Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1051: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (52)

Jiaoyang turned her head and glanced at Sheng Yuzhi, curled her lips, stretched out her hand, and Mrs. Xiang was thrown to the ground.

Jiao Yang looked at her brother with squinted eyes from a distance. His eyes were dark, so dark that it was difficult to see clearly.

The elder brother waved his hand, and all the servants around him retreated.

Mrs. Xiang was rolling in pain, and it took her a long time to get up. She rolled and crawled to her brother's side. Her whole body was in a mess, and she had long lost her usual dignity of keeping her eyes above her head.

He shouted hoarsely: "Yu Zhi, have you seen the scene just now? He is just a bastard, and he doesn't pay attention to me as his mother at all! If you still recognize me as your mother, drive him out of the house as a bastard. !you."

The rest of the words were frozen in Sheng Yuzhi's increasingly cold eyes.

"What did you call Jiaoyang just now?"

"I" Mrs. Xiang opened her eyes wide and was stunned.

"My son remembers that I once said that anyone who underestimates Jiaoyang will be my lifelong enemy. No one is qualified to put any bad words on her. He is Sheng Jiaoyang, not anyone else, but me The only younger brother in this life! It seems that mother, you have been too comfortable these years, so you did not take your son's words to heart."

Mrs. Xiang was stunned. This was the first time she had seen her son, who had been obedient and sensible since childhood, look at her like this. He was cold and aggressive. But this was not towards others, but towards her, the one who had raised him with one hand. Big mother!

She has raised a white-eyed wolf! Thinking about how much she had paid for him throughout her life, how she spent every moment painstakingly planning for his future, just for his worry-free future! But what happens in the end? To her, his biological mother, he was worse than a bitch born to a little bitch in the backyard, and now he was defending him in front of her! If I had known this, I should not have left their mother and son alone in the first place!

"What brother? Look at his status. Is he worthy?! He is just a lowly bastard. He relies on your connections to climb up step by step and gets to know those people above him. After he achieves his goal, he kicks you away. , now, son, can’t you see the situation clearly?! You are so deeply confused by him, if you continue like this, sooner or later you will be plotted against by this bitch, and you will suffer miserably from him in your life! "

The anger almost overwhelmed her reason. She rushed forward and pointed her finger directly at Jiaoyang's nose. Sheng Yuzhi was frightened and hurriedly protected Jiaoyang behind her.

"It's you! It must be you, secretly driving a wedge between us mother and son! Otherwise, how could my son, who should be the most devoted to me, become increasingly separated from me!"

Jiaoyang continued to hide behind Sheng Yuzhi, grabbing his arm from behind, thinking in her heart: You have discovered this, but this was just her initial thought. Sheng Yuzhi just wanted to use his connections. It's just a relationship, and then she will replace his position step by step, but later, she just had some other ideas, and you put them away, so whoever doesn't die will die.

"That's enough!" Sheng Yuzhi frowned and couldn't bear it. "Why is my son increasingly separated from you? Why doesn't my mother reflect on herself? How many innocent people have died at your hands over the years. I am yours." You are your own flesh and blood, but you can only turn a blind eye, but you must not stretch your hands further and further, and even try to accuse the court!"

Mrs. Xiang was stunned, her eyes were dull, and she looked at him in disbelief. She suddenly felt that the son in front of her was extremely strange.

Sheng Yuzhi took a deep breath: "Do you think that the emperor has not known anything all these years? The emperor is a wise king. He not only has a kind heart, but also has the ability to see into the details. If he doesn't say it, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know. It just means that he doesn't know anything. Because you are the biological mother of my son, I will let you live!"

After all, it was because she was her brother's biological mother that she should have been doomed, so she got special treatment from Mian Pian Lian. My brother and Mian Pan Lian are really in love. In this case, why should the two of them start a family and start a business? Don't harm others.

Jiaoyang curled her lips and walked away unhappy.

Therefore, in the future, should she go to Mian Pian Lian more often to turn a deaf ear to him? In this way, she would not have to take action on many things herself. Moreover, the person with a paralyzed face is the emperor, whoever wants to die can die, how convenient it is.

Jiaoyang weighed her weight in Mianlian Mianxin. It seemed that she had not asked him to do anything for her in these years, but she had given her the jade pendant and death-free gold medal and asked him to help her kill a few people. He should probably agree.

Jiaoyang decided to go to face paralysis and perform it tomorrow. It's not that she really wants him to help her, it's just an attempt to test his tone first.

At midnight, Sheng Yuzhi stood at the door of Jiaoyang's room, hesitated for a moment, and knocked on the door.

"Jiaoyang, are you asleep?" he asked softly.

Jiaoyang turned over and deliberately made a loud noise. She didn't even get out of bed to open the door for him, and there was no response.

Sheng Yuzhi was stunned and then laughed.

He thought for a while, then opened the door and walked in.

"Who asked you to come in!" Jiaoyang threw off the quilt, looked at him angrily, and muttered in a low voice, "You are already a family man, and you still enter other people's rooms so casually, it's really inappropriate! "

Sheng Yuzhi was stunned for a moment, stood still in embarrassment, and then smiled helplessly: "What did you say, my brother, I can't see you anymore? We are the closest people, and we have no reservations about each other. Once you As you said, don’t you count?”

"Do you believe those nonsense words? Then you also promised me that my future sister-in-law must be controlled by me. Only if I like and agree to the marriage will you welcome her through the door. No, you have not done so long ago. Have you done the math? Fortunately, I don’t believe it.”

Jiaoyang glared at him, pushed him away, pushed him outside, "You go, you go!"

Sheng Yuzhi grabbed her hand with a painful look on his face: "Jiaoyang, are you still blaming your brother?"

"It's weird, of course it's weird. Who do you blame? Did an imperial edict make you flinch? Isn't it just a paralysis of the face? There's nothing to be afraid of. If you can't even pass this level, then what's the point of talking about the future! Okay! , it’s all my fault, it’s Jiaoyang who is ignorant. Anyway, I am selfish and relaxed. I only care about my own happiness and don’t care about the life and death of others. I am not as considerate of the overall situation as you, brother, who care about the lives of thousands of living people!

No wonder everyone in the Prime Minister's Office and even the whole world is looking towards you, trying their best to gain a good reputation for you! Unlike me, my reputation spreads far and wide, and everyone gets it and kills me! Since I am not recognized by anyone in this world, and even you, my brother, are going to abandon me, then the worst I can do is to die! "

Of course Jiaoyang didn't really think so. She was living well and getting happier day by day. She said all this just to make her brother suffer.

As expected, as soon as she finished speaking, her brother hugged her tightly in fear, "Zhangyang, don't, don't, don't say this again."

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