The sound of the fireflies was so loud that the fireflies were flying.

"What's that sound? Scar, look, there seems to be a helicopter..." Kaizi looked up and shouted to Scar.

"Where are the helicopters?" Scar followed Kaizi's gaze and saw three helicopters flying in the air above their heads.

"This... seems to be a military helicopter." Scar murmured.

Scar was very confused: "What day is today? Is there any big shot here?"

"Look at this direction, it seems to be going to the Happiness Factory."

"Scar, are we still going to the Happiness Factory?" Skinny Monkey stopped packing and asked Scar.

Scar thought for a moment, then said firmly: "MD, the brave ones will die of overeating and the timid ones will die of starvation, of course we have to go."

He touched the pistol in his arms and calmed down. Even if he was a big boss, so what?

"Scar, if we go there, aren't we just walking into a trap? It's good to stay here, after all, we still have some food." Skinny Monkey was embarrassed.

Skinny Monkey had a natural fear of the army and the police. After all, he was a gangster before, and they did a lot of evil things after the end of the world. Although they were not shot, they were enough to be imprisoned for more than ten years.

"What are you talking about? We definitely can't force it. When the time comes, everything will be fine if you follow my command." Scar pretended to be calm.

When he saw the camouflage stripes of the helicopter and the army logo, his heart was always beating, but wealth and honor are sought in danger. As long as they finish this job, they will not lack food.

Besides, he was not going to meet the army.

Su Han also saw the helicopter in the distance, which made him wonder: "Is there any big shot here?"

But he put the thought behind his mind, anyway, it had nothing to do with him.


Happy Factory.

"Director, there is a military helicopter outside, and there is a female leader on it who said she is here to see you."

After hearing this, Lin Zixuan immediately put down his research and said, "Tell them to wait, I'll be here soon."

"Okay, Director."

"Cai'er, why did you ask to join this team? This is a remote place and it's not safe. Why don't you let Brother Wang lead the team here?" Secretary Wang said with concern.

"Brother Wang, don't worry, I just come here to relax. It's too depressing to stay there." Li Cai found a random reason to explain.

"Yes, the leader is indeed a bit boring." Secretary Wang said suddenly.

The woman in front of him was wearing a thick black down jacket and a hat on her head, which covered her graceful body. Her delicate, delicate and smooth face was enough to prove that she must be a great beauty.

It turned out that this female leader was Li Cai. After learning the information about the prophet, she found that he was a young man in his twenties. She was curious about him, so she took the initiative to apply to her father to become a member of the team.

Lin Zixuan saw the two talking in the open space in the factory. Three helicopters were parked in the wide open space. There were also several soldiers wearing special combat uniforms standing around with guns on guard.

He walked quickly to the front of several people. Several soldiers saw him coming forward and did not stop him. Obviously, they already knew his identity.

Secretary Wang saw the familiar figure on the file and bowed and said: "You must be Mr. Lin Zixuan."

"It's me. You are finally here!" Lin Zixuan pretended to be relieved.

Secretary Wang was puzzled when he heard this: "Mr. Lin, did you know we were coming?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I post it online?" Lin Zixuan looked at him like a fool.

"Uh..." Secretary Wang was speechless.

Li Cai looked at him intently. She didn't expect that this guy was actually much more handsome than the real person, especially his vicissitudes of life, which made people curious.

"Mr. Lin, is it convenient to talk inside?" Secretary Wang looked around and asked in a low voice.

"If it's convenient, then I'll take you there." Lin Zixuan led the way, and the two followed closely.

Secretary Wang and Li Cai sat on the guest chair in the factory director's office. Looking at the clean and warm office, they couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Lin, you have really good conditions here."

"Haha, thank you for the praise from this leader." Lin Zixuan said perfunctorily.

What a good place he is here. There are no expensive tables and chairs, famous paintings. The only thing that can be said about the whole house is that it is a little cleaner and warmer.

After everyone briefly introduced themselves, Secretary Wang

He looked at Li Cai and asked, "Mr. Lin, since you know why we are here, can we ask Mr. Lin a few questions?"

"Ask whatever you want, I will definitely answer truthfully." Lin Zixuan replied.

"How did you know... the news of the end of the world?" Secretary Wang asked solemnly.

"I remember it was a very strange dream..."

After a bizarre and convincing explanation, Secretary Wang didn't know what to say.

He could only think that this was a sign from God. Although he didn't know why this person was Lin Zixuan, it had no effect on them. After all, it could be anyone among the billions.

He was glad that Lin Zixuan was a Xia countryman, and he also tried every means to reveal this news to the authorities, so that the authorities could prepare for the subsequent events and reduce the country's losses.

Lin Zixuan looked at Secretary Wang's expression, that look of "I know, I understand", obviously self-consistent and self-consistent.

Lin Zixuan didn't care about these, what he said was enough to give an explanation to the people above.

But being able to fool around is the best situation.

"Mr. Lin, then... is that plant growth culture fluid real or fake?" Secretary Wang continued to ask.

"Of course it's real, but now this culture fluid can only double the growth rate of plants." Lin Zixuan said nonchalantly.

He didn't plan to directly hand over the culture fluid with ten times the growth rate. It was amazing enough to double the growth rate. If it were put in a peaceful era, it would be enough to be awarded a Nobel Prize.

Only by revealing it step by step can the benefits be maximized.

Just like the current mobile phones, Youth Edition, Flagship Edition, Pro Edition, and then ProMax Edition, so that they can better harvest goodwill.

"What? Can it double?" Secretary Wang suddenly stood up, widened his eyes and shouted in shock.

Even Li Cai was the same, but unlike Secretary Wang, Li Cai's appearance was more pleasing to the eye.

Secretary Wang was shocked.

"Double the growth rate"

What is this concept? This is equivalent to doubling the output, that is, doubling the output.

In such extremely cold weather, food can only be grown in warm places, that is, underground, and the underground space is limited after all. With this plant cultivation liquid, the food crisis can be greatly alleviated.

The two were stunned for a long time before they reacted.

"What's this? I'm trying to overcome a research difficulty. I believe it won't take long to succeed. At that time, it won't be difficult to double the production speed." Lin Zixuan said casually.

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