The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

Juyuan Commune is an ordinary commune under Harbin. Its economy and agriculture are at an average level, with no special features and no factories. The local people are not very rich, but most of them have no problem eating, after all, they will not starve to death if they go hungry occasionally.

In the courtyard of Juyuan Commune, the heads of various villages are already waiting.

On one side of the commune, there are more than a dozen ox carts, horse carts, and a dilapidated tractor, which looks very impressive.

I don't know which village it is from.

In the middle of the commune courtyard, the educated youth who went to the countryside stood in a crowd, carrying large and small bags, in a mess, and the leaders of the commune stood above.

After waiting for a while, the cadres of the Youth Office of Juyuan Commune began to assign the villages to go to the countryside. Lin Zixuan, Han Qiaoqiao, and Han Guowei were all assigned to the more distant Hejia Village.

There were a total of five men and three women assigned to Hejia Village. In addition to the three of them, there were three men and two women.

The leader of Hejia Village was a dark-skinned uncle.

"I am the leader of Hejia Village and the leader of this time. My name is He Dawei."

"You can just call me Captain He!" He Dawei looked at the five men and three women in front of him. He was quite satisfied, especially with Lin Zixuan and another boy, who looked like good workers.

He was just afraid that the girls in the village couldn't stand it. After all, Lin Zixuan in front of him was handsome and strong.

"This is our village's ox cart. You can put your quilts, clothes and other light things on it. Hejia Village is quite far away. We are leaving now and we have to arrive before dark." He Dawei directed the placement of things while loudly calling the educated youth to go east.

Unexpectedly, this walk would take 30 kilometers. After rushing and hurrying, we finally arrived at the educated youth compound in Hejia Village before dark.

Lin Zixuan did not have much luggage on the surface. He put the quilt on the ox cart and helped Han Qiaoqiao carry a package in his hand. He was also very tired. Compared with Han Guowei and Han Qiaoqiao who were sitting on the ground, he was much better.

After meeting everyone in the educated youth compound, it was a little late. Captain He told them to have a good rest and left.

The new educated youth had not eaten yet. He borrowed some food from other educated youth in the compound, solved today's dinner, and went to the dormitory to pack up and rest.

Fortunately, everyone came with quilts.

Lin Zixuan did not eat the spare food in the space. After all, it was a big bunk bed, and it was hard to explain.

After all, everyone was too tired today.

The next day, the weather was sunny.

Captain He Dawei came to the educated youth compound early and informed: "Since the new educated youth have just arrived, we will not arrange for the new educated youth to work today. The old educated youth will still follow the previous arrangement. The new educated youth will go to the fields with the old educated youth tomorrow."

"And for the new educated youth to eat, our village will advance some food for you. You and the previous educated youth will cook together. After all, there are no extra pots and stoves!"

"But these grains must be returned, and they will be deducted from your earned work points."

After speaking, the captain went to the fields, leaving the new educated youth in the educated youth compound.

"Brother Lin, I woke up with a sore back today!" Han Qiaoqiao said, hitting her legs and waist lightly.

"Yes, but fortunately I don't have to work today, so I can have a good rest!"

However, he didn't plan to rest.

He walked around the village. The village was not big, and there were a few simple buildings at the easternmost part of the village.

He also asked around in the village and found out that it was where the intellectuals who were sent down to the countryside lived.

After discussing with Han Guowei, the two of them decided to live outside. They were not used to living in this big bunk bed. After listening to their plan, Han Qiaoqiao also went to live outside with another new female educated youth.

Although the educated youth here were all good, he still needed privacy. After all, it was too uncomfortable to not be able to take out so many things in the space.

That night, Lin Zixuan took out a pound of brown sugar from the system space, and the other three also took some gifts more or less and went to Captain He's house to ask if there were any empty houses.

Fortunately, there were several abandoned houses on the east side of the village. The previous owners of the houses had moved out of Hejia Village ten years ago and lived in other cities. The village could naturally handle them.

However, because they had not been lived in for a long time, the walls had collapsed and dust had accumulated, so it would take a lot of work to repair them.

Each house had two or three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small vegetable garden. The space was not small, but there were no furniture or kitchenware. Because it was at the edge of the village, it was also quiet.

After seeing it, the four of them were very satisfied.

He discussed with Han Guowei

They decided to rent one of the houses, and Han Qiaoqiao and another new female educated youth rented the house next door for easy care.

