Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1041: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (42)

The eunuch covered his red face and stared at her with his orchid fingers raised in disbelief. His fingers were so angry that they were trembling: "This is unreasonable, this is unreasonable! Are you going to bring death to the entire Prime Minister's Mansion?"

"Behead, behead, whoever is afraid of whom," Jiaoyang shrugged, completely ignoring the winks her mother in the crowd gave her. Anyway, she has a gold medal for immunity from death, and if she dies, it will be them who die, and she won't accompany them, " Anyway, this is a broken marriage, I say I won’t let it happen, but I won’t let it happen!”

Jiaoyang found a chair and sat down, poured herself a cup of tea, and crossed her legs awkwardly.

"You, you unfilial son." The prime minister clutched his chest, trembling with anger, and finally closed his eyes and passed out.


Everyone except Jiao Yang gathered around.

Sitting on the dragon chair in the dormitory with a paralyzed face, he lowered his head and pondered.

You know, I can't help you in this matter. I care about you as much as I care about my right-hand man, but I care more about the sun. I don't allow anyone to exist so that she can't see me in her eyes.

I know that you are a minister of the Xiao Kingdom. Since there was no possibility between you and him from the beginning, I believe you can understand my difficulties, right? Taifu Li's daughter is both talented and virtuous. I arranged for her to be by your side, so this can be regarded as my compensation for you.

His hands gripped the armrest tightly, his eyes were dark, and he couldn't recover.

Until Xiao Lizi hurriedly walked in, knocked his head on the ground, half of his face was still red, and his voice was sad: "Your Majesty!"

The emperor immediately woke up, looked up at him, and said in a calm tone: "How is it? Is the matter done?"

"Your Majesty." Xiao Lizi covered his face in grievance and described in detail what had just happened in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

After finishing speaking, he shouted loudly: "That Young Master Sheng Qi is so arrogant, I hope the emperor will punish him severely and dampen his arrogance!"

The paralyzed face was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "This is indeed something he would do. He is still as ridiculous, wanton, and free as ever, regardless of the situation."

As he spoke, he seemed to be lost in some kind of thoughts, his eyes trance-like.

Xiao Lizi was stunned and didn't understand what was happening before him: "Then, Your Majesty, is this the matter of the imperial edict?"

The emperor came back to his senses, and the meaning of the curvature of his mouth was unclear: "I have already issued the imperial edict. Since I have not taken it back, it is the Sheng Mansion's business to accept it or not. He has a willful and arbitrary temperament. He has always been different from others. If he tears it up in public, he will tear it up. Well, it doesn’t matter if he tears it up anyway, it’s better to let him vent his anger. Regardless of the prime minister or Yu Zhi, they both know what to do. "

Next, the emperor drank ambergris tea with a calm expression, and the old god was there.

The little eunuch on the side listened for a long time and still couldn't understand. Did the emperor demean or praise Young Master Sheng Qi?

When Sheng Xiang woke up leisurely, he was surrounded by people, but the culprit was still standing in the last row, hanging up as it had nothing to do with him.

Sheng Xiang didn't have the energy to look at him anymore. He had been angry with him many times since he was a child. He was lucky not to be angry to death this time. But this time, it is about the prosperity and disgrace of Shengfu.

There were cries all around. Sheng Xiang's eyes were dim and he struggled to open his eyes and raised his finger: "Yuzhi, come here."

Jiaoyang raised her eyebrows and looked over.

The elder brother's eyes were red and he knelt in front of his father's bed: "My son is here."

Jiaoyang looked at his back quietly.

The elder brother is a filial son, and Jiaoyang knows his character, otherwise she would not have picked him out from the beginning and deliberately pretended to be weak to approach him. But this also means that if one day he gets married, he will definitely put an end to all temptations from the outside world and be a good husband and father. From now on, his brother will no longer be her brother.

Jiaoyang pursed her lips and her expression darkened a little.

"Yu Zhi, ever since you were a child, you have been the child who has made me worry the most." Sheng Xiang stretched out his hand tremblingly, placed it on the top of his brother's head, and touched it lovingly.

People around her were still crying, which made her upset.

Jiaoyang casually kicked the foot of an aunt with a concubine beside her: "Stop crying!"

The elder brother nodded with tears in his eyes: "My son will continue to be sensible and share his father's worries!"

"Okay." Sheng Xiang looked at the huge bedroom with a look of relief in his eyes. "Dad has been through ups and downs in his life. He has come step by step to where he is today. One person is inferior to ten thousand people. It's not for himself, but for Sheng. Family is the honor of the Sheng family. After father leaves, the burden of the Sheng family will be handed over to you."

The elder brother's voice was choked with sobs: "My son will do everything he can to protect the Sheng family!"

Prime Minister Sheng nodded, his voice almost hoarse and said: "Dad believes in your ability, but given the current situation, after dad leaves, all the forces in the court will definitely target the Sheng family. Our Sheng family is isolated and helpless. We must have someone." A strong ally, Yu Zhi, do you understand what dad means?"

The elder brother's expression froze, but before he could say anything, Sheng Xiang's withered and old hand tightly grasped his, "Now, the emperor is granting the marriage because he wants to protect the Sheng family, not because of the old relationship with his father. , but values ​​you, he and we are of the same mind, do you understand? Yu Zhi. "

The elder brother pursed his lips tightly: "My son understands."

"It's good that you understand." Sheng Xiang's expression seemed to be relieved, as if he had recovered from the dead. "Now that you understand, you can immediately enter the palace, tell the emperor your feelings, and accept the marriage by the way. It's just that dad is like this , you also know that dad is afraid that he won’t be able to go with you.”

The brother looked at his father, and every pair of eyes around him was looking at him. What he carries is not only the entrustment of his father when he was seriously ill, but also the entire Sheng Mansion and the lives of everyone present!

He held his hands so tightly that his fingers turned white. He didn't dare to raise his head, let alone look back.


The elder brother seemed to be about to stand up, but at this moment, Jiaoyang suddenly faced everyone's gaze and stepped forward, holding his elder brother's shoulders, with an unexpected smile on his lips: "No, this marriage cannot be concluded."

The elder brother was stunned and his body trembled slightly.

"Jiaoyang!" Aniang shouted anxiously.

Jiaoyang stood in front of the bed, her gaze straight and unmoved.

"You bastard, cough, cough, cough. What else do you have to say?" Sheng Xiang, who had shown some signs of improvement just now because he was relieved, saw her and coughed violently with anger, his face turned red, and he coughed several times. When I came down, I saw blood.

"Father!" The elder brother looked panicked and quickly stood up to carry Sheng Xiangshun. Several aunts gathered around him, crying.

"Shut up! The master has become like this, do you still have any heart?" Mrs. Xiang cried with tears all over her face and she was out of breath.

"It's you who should shut up!"

Jiaoyang watched this scene and continued speaking indifferently. She twitched the corners of her mouth and looked at the white-haired old man with calm and indifferent eyes.

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