The more he looked, the more he realized that the space was gradually decreasing.

He found that the area of ​​the space was gradually decreasing, although it was not obvious compared to before, and the materials in the space were not affected.

But he couldn't help feeling a little anxious, which made him unable to sleep and eat.

And he found that his control over the portable space was actually decreasing. Before, as long as he touched the large machinery, he could easily put it into the portable space, but now he could feel a little bit of power hindering him.

It's just that the power was too weak, so he didn't take it seriously and thought it was his illusion.

But if that was true, it was much more serious than when he found that the things in the shelter were stolen, and it was not even on the same level.

After all, the portable space was the foundation of his life in the doomsday, and some food and equipment were just a drop in the bucket compared to it.

What if his portable space disappeared? He didn't dare to think of such a result.

"I must be too tired recently, and it's an illusion. It will be fine in a few days." Su Han comforted himself.

He knew that he didn't want to experience it again, like the miserable life in his previous life where he couldn't even get up to eat.

But he knew he couldn't do anything. He didn't know what happened to the portable space, and he had no means to stop it. Now he was still confused and thought it was just an illusion caused by his poor mental state.

Su Han didn't know that as long as it was sealed for another eight layers, that is, just 56 days, his portable space would completely become a viewing item.

At that time, he would no longer be able to use the portable space, and he couldn't even think of taking out the things inside.

There were less than two months left.

Lin Zixuan didn't know Su Han's thoughts. He was doing research in his residence.

He had long achieved martial arts innateness with the elixir of the small world, and possessed extraordinary martial arts value, which was enough for him to dominate this ordinary modern world.

With his excellent physical fitness and research day and night, Lin Zixuan has successfully produced a new plant growth culture solution that can increase the growth rate of plants tenfold.

In this extremely cold apocalypse, with the existence of this culture solution, people will no longer suffer from various vitamin deficiency diseases due to the lack of vegetables and fruits.

Moreover, various grains are also harvested by plants, which can shorten the planting time by ten times, which is equivalent to ten times the grain harvest.

This is definitely good news for survivors in the apocalypse.

Lin Zixuan did not share this good news with others. This is his token of loyalty to the country.

He put away the research materials and finished products, sat on the chair, and silently looked at the night outside the window.

In just a few hours, the weather in Shicheng has reached below zero.

Suddenly, a cold air blew over, and snowflakes fell from the sky.

At the same time, Lin Zixuan took out a treasure, and with a thought, he used the power of the treasure to explore. His thought swept through every place in Xia Country, and found that the heavy snow came strangely. It snowed heavily at the same time in every place he explored.

This heavy snow finally came as promised.

After Lin Zixuan finished the exploration, he put away the treasure.

His current cultivation is still weak. Although his soul is powerful, he cannot use it recklessly. If he uses the treasure, he can explore the situation in Xia Country. After all, it is not a village, but a big country covering tens of millions of square kilometers.

Of course, he can also use the power of the system to explore, but it is not as refreshing as doing it himself.

The system is wronged: I am unemployed?

From then on, the end of the world officially began.

Before the morning, this heavy snow was on the hot search as expected.

After all, in this modern era, going to bed after 12 o'clock in the evening has become the norm. Maybe some beautiful readers are still staying up late in bed reading books and watching short videos.

People say that it snows in June, but that is just a myth. But this is real snow in August, and it is a heavy snow that affects the whole world.

At this time, the post posted by Lin Zixuan became lively again.

[Can you believe that it is snowing here? This is Hainan Island, the southernmost island of Xia Country. The temperature has never dropped below 20 degrees Celsius all year round. Even in winter, it is very warm. It was a rare cool day a few days ago, and now it is snowing heavily? [Picture][Picture]]

[It can snow in Hainan? This photo is really photoshopped. ]

[I have been in Hainan for more than 30 years. I am very happy to see it snowing in Hainan for the first time, but on this day

The weather is really cold! ]

[I can testify that this is true. I am also in Hainan Island. I just came back from driving Didi outside. The snow is too heavy. For safety reasons, I'd better go home and rest for a day. I won't go back to work until it stops snowing. (*  ̄︿ ̄)]

[Oh my god, I'm freezing to death. We in Hainan have never experienced sub-zero weather, and we haven't prepared thicker clothes. This weather is freezing to death. ]

[We are in Shanghai, and it snowed tonight. ]

[It snowed in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, too. Haha, it seems that what the blogger said is really accurate. Fortunately, I stocked up some supplies today. [Photo][Photo]]

[Haha, look at what this is? Little sun, electric blanket, and down jacket. I envy you so much. We in the north have rich experience in resisting cold weather, so this temperature is nothing. 】

【What's there to be afraid of when it snows? At most, it will stop after a while. How can it be like what the blogger said? If it really snows for ten days or half a month, people will freeze to death. 】

【Namo Amitabha, may the Buddha bless me. 】

【Whether the Buddha will bless you, I don't know, but I know that if you don't have something to keep warm, you will freeze to death in no time. w(゚Д゚)w】


Lin Zixuan didn't know that the Internet had been arguing, and he was already asleep at this time.

"Ah... Another energetic day."

Lin Zixuan stretched, slowly got dressed and got up, looked out the window, and found that the outside was already covered in silver, and the snowy scenery was poetic and picturesque, so beautiful that it made people intoxicated.

But in such a beautiful scenery, there is a hidden murderous intention.

There are no zombies that are fearless of life and death, no strange beasts that have revived their spirits, and no strange ghosts that have revived strangely, but the extremely cold weather alone can reshuffle the creatures in this world.

Even the extinction of the dinosaurs, the former overlords of the earth, has not yet been determined, but many people believe that it was caused by the sharp decline in climate, which shows the importance of climate to creatures.

Not to mention that what is coming is a magnificent scene comparable to the Ice Age in the animation, and it will last for a full hundred years.

Human civilization is buried in ice and snow, and returns to the primitive civilization life mode. The productivity cannot keep up with the material needs of human beings, which will inevitably lead to a large number of human deaths.

This is inevitable. If the problem of food production in the cold winter cannot be solved, the result can be imagined.

"I wonder how many people will die in this disaster?" Lin Zixuan said in his heart.

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