The palace examination is coming soon.

After being called and searched outside the palace, the candidates entered the examination room one by one.

All the candidates lowered their heads and dared not look directly at the emperor. In this era, every move must follow the etiquette, and not looking directly at the emperor is one of them.

The palace examination is the closest time for the candidates to the emperor. After the palace examination, everyone will be assigned to various towns to serve as officials and benefit the people.

Most candidates will find it difficult to enter the palace again in this life.

Unless they are serving in Beijing and are officials of the fifth rank or above, they can enter the palace again to attend the morning court, and this requirement is enough to make many officials struggle for their whole lives.

The prince is worthy of his name of kindness. When communicating with him, I didn't feel the sense of oppression from being superior. He was just like a good friend.

This time, through the prince's offering of three high-yield grains, I believe that after the prince ascends the throne, he will be able to develop the country well.

In either case, his achievements must not be erased, and it will definitely be good for him.

As the soldiers handed out the test papers and test questions one by one, the candidates looked at the papers on the table in front of them, and they all felt nervous to varying degrees.


The gong of the exam sounded, and the candidates began to answer the questions.

Lin Zixuan looked at the test questions in front of him, and did not write them according to the previous way, but went straight to the point.

In the previous world, he had been a senior official, formulated policies, and achieved considerable results. He took the previous experience and made minor modifications, and adapted to local conditions, and it was an excellent article.

The emperor walked around the examination room, watching the candidates answering questions, which brought a lot of pressure to the candidates. Some of them got stuck under the tension and sweated, and some accidentally made typos, affecting the neatness of the test paper.

This is a test of each candidate's ability to withstand pressure and psychological quality.

It is normal. In modern society, an ordinary worker will be nervous when facing the governor's question; students will unconsciously panic when facing the dean and the principal, fearing that they will say something inappropriate.

Not to mention facing the emperor in ancient times, that person can decide life and death at will, and it is normal to feel scared.

But this does not include him.

Lin Zixuan sat there and wrote like a god, without stopping for a moment, writing like clouds and water, and writing like clouds and smoke.

When he finished writing the answer and put down the brush, he found that the emperor was standing behind him, staring at his test paper motionlessly, and he didn't know how long he had been looking at it.

However, the emperor's nodding and smiling expressions from time to time showed that he was in a good mood, and he should be quite satisfied.


As the gong sounded at the end of the palace examination, the candidates put down their papers and pens.

Under the gaze of the officers and soldiers in the hall, no one dared to continue answering questions after the end.

However, being able to enter the palace examination means that you are already a pillar of the country, and there is no problem in writing a palace examination essay. The only difference is good or bad.

As the officers and soldiers on the scene collected the candidates' answer sheets, the candidates left one by one.

After a day of reviewing the essays, the results of each candidate have come out, and the proposed rankings have been submitted to the emperor for review.

One day later, it was the day to announce the list.

The candidates gathered in the hall again, but this time everyone stood in the hall, waiting for the list to be announced.

As he wished, Lin Zixuan was appointed as the champion of this palace examination.

At the same time, the list began to be posted on the streets of the capital, which would last for three days.

Next, it was a parade on horseback.

Lin Zixuan was wearing a red robe, a palace flower in his hat, and riding a tall white horse. On either side were the second and third place winners, and behind him were other Jinshi candidates. They were accepting the congratulations of the people on the streets of the imperial city.

There was also a band behind them, holding flags and carrying a plaque with the words "Jinshi Jidi", playing instruments along the way, a lively scene.

The second and third place winners both looked about thirty years old, which made Lin Zixuan's sixteen-year-old face look even younger.

"Is this the champion? He looks young and handsome."

"I heard that this champion won first place in the provincial, metropolitan and palace examinations. He is the winner of the three top prizes. Only a few people have won such an honor throughout history. This is enough to be recorded in history books!"

"But in previous years, there was a son-in-law selection under the list. This handsome champion will definitely be one of them."

"I think the third place is better looking. Look at his thick eyebrows and big eyes, handsome and unrestrained, and more mature man's charm."

"Among these three people, only the runner-up looks a little ordinary."

Runner-up: Are you polite?

Everyone likes different types of things, after all, it's hard to please a heavy taste.

The team walked through the central street, with two-story buildings on both sides, and Lin Zixuan subconsciously became alert.

It turned out that many girls were throwing handkerchiefs and sachets here, hoping to find a good husband.

Feeling the flying handkerchiefs and sachets, he subconsciously used his hands to block them, feeling the strange touch on his arm.

It turned out that because the handkerchiefs were soft and could not be thrown far, they were stuffed with small stones.

No wonder the second and third place candidates looked painful.

Fortunately, this is not a modern society, otherwise at least you would be thrown from a high altitude.

During the parade, Lin Zixuan saw a familiar figure. It turned out that Zhou Anan and her maid were watching upstairs.

When the two looked at each other, Zhou Anan's cheeks were slightly red, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, looking shy and happy.

Lin Zixuan smiled and nodded.

At the end of the parade, Lin Zixuan saw a lot of people coming from a distance. He was very sharp-eyed and could sense something was wrong, so he quickly said goodbye to everyone and disappeared in front of everyone.

In the distance, the rich and powerful people in the capital gathered together, and each family was followed by more than a dozen servants, forming a crowd of people.

"Where did the champion go?"

"Why did the champion disappear?"

Everyone turned around and saw that there was one person missing, and it was the champion who won the "three first prizes".

No one replied.

He had to run away, because the next step was the famous "catching a son-in-law under the list". In order to avoid trouble, he left early.

"Forget it, if I can't invite the champion, don't we still have the third place and the second place?"

The second place:......

The third place:......

After the parade, it was time to enter the officialdom and work officially.

As the champion, he would be awarded the position of Hanlin Academy Editor, which was a sixth-rank official position.

The Hanlin Academy editors are mainly responsible for drafting documents, compiling historical books, and giving lectures at imperial lectures, but the most important thing is to cultivate talents.

The Hanlin Academy is equivalent to the modern Central Party School + Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. It is the emperor's secretary. Although it has no real power, it has contact with all high-level officials and should not be underestimated.

There is even a saying that "the prime ministers of the world come from Hanlin".

The next day, as expected, the imperial edict and the appointment documents were delivered to him, and the position was the Hanlin Academy editor.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Zhou has something urgent to ask you, so you should go to him quickly!"

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