The sun slowly set in the west, the orange sunlight sprinkled on the earth, and the white clouds were stained with a layer of gold.

Li Ci hurried back home after his shift, and his son told him that Zixuan was back.

Li Ci didn't say much when he got home, but tested and taught him his homework.

In the study, Li Ci and Lin Zixuan sat opposite each other playing Go.

"Xuan'er, after a year of travel, your policy level has improved significantly, which makes me very surprised. I think it won't be difficult to pass the provincial examination this time."

Li Ci said, looking at the young man in front of him.

"Thank you for the compliment, teacher. It is because of your good teaching that Xuan'er is what he is today."

Lin Zixuan bowed slightly and replied gratefully.

"Haha, it is my teacher's luck to accept you as a disciple."

The night enveloped the earth, the oil lamp on the table in the house was swaying gently, and the figures of the two were reflected on the wall...

The next morning.

Li Hongwen got up early and exercised in the yard. He held a stone lock in his hand and moved. The muscles of his arms and legs looked very brave and powerful.

There were several weapon racks in the backyard of the Li family, which were commonly used swords and guns, so that Li Hongwen could use them at home. After all, he was a soldier, and he couldn't help but practice every day.

The quality of the weapons was average, but it was enough.

Besides, this was used for exercise at home. Why buy such a good quality weapon? It was so expensive.

Lin Zixuan watched him practice vigorously, and he couldn't help but pick up a sword and danced.

The iron sword cut through the air, making a "swoosh" sound.

Stab, stab, pick, chop, cut...

Instantly, the sword light flashed in the courtyard, and the cold light suddenly rose.

Li Hongwen stopped his movements and looked at Lin Zixuan's sword moves, which were sometimes fierce, sometimes sharp and tricky, and sometimes light and agile. The sword moves changed like clouds and water, and like a tiger attacking, making it impossible to dodge.

He knew that he underestimated his father's disciple. It was impossible to change the moves so freely without years of practice and high talent.

The sword moves were sharp, the sword was fierce, and the combination of hardness and softness was not a sword method that ordinary people could learn.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Zixuan stopped the sword in his hand and looked at the three people who were watching.

It turned out that when he was not paying attention, the teacher and the master's wife also came to the backyard and watched him practice sword for a while.

"Teacher, master's wife, brother Hongwen!"

Lin Zixuan called one by one.

"Zixuan, when did you learn sword?"

Li Ci asked curiously.

"Teacher, this is what I learned from an old Taoist priest when I was traveling. We had a good chat and learned it for self-defense."

Lin Zixuan's expression remained unchanged, and he made up the story calmly.

"Haha, Xuan'er is still lucky."

Li Ci said with a smile.

He didn't think it was a bad thing to learn some martial arts. His disciple was very talented and could read all kinds of books. He thought he would be envied in the future. Even if he couldn't become a martial arts master, it would be good to learn some martial arts to strengthen his body and have more means of self-protection.

During the imperial examination, one exam would last for several days. If you are weak, you may not be able to finish the exam. Even if you insist on taking the exam, you will get a serious illness and lose half your life.

Having a good body is also a capital.

"Teacher, I met several overseas businessmen during my travels. After communicating with them, I found that their countries have several high-yield crops, so I bought several high-yield grain seeds from them."

"I want to go back to my hometown and find a piece of land to try planting."

Lin Zixuan asked.

"Oh? Seeds of high-yield crops?"

Li Ci has never seen foreigners overseas, but he has heard of them. Although he is also curious, he is more curious about high-yield grain seeds.

"Did he say how much per mu can be produced?"

Li Ci asked curiously.

"Teacher, Master's wife, Brother Hongwen, please follow me."

Lin Zixuan said as he walked towards his hut.

The three of them stared at each other curiously.

They saw Lin Zixuan take out a black package, opened the package and found three oil paper packages with three types of seeds stacked inside.

Lin Zixuan opened the first oil paper package and said, "This is a grain seed called corn. I heard from people overseas that it can produce ten dan of grain per mu."

"How much? Ten dan of grain?"

Li Hongwen shouted.

He was a soldier and knew that the army consumed a lot of grain every year, and he also knew what high-yield grain meant.

The importance of grain and grass is shown by the fact that the troops did not move before the troops moved.

And the great

With such high-yield grains, the Great Xia army will have enough grain for reserve, and will no longer be afraid of running out of grain when fighting the enemy in the future.

"Yes, ten shi."

Lin Zixuan affirmed.

"Xuan'er, continue."

Li Ci interrupted his son's question and looked at the two oil paper packages behind him.

He thought the next two surprises would be even bigger.

"Yes, teacher."

Lin Zixuan replied.

He slowly opened the second oil paper package and said, "This is potato seeds, which can produce thirty shi of grain per mu."

Then he opened the third oil paper package and said, "This is sweet potato seeds, which can produce fifty shi of grain per mu."

"What? How much? Thirty shi? Fifty shi?"

Li Hongwen shouted again, and it was no wonder that he made a fuss. Anyone with a little common sense knew what this meant.

The main crop grown in the Great Xia Kingdom is rice. Ordinary rice fields only produce two shi of grain per mu, and even good fields only produce three shi of grain per mu.

All of a sudden, 10, 30, and 50 shi, the yield is several times or even ten times the original yield. How can people not be excited?

Li Ci and his wife could not hold back their excitement. If it were not for the fact that this disciple was someone they knew well and grew up with, and knew that he would not lie to them, they would probably think that this was a scam by some liar.

"That's why I want to try to plant it. Only after we verify it ourselves can we determine whether it is true."

Lin Zixuan smiled slightly as he looked at the excited expressions of the three people in front of him.

Of course he knew that this was true, even more than that.

The seeds in the oil paper bag have mutated after several generations of reproduction in the small world, with higher yield and better taste. Although the yield and quality will be reduced in this world without spiritual energy, he believes that it will be much better than before and will bring them a huge surprise.

As long as it can be confirmed that the yield is true and correct, even if it is cut in half, it is simply the food of immortals, enough to improve the national destiny of Daxia, improve the current situation of farmers in the whole country, and let ordinary farmers have enough food and drink.

Waiting for everyone to calm down, Li Ci carefully looked at the three packets of seeds in front of him. The first packet was golden yellow particles, with a large number.

The second and third packets were obvious oval plants, with a small number, only about twenty in each packet.

"Teacher, this is the planting method and precautions I asked the overseas people for."

Lin Zixuan said as he took out a small booklet.

Li Ci took the booklet, flipped through a few pages, and was very excited when he saw the words and pictures of the secret mother.

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