The old man was born in a strange way, and the old man was born in a strange way.

A thousand years later, China has already unified the world, entered the interstellar era, and made a name for itself in the interstellar world.

The gene evolution potion developed by Lin Zixuan has not been eliminated due to its powerful efficacy. It is still used by the official authorities and is called the key to a new era.

After the successful development of the gene evolution potion, Lin Zixuan's archive information has been sealed up and unknown to the world. It was not made public until many years after his death.

At this time, Chinese people knew about Lin Zixuan's great achievements, and he was also hailed as a pioneer of the new era...

"Teacher, why didn't Mr. Lin marry in his life? He is so handsome and has such profound knowledge, he must be very popular with girls." A student holding a textbook, looking at the handsome photo of Lin Zixuan smiling on it, asked in confusion.

"It is unknown. There are various rumors in the world. The most credible one is that Mr. Lin suffered a lot of grievances at home, which led to disappointment in family affection, so he completely closed his emotions and devoted himself to research and development, shining for the country, so he could achieve such achievements." The history teacher sighed.

"I don't know what grievances Mr. Lin suffered. He worked hard for the development of the country and mankind. The first generation of gene evolution medicine he developed has the effects of cleansing the meridians and marrow, prolonging life, and developing the brain. It is called the safest and most effective gene evolution medicine so far." A male classmate said angrily.

"The life expectancy of our country's citizens has been officially extended by a hundred years. Many old scientists have been able to prolong their lives and continue to contribute to the country after taking it. It has also developed their brains, and our country's science and technology can develop so rapidly."

"Mr. Lin's achievements are indelible. We must remember Mr. Lin's contributions." The history teacher continued.

"Okay, let me ask you a question. In which year was Mr. Lin born?"



[Next world]

Blue Star, Xia Country, a suburb of a third-tier city.

A handsome young man stood in front of a factory called "Happy Biscuits".

The security guard, Uncle Li, saw someone blocking the entrance and exit, picked up the intercom on the table, put it on his waist and murmured: "Whose poor kid is this? He has been blocking the door. I wonder if there are cars coming in or out?"

I saw a strange young man wearing a black suit, a white shirt inside, and shiny leather shoes on his feet, looking like he was selling insurance.

Uncle Li walked out of the door slowly and asked: "Young man, what are you doing in our factory? Don't block the vehicles from entering and leaving."

"Uncle, I'm looking for your factory owner to buy biscuits from your factory." The young man glanced at the guard and replied.

"Buy biscuits? Why do you want to find our factory director? I'll ask the sales department to contact you."

"It's better to ask your factory director to come out. I want to buy all the biscuits in your factory." The young man patted his chest, his tone full of confidence.

"What? All the biscuits?" Uncle Li looked at him in surprise.

"Then wait a minute, I'll report to our factory director." Uncle Li had a little doubt in his heart, but it was replaced by surprise in a blink of an eye.

Their factory is an old factory that has been in operation for decades, and the biscuits it produces are also old domestic brands.

However, in modern society, foreign capital has entered Xiaguo, and various new brands of biscuits have emerged in an endless stream, with various flavors and exquisite packaging... People are dazzled.

The biscuits produced by their factory have always been healthy and taste good, but the packaging has not changed, and the marketing has not worked at all. As a result, they gradually cannot keep up with the market changes and are slowly being eliminated by the market.

Their factory has not received large orders for a long time. Now many distributors, stores, and supermarkets do not purchase biscuits from their factory. Only the sales profit of the online store is barely supporting the operation of the factory.

I am afraid that it will not take long before the factory will go bankrupt, and the old employees in their factory will also be unemployed.

However, now there is finally a big customer coming to the door to ask for goods, and the factory can at least breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hello, Director Lin, I am the security guard Lao Li. A big customer came to the door of our factory and said he wanted to buy all the biscuits in our factory. I see that he is dressed in a decent manner and does not seem to be lying. I will report to you quickly." Uncle Li said excitedly.

"All biscuits? Uncle Li, don't make fun of me. I am trying to find ways to increase the turnover of our factory." Lin Zixuan replied.

"Director Xiaolin, I'm not kidding you. The customer is right at the factory gate. You'll see him when you come out." Uncle Li said seriously.

"Okay, then ask Xiao Wang to take him to the factory's reception room. I'll be there soon." Lin Zixuan ordered.

Xiao Wang is the factory's security guard and Uncle Li's junior.

"Okay, Director Xiaolin." Uncle Li replied.

Lin Zixuan had just received the original owner's memory and the plot transmitted by the system, but he didn't expect to face the male protagonist in a blink of an eye.

It turns out that this world is about to experience a long period of extreme cold. The whole world will experience extreme cold, and the north of Xia Country can reach minus 100 degrees.

Even Hainan Island, which used to be spring-like all year round, will be covered with ice and snow, not to mention other areas. It can be called the end of the extreme cold, and the plot unfolds against this background.

The male protagonist Su Han is an ordinary worker in Shanghai. He is a reborn person. In the face of the extreme cold apocalypse in the previous life, as an ordinary person, he could only live in the shadow of others.

In the end, he died on the way to find supplies.

After his rebirth, Su Han took out online loans and loan sharks from all platforms on the market, and borrowed nearly 10 million yuan to buy a large number of daily necessities in various supermarkets and factories.

After careful selection, he spent a lot of money in Shicheng, a third-tier city, to build a perfect shelter to resist the severe cold.

Shicheng is located in the southwest of Xiaguo. It has both the mild weather in the south and the towering and continuous mountains. It is a good city for living and tourism.

After Su Han came to Shicheng, he found that there were many food processing companies in this third-tier city, so he bought a lot of supplies here with the loan money.

Su Han came to the Happy Biscuit Factory and only paid 20% of the money, and bought all the biscuits in stock from the original owner. The rest of the money will be settled next month.

Su Han, knowing that the end of the world was coming, still decided to buy all the biscuits in the factory, leaving no supplies for the factory, and only paid 20% of the money. His heart is horrible.

Su Han did not expect what these biscuits meant to the people in this factory. Maybe he knew, but he didn't care at all.

The workers in this factory have been working here for more than 20 years. Even the young people are the descendants of the old workers here.

After the snow came, the original body could only go to Su Han to ask for some of the previous biscuits when there were not many supplies in the factory and at home, but was sternly rejected by him.

"I bought these biscuits. What does it have to do with you? As for the remaining money..."

"I don't have that much money to pay the balance, but you can go to court to sue me. I support the court's decision." Su Han looked at the original owner with a sneer on his face, and the smug look on his face could not be concealed.

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