After all, the two of them were in a mess.

Lin Zixuan finally chose to confess to his family.

Looking at their son, Lin's father and mother felt that he had indeed changed recently and worked harder, but the words he said sounded like a lie.

"Son, have you been deceived? Why do you believe such a ridiculous prophecy?" Lin's father asked.

"Yes, son, how could such a thing be true?" Lin's mother couldn't help but say.

"Dad, Mom, let Zixuan talk about his thoughts. After all, he is so old, he must have the ability to distinguish between true and false. Besides, if he was deceived, don't you still have your parents?" Liu Cheng consoled.

Lin Zixuan looked at the strange eyes of his family. Why did they still have a trace of pity? Those who don't know would think it's a big fool watching some house.

Lin Zixuan took out his mobile phone, searched for the video, handed it over and said: "You will know after watching this video."

Several people looked at each other, and Lin's father took the mobile phone first, clicked on the video and watched it, and saw that Lin's father's face became uglier and uglier.

"Old Lin, what's wrong?" Lin's father didn't say anything and handed the mobile phone over.

After everyone checked one by one, they looked at each other: "Is this true?"

"Brother, do you know the publisher of this video? Or..." The sister asked doubtfully.

"Yes, this person is me." Lin Zixuan said solemnly.

"Remember ten days ago, I had nightmares every day? It was during those days that I dreamed about these things every day. After careful consideration, I decided to make this information public."

"Then... is the plant growth culture solution real?"

"Yes, this is also the secret recipe I got in my dream. The reason I revealed it is to attract the attention of the country."

Everyone is smart. They understand after a little thought that this kind of thing can only play an important role for the country.

"Good, good son." Father Lin said happily.

He is a veteran who has his own beliefs in the country and the people. He agrees with his son's approach.

Next, Lin Zixuan talked about the preparations he made in the past few days and his plan to announce the doomsday news to employees so as to decide on the arrangements for employees.

"Son, you'd better hide the publisher's information to avoid some people..." Father Lin solemnly advised.

After so many years in the business world, Father Lin knows the complexity of human nature. If this information is revealed, it may be coveted by some ambitious people.

"Dad, don't worry." Lin Zixuan smiled.

In the processing workshop of the Happiness Factory.

"Director, we have gathered all the employees in the first workshop according to your request."

"Okay, I'll go there right away." Lin Zixuan put down the phone and hurried to the workshop.

"Aren't we going to rush to order? What happened? Gather us all here."

The workshop was full of workers' discussions.

"Be quiet, don't make noise. The director called us here, there must be something important to announce."

"What important thing could it be? Is the factory going to close? Then you can't owe our employees wages, otherwise we will go to the Labor Bureau to sue you."

"What are you talking about? The factory's efficiency is good. In a few days, we will be able to complete a large foreign order. According to the income of this order, our factory will definitely be able to come back to life, and maybe we can even establish a long-term cooperative relationship with foreign friends."

"Who knows if it's a lie?"

Suddenly a voice came from the crowd, and Lin Zixuan looked closely and found that this person was Zhao Lian'er.

How did Zhao Lianer come to the Happiness Factory?

Speaking of which, Zhao Lianer and Lin Zixuan have a history.

As the successor of the Happiness Factory, Lin Zixuan was very popular in the surrounding area because he was good-looking since childhood. He was liked by many girls, one of whom was Zhao Lianer.

When she was in high school, Zhao Lianer made a bet with others that whoever lost would confess to Lin Zixuan. Unfortunately, Zhao Lianer lost.

But at that time, Lin Zixuan was working hard to prepare for the provincial mathematics competition, so he decisively rejected her.

And the reason he used was: "I still have to study hard, and I don't consider finding a girlfriend at this time."

Maybe because of the beauty's self-esteem, she couldn't accept being rejected, so she held a grudge and often said bad things about Lin Zixuan, and even encouraged Zhao's father and mother to go to the factory to make trouble.

Even that mathematics competition was because of Zhao Lianer's

The trouble caused him to not perform well and finally missed the top three.

Zhao's mother was influenced by Zhao Lian'er and her attitude towards Lin Zixuan gradually became worse, but Zhao Lian'er's father Zhao Daqiang did not listen to his daughter's one-sided words.

After Zhao Daqiang found Lin Zixuan to understand the ins and outs of the matter, he let go of his grudges.

He believed that even if the two young people did not like each other, could not have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and could not get married, it would not be so stiff.

Moreover, he has always been a model worker in the factory, treating the factory as his home and having deep feelings for the factory.

The embarrassing situation made him feel dilemma, and it was not until they both went to college that the situation was alleviated a lot.

He often persuaded his daughter, but it had no effect at all, which could only arouse Zhao Lian'er's rebellious psychology and make her hate Lin Zixuan even more.

Zhao Lian'er was thinking in her heart: "How can a father not believe in his own daughter, but believe in outsiders?"

She believed that her father had been brainwashed by Lin Zixuan.

"Lian'er, what are you talking about?" Zhao Daqiang couldn't listen any longer and hurriedly stopped him.

"Dad, I'm not wrong. Lin Zixuan is the best liar." Zhao Lian'er said excitedly.

Zhao Daqiang winked at her with an ugly face, signaling her to be quiet.

Zhao Lian'er looked at her father's ugly face and couldn't help but slowly shut up.

Lin's father and Lin Zixuan didn't fire Zhao Daqiang, or because Zhao Daqiang was loyal to the factory. Otherwise, if an ordinary employee treated his young master like this, he would have been kicked out long ago.

Lin Zixuan hurried to the door of the workshop and said loudly: "I will announce an important thing this time, all on a voluntary basis. If anyone doesn't want to listen, they can choose to leave. I will give everyone some food as compensation."

After Lin Zixuan finished speaking, the scene instantly became quiet.

"This is not your place. This is the land of the country and the people. Why should we leave..." Zhao Lian'er muttered unconvinced.

"Director, Lian'er didn't mean it. I hope you can forgive her." Zhao Daqiang patted her and bent down to explain.

"It's okay, Uncle Zhao, but why did your daughter come to the factory?"

"Hmph..." Zhao Lian'er snorted coldly when she saw that Lin Zixuan ignored her.

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