The rent for one house was five yuan a year, and two houses were ten yuan a year, which was cheap.

I asked the team leader to find a carpenter and several workers in the village, and spent some money to make some furniture, repair the holes and the courtyard wall, and install the gate.

After waiting for a week, they finally moved in.

The working atmosphere in Juyuan Village is not bad, and there is not much intrigue.

Although he worked harder at ordinary times, he never lacked food. After all, the fruits and vegetables in the small world had been stored for a long time under the ten-fold acceleration of the small world.

From time to time, he took out grapes, pears, apples, watermelons... to sweeten Han Qiaoqiao's mouth, saying that he bought them specially for her in the black market in the county.

The relationship between the two of them is getting better and better.

Lin Zixuan took advantage of the time when he went to the forest to dig up a lot of plants and planted them in the space. He also raised chickens, ducks, rabbits, fish... Soon the small world was flooded, and the number of animals in the small world had to be controlled.

After arriving in Juyuan Village, Lin Zixuan was rated as the courtyard grass of the educated youth compound in the village, and even the village grass of Juyuan Village. He was good-looking and good at work. Although he was a little darker than when he first came after working, he was whiter than the young people in the village.

He also took out pheasants, rabbits, and even rare fruits from the forest from time to time.

Sometimes he would give them to the aunts and children in the village to taste, which made his popularity soar.

It can be said that he was loved by everyone in the village and flowers bloomed when he saw them. After rejecting the love confessions of many young girls and female educated youth in the village.

Lin Zixuan and Han Qiaoqiao were together. They met on the train and got along with each other day by day, and finally the flowers of love bloomed at this time.

He fell in love with this bright girl unconsciously.

A year later, they got married.

A grand wedding was held in the Youth Courtyard, and the young people from the Youth Courtyard were invited.

When the parents of both parties received the letter, they were even more shocked. They took leave from thousands of miles away and came to Juyuan Village to attend the wedding.

After a few days of getting along, the parents of both parties were very satisfied. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, and they loved each other. Both of them were from Kyoto, and they were well matched. Nothing could be more satisfying than this.

In a blink of an eye, a few years passed, and finally the first college entrance examination after liberation came. Lin Zixuan knew the time of the college entrance examination a long time ago, and revealed it to Han Qiaoqiao, Han Guowei and another female educated youth a year in advance.

Finally, after a year of preparation, Lin Zixuan finally got into the Traditional Chinese Medicine major of Kyoto University as he wished, and Han Qiaoqiao got into the Education major of Kyoto Normal University.

After careful consideration, he decided whether to continue studying mechanical engineering or the unfamiliar Traditional Chinese Medicine major. Considering the possibility of doing tasks in many worlds, many of which have ancient backgrounds, and Chinese medicine can help him better deal with various situations, with full practicality, he decided to learn Chinese medicine.

Han Guowei and another female educated youth agreed to be admitted to Kyoto Institute of Technology together, and became revolutionary comrades.

Lin Zixuan did not meet the woman who fell into the water in his previous life, and was not framed and reported. After all, Zheng Yewei had already gone in to operate the sewing machine.

Su Yingxue was even more tortured by rumors and gossips. After a few years, she still married a foreigner. After all, the heroine was good-looking. However, the man was a domestic violence man. She was alone outside and did not dare to divorce. She did not live a good life.

Lin Zixuan was still very talented in learning Chinese medicine. After crossing, his soul was nourished, and there was feedback from the small world with him. His memory and comprehension were very strong.

After studying in college, he was loved by the university professor who was also a master of Chinese medicine. After the assessment, he became his closed disciple.

During college, he often attended mechanical courses, and deepened his knowledge of mechanical majors in technical secondary school. With a strong soul and good memory, he obtained a double degree certificate.

After graduation, he worked in Jinghua Hospital, and finally became a royal doctor of a national leader, and later became a new master of traditional Chinese medicine. Han Qiaoqiao devoted her life to education, and became a teacher for her whole life, with students all over the world.

In this life, he and Han Qiaoqiao had two sons and a daughter. After their children were over 60 years old, and their grandchildren grew up and got married, Han Qiaoqiao passed away peacefully. She was 90 years old at that time.

Lin Zixuan also passed away at the age of 90. The day after Han Qiaoqiao's funeral, Lin Zixuan lay on the bed, holding the wedding photo, and passed away.

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