The family gave the money to the family, but the family gave the money.

Finally, under the intimidation of Lin's father, Lin Da and Lin Er, they still gave one thousand yuan. When Su's mother took out the money, she was visibly heartbroken.

Before leaving, Su Yingkang glared at Lin Zixuan as if he was still unconvinced.

Lin's father and mother gave Lin Zixuan the one thousand yuan, and gave him two hundred yuan and some food coupons, industrial coupons, etc.

Compensation is compensation, and what the family gives is what the family gives. It's not the same concept.

After all, if you have money in your hands, you won't be panicked. As parents, you are always worried that your son won't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes.

As tools, Lin Da and Lin Er looked at their younger brother and were very worried about his life after going to the countryside. Each of them secretly gave Lin Zixuan twenty yuan.

Another day passed in the blink of an eye.

Today is the day to meet with Sister Liang. Lin Zixuan put all his money into the system space, took out ten yuan in change and some tickets, and went to the appointment.

From a distance, he saw Sister Liang and a simple-dressed old man standing there, with a bulging woven bag next to them.

Lin Zixuan walked over quickly.

"Sister Liang, I'm late, I apologize to you!" Lin Zixuan said embarrassedly, took out four pieces of White Rabbit milk candy from his pocket and handed it to Sister Liang.

"Xiao Lin, this is from Lijiazhuang, you can just call him Uncle Li!" Uncle Li in front of him, his clothes were washed white, but not worn out, with a head full of white hair, and he looked to be over seventy years old.

"Uncle Li, my name is Lin Zixuan, you can just call me Xiao Lin! Here are two pieces of milk candy for your grandchildren to have sweet mouths!" Lin Zixuan greeted enthusiastically, yes.

"Xiao Lin, I brought you some seeds from home... Take a look at them." Sister Liang said as she opened the basket and took out a few small bags with the names of the seeds on them.

After taking a look, the seeds were full, with dozens to hundreds of seeds of each type, but most of them were vegetables grown in the city.

Lin Zixuan nodded with satisfaction: "Sister Liang, I want all of them, name a price!"

"Xiao Lin, give me three cents." Sister Liang said embarrassedly, three cents was enough to buy two kilograms of rice.

"Well... Sister Liang, I'll give you one dollar. Thank you for introducing Uncle Li to me, I can't let you help for nothing!" Lin Zixuan said as he took out a one-dollar bill and stuffed it into the basket, saying without question.

"Okay... okay... then I'll accept it as a favor." Sister Liang put the money into her pocket with surprise and joy.

It was her turn to trade with Uncle Li.

"Xiao Lin, I heard from Xiao Liang that you want to buy some seeds and fruit seedlings. I'll bring them over to show you!" Uncle Li opened the woven bag next to him a little stiffly.

"Hey, thank you for your hard work!"

"Oh, there are grape seedlings, persimmon seedlings, pear seedlings, apple seedlings, peach seedlings, jujube seedlings, pomegranate trees... That's a lot." Lin Zixuan raised his right thumb and said.

"There is no shortage of other things in the countryside, but there are a lot of seedlings of various kinds. I took a few of each."

"Here are the seeds, including wheat, rice, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, pumpkins, peanuts, soybeans... and more than a dozen ginseng seeds!"

Lin Zixuan was very surprised. He didn't expect there were ginseng seeds: "Uncle Li, I am very satisfied. I want all these seedlings and seeds. Please quote a price?"

Uncle Li glanced at him in embarrassment. If he asked for too much, it would be inappropriate. If he asked for too little, it would be difficult to come here.

Seeing the old man's embarrassment, Lin Zixuan said, "Uncle, I'll give you five yuan, how about that?" Lin Zixuan didn't know the market either, but he knew that five yuan was enough to buy more than 30 kilograms of rice or more than 300 kilograms of tomatoes, which was not a small amount.

"These are all unused seeds, and there are also seedlings that I dug while working these two days. It didn't take much effort, so I don't need so much!" Uncle Li smacked his lips when he heard five yuan. This city kid is really rich.

Lin Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that he had given too little.

"Uncle, these things are worthless to you, but they save me a lot of trouble. Just take it!" Lin Zixuan stuffed the money into Uncle Li's hand, thought about it, and grabbed a few White Rabbit milk candies from his pocket and stuffed them into Uncle Li's pocket.

"Xiao Lin, thank you, uncle." Uncle Li shook Lin Zixuan's hand embarrassedly and said gratefully.

After saying goodbye to the two, Lin Zixuan found an empty corner and put the seeds and saplings into the system space.

After returning home, while everyone in the family was at work, Lin Zixuan entered the small world.

With a thought, he divided a few plots of land, planted all the saplings, and planted watermelons, pumpkins, and tomatoes one by one.

He divided a few more plots of land and planted all the saplings.

A vegetable plot, plant some Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, peanuts, soybeans, etc.

Pour some spiritual water from the lake, turn on the tenfold acceleration, and wait for the harvest.

Now the small world is still empty, but it will be different in ten days. After all, the tenfold acceleration is turned on, which is equivalent to one hundred days in the real world, that is, three months and ten days, and the vegetables can basically be harvested.

With a thought, the rules of cutting, watering, pollination, picking, and then planting are set. This is a fully automated agricultural park.

However, the system space is limited after all, and it will be filled up in a short time.

Thinking that he has complete control over the small world, Lin Zixuan suddenly had an idea and divided a piece of land in the small world as a warehouse. After all, the height is infinite, and theoretically it is also infinite space. Just set the time lapse to zero and the space gravity to zero.

After testing it, it is indeed feasible... It is directly equivalent to an alternative warehouse space!

The problem was solved.

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