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Not long after, word spread that the person Lin Guogong loved died while fleeing, so he was so heartbroken that he sealed off his love and no longer considered marriage.

The news spread faster and faster. In just a few months, Lin Zixuan's infatuation spread throughout the Daqian Kingdom. Huaichun girls across the country were very envious of Lin Guogong's beloved, and even regarded Lin Zixuan as their idol.

In the Wanhua Building in Kyoto, Miss Huan'er has become the most popular girl there, followed by Miss Yue'er.

Especially the girl Huan'er, who has a gorgeous face and delicate and white skin. Especially her body has a fragrant fragrance, like orchid and musk deer. Every movement has a charming charm, which makes the guests mesmerized and indulged in it.

Her hand tendons and hamstrings were severed by the spiritual energy, and it was impossible to return to normal state, but she still had no problem living a normal life, which made her body appear more delicate and delicate.

Wanhualou ranks among the brothels in Kyoto, and because of the beauty of the girl Huan'er, it has become more and more popular among people in Kyoto. It has become the best reception object for literati and elegant people, bringing a lot of income to Wanhualou.

But Wanhualou is a business of skin and flesh. Even if the ranking has improved a lot and the price of girl Huan'er has increased, it is still a skin and flesh business after all, not a high-end romantic occasion.

Miss Huan'er is the original Liang Jinghuan, and this name was given to him by the madam.

Because his body, which has been transformed by the Yin-Yang Creation Pill, is not a mortal body, it can bring an excellent experience to the opposite sex during sex, and it is a good material for making a furnace.

Fortunately, there are no evil cultivators in this world, otherwise she would have been harvesting yin to replenish yang.

The two of them were unwilling to be trapped in the brothel at first, but their hand tendons and hamstrings had been broken by spiritual energy. Although their lives were not a problem, they were obviously unable to escape.

After being caught plotting to escape several times and being taught and trained by the madam many times, the two finally became disheartened and could only stay in Wanhua Building to receive guests.

During their days in Wanhua House, the two gradually recognized the reality, slowly integrated into the extravagant life of Wanhua House, and completely transformed into the appearance of women in a brothel.

At first, the relationship between the two was very good. After all, they knew each other well and could rely on each other.

But later, as Huan'er became more and more popular, there seemed to be a trend of playing cards on the top of the house, which made Jiang Qiuyue, who had already resigned himself to his fate, couldn't help but feel jealous in his heart.

"Miss Huan'er is the top star of Wanhua House and is loved by customers. I'm just an ordinary girl from a brothel. How can I be your good friend?"

"Please don't make trouble unreasonably, please. We have both fallen to this point. What else can we compare?"

Liang Jinghuan was troubled by Jiang Qiuyue's changes, but he only had Jiang Qiuyue as his best friend, so he could only try his best to maintain the relationship.

But the relationship between the two eventually developed a rift. They had quarrels from time to time and were no longer harmonious.

Jiang Qiuyue once directly said that she was a monster who turned into a woman from a man. Although others obviously did not believe it, this made Liang Jinghuan, who had already recognized his identity as a woman, shocked and angry, fearing that others would discover his secret.

As a result, the relationship between the two officially broke down, and they began to target each other, wanting to strangle each other to death.

However, when faced with Lin Zixuan's matter, the two of them had the same hatred, but they knew that they were not his opponent. After all, he was already the Duke of Daqian Kingdom, and he was not someone that two little brothel girls could defeat. They could only Just venting out the frustration in my heart.

Especially Liang Jinghuan, well, that is Miss Huan'er. Although part of her memory has been erased, she still clearly remembers the scene where her father and the generals were instantly killed by her men. She can no longer muster the courage to take revenge.

Moreover, she would have menstrual cramps every month, which made her even more devastated, and her whole mind became emotional. She felt sad all day long.

During this period, many people wanted to redeem the two of them, especially Miss Huan'er, but without exception, they were all rejected by the madam who had given spiritual hints. Even if a big shot intervened, the matter would end.

One day three years later, both of them got heart diseases. No matter how beautiful they were, no customers dared to mess with them. The business of Wanhua Building deteriorated again. The two of them were tortured by the madam all day long. In anger, they set a fire and ended the relationship. A tragic life.

In the fifth year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the empress became seriously ill, and the imperial doctors failed to get better after long-term treatment. The emperor was furious and executed many of the imperial doctors. In order to protect the lives of the doctors, the empress voluntarily gave up treatment.

Lin Zixuan could only take the initiative to expose his medical skills. After ten days of

After treatment, the queen has returned to health.

Then he taught the two of them a set of health-preserving boxing techniques, which he used to regulate their bodies so that they could live longer.

Under his guidance, Zhu Xu has become an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs, and his physical fitness is also needless to say.

After Zhu Xu was able to handle court affairs with ease, Lin Zixuan began a several-year traveling career alone. After he completed traveling around the world, he also wrote a travel diary, which recorded the maps and mineral deposits of various countries.

After he returned to Daqian Kingdom, Zhu Xu had successfully ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Zhu Tianhua was very satisfied with Zhu Xu's abilities and retired to live a small life with the queen.

But it was this travel journal that made Zhu Xu realize that there is a world outside the world and there are people outside the world, and he understood that there is still a lot of room for development in Daqian Country.

At this time, the country of Daqian was prosperous and the people were strong. Everyone had enough food and clothing, and the national power was unprecedentedly strong. The firearms, shipbuilding and other industries were already quite advanced under Lin Zixuan's silent guidance.

When he learned that there were large gold and silver mines on the island country that occasionally caused trouble to fishermen along the coast of Daqian Country, Zhu Xu directly waved his hand and used artillery fire to blast away the island country's defenses, allowing the island country to see the power of firearms.

In just half a year, almost all the men in the island country were killed, and the island country was naturally turned into a province of Daqian Country.

After tasting the sweetness, Zhu Xu started the expansion of Daqian Kingdom.

In just ten years, the territory of Daqian State was more than ten times larger than before, and nearly 30% of the territory was captured by Zhu Xu. At this time, Daqian State was worthy of being the most powerful country in the world.

The Western countries were frightened and formed the Western Alliance in order to fight against the expansion of the Eastern powers, but it was all in vain.

Twenty years later, the entire world has undergone great changes. Daqian has unified the world, named the planet Qianxing, unified weights and measures, and the entire world uses Chinese as the first language.

Under the guidance of Lin Zixuan, Zhu Xu knew the limitations of the feudal system and did not want such a good situation to be ruined by later emperors. So when he was at the height of his power, after a series of reforms, the Daqian Kingdom was officially changed to a constitutional monarchy. nation.

After that trip, Lin Zixuan spent most of his energy on agricultural development, and only took action on other aspects of development at critical moments.

In his life, he invented many high-yielding grains, fruits, etc., so that the people could not only eat well, but also eat well.

After Lin's father, Lin's mother, and his brothers and sisters all passed away, Lin Zixuan took one look at the prosperous Qianxing and chose to leave directly.

After his death, he was affectionately revered as the "Farming Saint" by the officials and people of Qian State.

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