teaching quality in our village is average. I was afraid of delaying my child, so I took my child to study in the city."

Sister-in-law Sun obviously couldn't accept this reason, so she immediately said: "However, every exam is a double hundred. Even if you enter the city, where can you go? No matter how good you are in the exam, it's still not a double hundred?"

Sun Dahu shook his head and said: "You don't know, it's the simplicity taught in our village, and the test is simple, so Ranran gets double hundred in every exam. Ranran and I went to the school in the city, and the teaching they taught was much more complicated. They The test paper is also much more difficult, and with that kind of test paper, you won’t be able to get a double hundred.”

Of course, Sun Dahu didn't say that. Although Enron didn't take the double hundred test, it was almost there - he still got a perfect score in mathematics, but lost one point in Chinese. Anyway, in Sun Dahu's view, as long as it is not a double hundred, it means there is still room for improvement.

Of course, An Ran would not say that she lost that point on purpose in order to make Sun Dahu think that she was right. The quality of teaching in the city was indeed better, and it was indeed necessary to go to the city.

"Elementary school is like building a house and laying the foundation. If you don't learn well in elementary school and you are one step behind, you will be one step behind in middle school and high school. Even though she is so good at reading, I still hope that she can take the college entrance examination, but I can't just Such a delay."

When Grandma Sun heard what Sun Dahu said, she didn't say anything. After all, she wanted to continue to persuade her. If the third child and his family didn't leave, it would be bad if Enron failed to go to college in the future. Don't blame yourself for stopping it now. .

Grandma Sun didn't say anything, and Sister-in-law Sun naturally didn't dare to say anything either. After all, she saved others by herself, and she was afraid that if the third family stayed, Enron would not be able to go to college because of her, so she only told her own problem and said: " Of course, thanks to you, our family has made some money over the years, but now that you are gone and those tricks have been learned by others, I am afraid that we will not be able to make much money in the future. What should we do? What good can you do? Method?"

An Ran said: "Because I'm going to study in the city and I won't be able to do business in the future, so I won't continue to delve into making money. I really can't think of it for the time being. If I think of it in the future, I will tell you. . But I think that since our families have money, it is better to buy a house in the city like my family. I think that in the future, people like my father will run to the city for their children to study better. More and more, in that case, I think the price of houses in the city will increase, and you won’t suffer a loss if you buy it. Even if it doesn’t increase, it will be good for older brothers, sisters, and younger brothers to go to the city to study.”

An Ran has heard a saying that people who have bought a house now and people who have not bought a house will become two classes in the future, so now she advises the Sun family like this, as long as they don't want to steal business from them and harm themselves like the second sister-in-law Sun did. An Ran still wants the Sun family to live a good life.

Sister-in-law Sun and Sister-in-law Sun said they would consider it. After all, they thought that An Ran was so good at making money that they might not be wrong to listen to her, even if she was just a child.

On the other hand, Second Sister-in-law Sun curled her lips and said, "We have a place to stay at home, so I don't mind wasting money on buying a house in the city."

An Ran heard what she said. If it were Mrs. Sun and others, she might have tried to persuade her a little more, but she wouldn't have said anything more. Firstly, she didn't want to waste words on her, and secondly, she was too lazy. No matter what happens to Second Sister-in-law Sun's future, it's a good thing he didn't cause any trouble for her.

An Ran and Sun Dahu came to the city shortly before the start of school and started living in the city.

Anron transferred to the elementary school near the house - when Enron bought the house, he deliberately bought it next to the best elementary school in the city. Such a place will be a school district house in the future, with the greatest room for appreciation.

Because An Ran's academic performance was good, the transfer went smoothly.

Life in the city is much better than life in the village, and life is much more convenient.

Sun Dahu soon found a job at a construction site, and it was easy for masons to find work.

Although the wages on construction sites are high, at 60 yuan a month, they are higher than those in Shengli Village, and even higher than the wages of workers in some factories (this is normal, after all, the wages of workers are not as good as those of migrant workers on construction sites). (high, but the factory benefits are good, and there are pensions when you get old, which is not the case for migrant workers on construction sites), but it is just as hard as working in the village. The only thing that is better is that the nutrition is better in the city, which can at least make up for it. a little.

However, An Ran knew that this was not enough, and he had to find a way to prevent Sun Dahu from working so hard.

Thank you Zhao Yilin Ziyan and 137 Datong for the gifts~~Thank you for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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