The next day, Lin Zixuan got up and the first thing he did was to sign in.

"System, I want to sign in!"

"Ding, do you want to sign in daily? Yes/No"

"Sign in!"

"Ding, sign in successfully, congratulations on winning 1 ton of candy, you can choose the category"

Candy is very good, if it is seeds, it is even better.

In this era of food shortage, food is generally not enough to eat. Urban residents have a fixed amount of food every month and cannot buy it at will. Country people can only eat the food they grow or exchange it with others, and the same is true after going to the countryside.

This era is the era of planned economy, and bills such as food coupons, industrial coupons, and sugar coupons are vouchers for purchasing goods issued by the planned economy.

Simply put, if I want to buy a pound of flour, which is a fine grain, I need to pay a pound of grain coupons and the corresponding money when buying it. If there is no grain coupon, the store will not sell it, no matter how much money you pay. Money is not omnipotent.

However, there are black markets and private transactions. You can buy all kinds of food and materials without grain coupons, but it is not recognized by the law, and there will be cases of black eating black.

However, people basically go to the black market to exchange and buy materials secretly. One pound of fine grain can be exchanged for three pounds of coarse grain. Many families with many people can only exchange fine grain for coarse grain, otherwise they will go hungry.

If you want to eat white flour buns, you can't bear to use white flour. Instead, you mix white flour and corn flour in a certain proportion to make two-pound flour for steamed buns. If the family is better off, you can adjust the proportion of white flour a little more.

And candy is even more hard currency and rare in this era.

Sugar is also based on a fixed amount, and each person has only a quota of two taels per month, which shows that materials were in short supply at that time.

At that time, watching a movie cost less than 30 cents, and a sesame cake only cost three cents. You can imagine how precious candy is.

Lin Zixuan planned to enrich his little world, plant some food and fruit trees, and preferably have a few chickens and ducks.

In order to prepare for his own needs, and he didn't know what kind of world he would be in later. After three years of the epidemic, he still felt that it was a good thing to stock up on food.

Lin Zixuan took the only 13.8 yuan and some tickets in his hand and planned to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some food and seeds.

It took more than ten minutes to walk to the nearest supply and marketing cooperative store. The floor was paved with blue bricks. There was an old scale on the counter. Various commodities were displayed inside, including oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, pots and pans, tobacco, alcohol, tea, sugar, and even various cloths. It was really small but complete.

On the wall above the middle of the counter, there was a slogan with five big characters "Serve the People" and a portrait of Chairman Mao. On the wall next to it was a slogan "Strictly Prohibit Beating Customers", but it was obviously not for customers to see.

The salesman of this era was one of the eight major members. The supply and marketing cooperative was a state-owned unit with a monopoly nature. All kinds of materials had to be sold through the supply and marketing cooperative.

Employees working in the supply and marketing cooperative had much better wages, benefits and social status than other factory workers. They were definitely "golden rice bowls".

There were no other customers in the store, only a saleswoman. I asked her what seeds were available. The saleswoman introduced the seeds in the store. There were quite a few, including rice, wheat, corn, beans, vegetables, fruits, etc., but I didn't expect that you needed seed tickets to buy seeds...

This was really beyond Lin Zixuan's expectations. He knew that you needed tickets to buy food and bicycles, but he didn't realize that you also needed seed tickets to buy seeds. It was definitely modern thinking.

Fortunately, there were still candies for signing in today. Lin Zixuan silently thought in his heart, and half a pound of White Rabbit milk candy came out of his pocket. Fortunately, the pocket was big enough and it didn't look abrupt.

He reached his right hand into his pocket and grabbed a handful.

I secretly gave the saleswoman a handful of White Rabbit candies. There were quite a few of them. The saleswoman saw that they were White Rabbit candies, and estimated that there were at least ten of them.

The saleswoman smiled and her eyes lit up. Nowadays, people only buy two taels of fruit candies during the Chinese New Year and other festivals. White Rabbit candies can only be eaten when there are guests or during the Chinese New Year. Her family is reluctant to buy candies.

The saleswoman thought that the children at home were lucky.

She immediately said that she had some seeds at home, but not many types, mostly vegetables, fruits, and a small amount of grain seeds, but the price was more expensive and no seed tickets were required.

Fruit candies cost 1.2 yuan per pound, not to mention the more expensive White Rabbit candies. There were more than ten candies in this handful, almost two taels. No wonder the saleswoman was so happy.


"Sister Liang, please leave all the seeds you mentioned to me!"

"Sister Liang, I also want to get some seeds of fruits and Chinese medicinal materials, preferably more precious ones. Do you know where I can get some? I don't have any other hobbies, I just like to grow things."

"Xiao Lin, I have a relative in the countryside. His house is next to the mountains. There should be a lot of seeds. I'll ask for you."

"By the way, his family has a few fruit seedlings. Do you think you need them? But they are definitely more expensive than seeds..." Sister Liang asked kindly.

"That's great, of course, money is not a problem!" Lin Zixuan patted his chest and said generously.

"Go to this place in three days, I will call him over to you, and also bring you my seeds!" Although Lin Zixuan's request was strange, as long as the money was in place, Sister Liang said she was willing to try.

Fruits can be eaten without processing, and the price is high in small quantities, which is more convenient than growing grains. Of course, grains and vegetables still need to be grown, just plant a small amount. As for Chinese medicinal materials, he planned to set aside a small piece of land as a medicinal field, so that he would not have to worry about the problem of medicinal materials when he went to other worlds.

Good medicinal materials are scarce in any era and any world, especially high-year, high-quality ginseng, which is a life-saving product. Look at the 100-year-old ginseng in modern society, which costs at least one million yuan per plant. After ten years of planting in the small world, the ginseng will be 100 years old.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of the small world is higher than that of the general world. The same 100-year-old ginseng has better quality and higher medicinal effect.

Although he has gold, he doesn't mind the 100-year-old ginseng.

"Okay, Sister Liang, get me a pack of Daqianmen!"

"35 cents, plus a cigarette ticket!" Sister Liang was surprised and looked at the boy. Who usually smokes Daqianmen cigarettes? Ordinary production cigarettes only cost eight cents. Daqianmen is only bought for gifts and business. Yes, who would spend a lot of money to buy seeds at a high price for fun?

He handed over the goods and the money, and then put it in his pocket.

After saying goodbye to Sister Liang, Lin Zixuan went to the scrap collection station, which is a rare place to find bargains. Haven't you seen that so many protagonists of period novels can find big bargains at the scrap station?

Not to mention that this is Kyoto.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no ticket.

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