The old man was standing on the balcony, and the old man was standing on the balcony.

"Old Third, are you daydreaming on the balcony in broad daylight? Be careful, I'm hanging some clothes, don't get yourself wet." The one who spoke was the eldest in the dormitory, Zhang Jun.

He was holding a blue plastic basin filled with freshly washed clothes.

Lin Zixuan moved to the side, and Zhang Jun pretended to be nonchalant while hanging clothes on the clothes rack and asked:

"I just heard you say that a friend just introduced you to a part-time job, and you can earn 20,000 yuan a month?"

"Yes, my girlfriend said that it was a distant relative of hers."

They had long known that Lin Zixuan had a girlfriend since high school, but they had only heard of her but never seen her.

"You have to be careful, don't meet a scammer, what kind of job can earn 20,000 yuan a month?" Zhang Jun advised worriedly.

"Our senior in the major just graduated and went to a state-owned enterprise and only earned 7,000 yuan a month, let alone you, a student who hasn't graduated yet?"

As a college student majoring in materials, it is not easy to find a job in the corresponding major after graduation. Why would people give you a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan for a sophomore who hasn't learned anything yet?

Zhang Jun is very vigilant, not like the simple and clear college students nowadays.

This is due to his rich family background. His grandfather, father and uncle are all policemen. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are from a police family.

And his father is a drug enforcement policeman who is a hundred times more dangerous. Although his father died in a fight with criminals, Zhang Jun was influenced by them and also determined to become a Chinese policeman.

As for why he entered Kyoto Institute of Technology, it has to do with his mother.

As a family member of a drug enforcement police officer, Zhang's mother knew the feelings of always worrying about her family members, and she also knew the pain of losing her husband. When she learned that her son wanted to apply for police-related colleges, she strongly urged her son to apply for other colleges.

Please forgive her selfishness as a mother. She has already lost her husband and does not want to lose her son again.

Zhang Jun remembered the days when his mother cried all day after his father left. He knew that his mother had endured too much, and his mother only had him as a relative.

So he hid his dream of becoming a policeman in his heart and applied for Linzhou University.

In the previous life, Zhang Jun also reminded him of this, but the original body did not care.

After being brainwashed, the original body believed in the authenticity of this business.

When Zhang Jun saw that the original body did not repent and that many persuasions were fruitless, he really couldn't bear to see his roommate fall into it, so he called the police.

When the police found him, he was still stunned for a while. After reacting, he kept saying that this was not a lie, but that he just spent money to import the goods from there.

After the police learned about the company's operating model, they directly said that it was a pyramid scheme company, but the original body refused to believe it. There was no way, so the police gave him another lecture.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he said that he already knew and would never participate again. With such a promise, he fooled the police away.

After he knew that it was Zhang Jun who called the police, he said: "You just can't stand me making money. You are cutting off my financial resources by doing this."

The two had a big quarrel and finally parted unhappily. Zhang Jun didn't care about him anymore.

Thinking about it now, Lin Zixuan felt ashamed for the original body. Where can I find such a good roommate?

"Here, it's this company." Lin Zixuan took out his mobile phone and pointed to the text message.

"Come, let me see."

Zhang Jun took the phone and saw the text message content of the contact "Yaya", which wrote the company's name, address and contact number.

Zhang Jun quickly checked on the Internet and found something wrong.

"This company is just a cosmetics company. The brand is not well-known. There are only about ten people in the whole company. How can they offer such a high salary?"

"Old Third, you must not go." Zhang Jun hurriedly advised.

Lin Zixuan quickly agreed. He didn't plan to go there to try his luck.

"Don't worry, I won't go."

"That's good." Zhang Jun was relieved.

After returning to the dormitory, Lin Zixuan opened his laptop and checked the information. He found that the development level of this world was equivalent to around 2019.

At this time, Yixin has become a popular communication chat software, and Yishang is even more well-known and accepted by everyone.

"No wonder Yang Rui can make so much money by relying on pyramid selling. It turns out that Yishang has developed now." Lin Zixuan thought.

Although Yixin is only a

It is a chat software, but its unique model provides a breeding ground for the development of Yishang.

The development of the Internet has caused the MLM industry to fission exponentially across the country.

However, the Internet is obviously a double-edged sword.

Lin Zixuan wanted to pick up this sword and cause a little trouble to Yang Rui.

He picked up the computer and went to the library of Linzhou University. After finding a suitable location, he began to type on the silent keyboard, and soon entered the background of the Ruiya APP developed by Yang Rui's company.

Lin Zixuan stared at the data in the background and found that they now have more than a thousand downline members, including practitioners from all walks of life, among which mothers account for a large proportion, and the funds involved are as high as nearly 20 million yuan.

It seems that Yang Rui's business has begun to take shape, and it will soon be able to expand exponentially with Yishang.

Lin Zixuan's mind moved, his fingertips jumped on the keyboard, and a computer virus quietly emerged.

This virus has no effect. It just transferred all the money in Yang Rui and his company's accounts to a charity in China after ten days.

He smiled with satisfaction: "Thank you, Boss Yang Rui, for your contribution to China's charity."

As for the fact that other masters found relevant traces on the Internet, it was a bit of a worry.

He has studied extensively in many worlds. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a true god in the computer industry in this world for a hundred years.

After all, some of the worlds he experienced before have become interstellar civilizations, among which high-tech technologies such as AI intelligence and virtual projection have long been developed and mature, while computer programming, which is still in the primitive development stage, is just a small gadget for him.

As long as he did not leave a loophole deliberately, others would not be able to find him.

After Lin Zixuan finished his work, he rested in the library for a while and found that there were still many students preparing for the final exams. Presumably, many students in other majors have not finished the exams yet.

He flipped through the memory of his original body and found that they had just finished the final exams in the morning.

"Luckily I came here after I finished my exams." Lin Zixuan couldn't help but sigh.

There are still five days left, and students from other majors will finish their exams one after another, and the whole school will officially start their summer vacation.

And students who have finished their exams now can go home at any time.

Thinking of his plan, Lin Zixuan took out his mobile phone and immediately bought a train ticket home.

Three days later.

"How do you see the road, you guy? Don't you have eyes? Don't you know how to let me go?"

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