The snow is still falling, but the weather is getting colder.

One day, in a courtyard in Kyoto.

"Dad, there is a video I hope you can watch. Maybe it can help the current situation."

Li Cai is the daughter of a big leader and is now an ordinary clerk in the Finance Bureau of a district in Kyoto.

She knew that her father was worried about the impact of the heavy snow and was trying to help the people of Xia.

But the heavy snow has not stopped, which makes it impossible for the People's Liberation Army to transport food and supplies across the country.

Rescue can only be carried out in some cities near the garrison. Facing the disaster throughout Xia, this is tantamount to quenching thirst by looking at plums.

Li Cai wants to help the people of Xia, but relying on her meager strength, she can't help her father or the people of Xia.

She suddenly remembered the video and post of a blogger she had seen before, and the things that happened in the past few days were just as the blogger predicted, and they were verified one by one, which proved the accuracy of the prediction.

This heavy snow has lasted for three days across the country and the world. If it really lasts for fifteen days as the blogger said, it will be a disaster for the country, and it can even be called a disaster for the entire Blue Star creatures.

She has completely believed the blogger's words, so she can only tell his father at the risk of being scolded.

This is also a decision she made after careful consideration.

"Oh? What video?" Father Li put down the brush in his hand and replied curiously.

When Father Li is worried, he always practices calligraphy for a long time. This is a good way for him to adjust his state.

Li Cai took out his mobile phone, found the video and handed it over and said, "Hey, this is it, take a look."

Father Li took the mobile phone carelessly and slowly watched the content in the video. His expression changed from indifference at the beginning to gradually seriousness.

"When did this blogger post the video?"

"About seven days before the heavy snow, that is, ten days ago."

"It's been about ten days, that is, about a week before the heavy snow."

"Where is the publisher of this video from? Do you know who he is?"

"According to the location, he should be from your province, but the specific location cannot be determined. As for who he is, it is still uncertain." Li Cai replied one by one.

"Cai'er, go and call Secretary Wang."

"Okay, Dad." Li Cai did not dare to neglect and hurried to call Secretary Wang.

At this time, Father Li's mind was full of questions: "How can the publisher of this video 'predict' the future situation? Is he not an ordinary person?"

Suddenly, an absurd idea came to his mind. Could this publisher be the legendary reborn person? Or does he have the ability to predict?

However, the authenticity cannot be confirmed yet, so he needs to quickly ask Secretary Wang to investigate the specific situation of this publisher, and then send someone to contact him to understand the specific ideas of this blogger.

And the plant growth culture solution he mentioned, if it can really speed up the growth of plants, then the food problem will be effectively alleviated.

If it is really as he thought, it will be a great opportunity for Xiaguo. After all, only by anticipating the enemy first can we take the initiative and take the lead in the development of various countries.

After receiving the message from the leader, Secretary Wang hurried in.

"Leader, what do you want to talk to me about?" Secretary Wang asked respectfully.

"Secretary Wang, please arrange for the relevant departments to investigate the identity of the publisher of this video as quickly as possible, and by the way, let them locate the specific location of this blogger, and tell me the information quickly, understand?"

Secretary Wang took the phone and said solemnly: "Okay, leader, I will do it right away."


Fifteen days after the heavy snow began, the heavy snow finally stopped gradually, and everyone was very excited looking at the long-lost sunshine outside the window.

However, the heavy snow outside was nearly six meters high, and it had already flooded the two-story building, and it was impossible to go out normally.

At this time, the electricity, gas, and tap water supply had been stopped due to the heavy snow blocking the roads. The temperature in Shicheng was about minus 50 degrees Celsius. Such a temperature, coupled with the lack of water, electricity, and food, meant that people would either freeze to death or starve to death.

Moreover, Shicheng is located in the southwest region, and the temperature in the north is even colder than here, reaching more than minus 60 degrees Celsius.

However, the people in their factory lived well, and the snow in the factory was also

All of them were cleared outside, leaving only some thin snowflakes on the ground. This was the result of everyone clearing every two or three days.

Lin Zixuan looked at the snow outside the factory, which was like a high white wall dividing the factory and the outside into two worlds.

"Calculating the time, Su Han's portable space has been sealed three times. I wonder how Su Han will react?"

Lin Zixuan's mind moved, and the Eye of Observation transmitted the picture to his mind.

"Is this guy exercising?"

Lin Zixuan's mind appeared the picture of Su Han, who had a gloomy look in his eyes, holding an axe, chopping firewood vigorously, venting his anger.

He never dreamed that his portable space was actually shrinking, and that his control over his space was actually a little sluggish.

After a long time, Su Han blushed and panted, and then stopped his tired body.

"Why is it? Why is this happening to my portable space?" Su Han's voice was three parts angry and seven parts terrified.

"Hehe, so this guy knows, but no matter what you think, Su Han, you won't know that I am the mastermind behind this." Lin Zixuan smiled slightly, hiding in the merit and fame.

After Su Han rested for a while, his mood gradually calmed down. He decided to gradually put all the supplies in his space into the shelter, so that even if the space disappeared, he would not lack supplies.

However, there were too many things in his space. Even if the shelter was filled, there were still a lot of supplies left in the space, so he planned to take out the important things first.

After working for a long time, Su Han became bored, and he planned to find something to do.

In the past ten days, he did not find any traces of other people, and the shelter did not find the figure of the intruder again, which made him a little relaxed and bored.

Su Han thought of the beautiful student near the Happiness Factory, and his heart became agitated again, and his body also had a slight reaction.

"Hmph, I'm in a bad mood. I decided to pick up the beautiful woman named Zhao Lian'er tomorrow, and go to the Happiness Factory to vent my depression and settle accounts with the factory director." Su Han smiled coldly.

Su Han couldn't help feeling ashamed when he remembered that he had spent a day in the small dark room.

Although the environment of the small dark room was not bad and he was not hurt, the injury was not big and the insult was very strong.

Moreover, his shelter was invaded after he came back. He just felt that all this was Lin Zixuan's fault. After all, if he had not refused the "fair" transaction at the beginning, he would not have experienced all this.

Lin Zixuan couldn't help but ponder for a moment when he heard Su Han's words.

"This guy really holds a grudge. He didn't do anything to you. It seems that you are still living too well. Let's experience what the end of the world is again."

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