Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1048: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (49)

The brother looked at her for a while, then smiled helplessly, let go of her hand, and sighed: "Forget it."

never mind? You said forget it, forget it, but she hasn’t forgotten it yet!

Jiaoyang glared at him, shook the painful wrist he scratched just now, and asked Niutoulian to blow on her.

Sheng Yuzhi squinted his eyes, this scene hurt him a little.

It is the twelfth lunar month, and even good weather cannot stop the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month.

Jiaoyang was wearing thin clothes and had a small body. When the wind blew, her long hair on both sides danced in the wind.

Sheng Yuzhi took off the long white cloak, came over and put it on her body, tying the collar for her in his hand. The movements were very gentle, and the warm fingers always inadvertently touched the ends of her hair and skin, bringing his warmth.

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment and looked up at him. Everything seemed to have become natural.

I have to say that at that moment, she was a little confused by his appearance. When it comes to her matters, her brother is always the most attentive among them. No matter she was hungry or cold, sleepy or annoyed, he would always be the first to notice and give her what she wanted. He would always be tolerant and doting on her, and he would always care about her. Everything about him had already moisturized everything. Invading her life silently.

What he did was something that others, including the bull-headed face, could not do. Anyway, if it were him, he would never let himself go out wearing something like this and risk getting cold.

So, brother, brother, since you have answered me so many times, why can’t you answer me this time? I'm somewhat used to it. I'm used to putting me first in everything, and I'm used to you putting me first in everything. I must have been spoiled by you. Human nature is selfish. You were so good to me and gave me so much, so of course I would be insatiable and want more.

I don’t want to share it with others, at least not now. I’m not tired of it yet, brother.

It seemed that a long time ago, he held her hand and walked through the streets with people and traffic. What he passed to her through his fingers was the same warmth he felt towards her now.

Jiaoyang's eyelashes trembled, and she looked at Sheng Yuzhi, who was lowering his eyelashes and carefully arranging them for her. For a moment, instead of being filled with some warmth because of his actions, she was aroused to a deeper level of annoyance.

She used brute force to pull open the collar of his clothes and threw his coat to the ground.

Do you think we can still be the same as before? Do you think what is happening now has no impact on us at all? I tell you not! I tell you Sheng Yuzhi, you have lost me forever, from the moment you wanted to marry a wife, from the moment you accepted the imperial edict, from the moment you let go of my hand!

Since you can't give me something, then don't give me anything. I, Sheng Jiaoyang, don't care about it! I don’t believe that this world is so big that there is no one who can replace you. Even if there is no one, I can get used to having you, then I can get used to not having you!

Sheng Yuzhi looked at the coat on the ground in a daze.

Jiaoyang looked at him, twitched the corner of her mouth, and sneered: "Take your things, I don't need your pretense, leave your so-called concern to my future sister-in-law."

Sheng Yuzhi looked at her with heavy sadness in his eyes.

Jiaoyang rolled her eyes at him, turned around and left.

"It's really unlucky to go out today. First I met the green grass, and then I saw you. I lost all my desire to eat, so I stopped eating!"

The bull-faced man was stunned for a while, then quickly followed her, then came to her side, swept his palm, and suddenly wrapped her hand tightly.

It's a different kind of temperature, different from my brother's, but extraordinarily simple, direct, and hot.

Jiaoyang tilted her head and glanced at him.

"What, what are you doing?"

The bull-faced man rubbed his nose and looked at her guiltily, his eyes wandering: "Master, I know you are cold, so I kindly warm you up. Master, I am only wearing one piece, so I can't take it off and give it to you, right?" By the way, young master, I dress the same as you, so why don’t I feel cold, and why are you so squeamish like a little girl?”

Jiaoyang took a deep breath and looked at him with a smile.

So if you say that the bull-headed face is not pleasant to listen to, it is in vain to have such a handsome face that makes people angry and angry, right?

"Who said it can't be done? Just peel it off and give it to me!" Jiaoyang said and was going to hit him on the street.

The bull-faced man was startled. He dodged and dodged, and shouted loudly: "There's someone coming! You're perverted, you're indecent! This sissy is coveting my beauty in the street!"

The two of them flew far away unknowingly, leaving the rest of the people far behind. Jiaoyang twitched the corner of her mouth and reached out to cover his mouth: "It's just a piece of clothing. What's your name? What's wrong with you?" I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m asking everyone to come and feast their eyes. Youdao, it’s better to have fun alone than to have fun with everyone, why are you so petty like a little girl?”

The bull-headed man's face suddenly darkened, and he grabbed her hand that was about to gag him: "Isn't it better to have fun alone than to have fun together?"

Jiaoyang raised her eyebrows, raised her chin, and said "hmm" in a confident voice.

The bull-headed face suddenly brought her down from the roof and hit the ground hard.

Jiaoyang was startled and rolled around on the ground with him: "I said, you are young, if there is anything you can't think about, even if you can't think about it, don't hold me back!"

The bull-faced man remained silent and suddenly stretched out his hand to tear off her clothes. He also put his hand in and touched her randomly. Then, his face turned red and he began to press on her and scream.

His voice was hoarse: "If I die, of course I will take you with me, and I will die with you."

"Young Master, I'm still young. There's no question of immortality. If you want to die, you die on your own. I won't accompany you." Jiaoyang rolled her eyes at him, then stretched out her hands to wrap around his waist, and bullied him cooperatively.

The bull-headed face closed his eyes in addiction, found her lips and kissed her. During this period, Jiaoyang wanted to say something, but he kissed her tightly and swallowed everything she wanted to say next.

Jiaoyang couldn't bear it anymore, and black lines appeared on her forehead. She pushed away the indifferent man and looked around: "Where did we end up? We were doing this right at the gate of someone's courtyard. Not so good?"

She could have predicted that when the door of this house was opened and she saw the two of them disheveled, the news about them would be all over the capital and beyond the next day. What——

shock! Two famous first-class officials in the imperial court actually did such things in the homes of ordinary people!

shock! The first secret in Beijing is that two men actually committed such a scandal in broad daylight, and the identities of the two men turned out to be

As soon as he said something, he was kissed by the bull-headed face again, and he wouldn't let go even after saying anything.

Is it true that the sperm got into their head and got carried away, so they didn’t care about anything?

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