Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1055: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (56)

Jiao Yang's unhesitating attitude gave Niutou Lian a sense of comfort. He felt that Jiao Yang was comforting him. At least no matter what happened, she would always be on his side.

In fact, this is indeed the case, otherwise who would have made friends with him before.

The eyes of the bull-headed face were red, and he felt aggrieved. He just wanted to vent to her. He rested his head on her shoulder: "But he has been on the battlefield and led soldiers!"

"What's wrong with being on the battlefield? What's wrong with being a soldier?" Jiaoyang glanced at him, "His achievements are not as great as yours!"

"That's different!" The bull-headed face's eyes widened, "Going to the battlefield and defending the homeland is the lifelong dream of every bloody man! It's the place I've always longed for since I was a child, but I've never realized it. Why should that bitch do it!"

"So what," Jiaoyang didn't understand. "You can't go there sooner or later. Sharpening a knife doesn't cost you any time chopping wood, so why rush it? When the time comes, you'll be invincible as soon as you enter the battlefield. How majestic you are, you won't be able to do it at all." Who will be your opponent?"

The battlefields and border passes were all Xie Nanning's. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, all obeyed and obeyed. He fought on the battlefield throughout his life, never married a wife, and left no heirs. However, the Xiao Kingdom guarded by him was like a copper wall and an iron wall, indestructible.

But now, the 18-year-old bull-headed man's eyes widened and he looked stubborn: "So you are a sissy, you don't understand at all!"

"What did you say?" Jiaoyang was angry. He thought she was kind enough to stay here to comfort him, but instead he started scolding her.

Then what else did she advise? Just let him go. Why are you starting to imitate her? You are moaning for no reason!

Jiaoyang never had much patience, so she waved her sleeves and left: "Then you can go and get into trouble by yourself, I won't serve you anymore!"

This damn bull-headed face is not as good as his younger brother. If it weren’t for his good looks, who would care about him! But having said that, his brother and he look really two completely different types. The bull-headed face is masculine, beautiful but not feminine, while his younger brother is more charming and feminine.

As far as she knew, Xie Beixi was of low status, and his mother was just a well-known courtesan in the south of the Yangtze River. The Marquis of Guangping was also young, so he was inevitably full of blood. As time went by, the courtesan became pregnant with his child.

It's just that after the oiran became pregnant, the head wife of King Guangping, the mother of Niutoulian, also happened to be pregnant. In order to protect his wife and children, King Guangping did not marry the oiran as he had promised before, and waited for the two children to be born, even just a few days apart.

When the two children grew up, King Quang Binh went to tell the then princess the truth and wanted his children to recognize their ancestors. But the princess almost died of anger. Since giving birth, she has suffered from a lot of diseases, and finally suffered from heart disease, and withered away at the age of a flower.

Since the death of the princess when he was six years old, King Guangping felt guilty and vowed never to take a wife or have a concubine in his life. He never saw the oiran until his death. Niu Tou Lian, on the other hand, holds a grudge against his father. Even after so many years, there are still shackles between father and son that cannot be untied in this life.

As for the oiran and her unborn son, it was even worse. They had no use value anymore and were soon kicked out of the brothel. They could only live with their son in a ruined temple, looking forward to the man they loved every day. , and ended in depression like this.

Xie Beixi has never learned any serious martial arts. In order to raise a few taels of silver for his mother's medical expenses since he was a child, he had to travel around and work as a thug for others, thus developing his skills. Later, after receiving advice from others, he joined the army and fought in the war.

After working hard to raise the medical expenses and coming back covered with scars, what he saw was his mother's already cold body.

It can be said that Xie Beixi is where he is today because of his own steps and bloody steps. If he hadn't reached where he was today, where his father could see him, Marquis Guangping would have forgotten his son, let alone recognize him.

Niu TouLian always thought that King Guangping favored the mother and son. The death of the princess became a thorn in his heart that he could not let go. Coupled with the pampering and pampering these years, he could no longer tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes.

In fact, from beginning to end, he was the one who was unconditionally favored. He was the only one that King Guangping worked so hard to cultivate. He is the only legitimate son in this prince's mansion.

So when Jiaoyang said that Niutoulian was moaning without any reason, he really wasn't just saying it casually. To put it simply, this guy is spoiled. A bigger setback seems to him like the sky is falling.

Isn't he just an illegitimate child, so what if he has a script that can change his destiny? Some people are born with an aura and are destined to live a glorious life. No one can take them away, they can only look up to them with envy.

Jiaoyang wanted to leave, but Niutoulian tried to stay, but she was thrown away without mercy: "Go away!"

She ignored the look in the bull-headed face that was about to collapse and turned red, as if it was crushed by a straw, and gave him a warning look: "Don't disturb me, I'm walking alone!"

This bull-headed face is very annoying all day long. She has a very extreme personality. She is 1.9 meters tall but still has a heart of glass. She needs others to coax and serve her. So why should she stay here? She is not a nanny. Why not be afraid of him, a young master?

Isn't it just a heart of glass? It is broken and broken, so he is used to it. Let him adjust it himself. Whoever advises anyone to be unlucky will be hit by the broken glass.

After leaving Niutoulian, Jiaoyang felt that the sky was blue and the air became fresh.

She closed her eyes happily, opened her arms and jumped forward, feeling the beauty of nature.

But before she could even take a few steps, her head suddenly hit a chest that was as strong as an iron wall, making her suspect that she was about to lose her head.

"What are you doing?!" Jiaoyang covered her head and opened her eyes angrily.

Xie Beixi was standing in front of her, knowing that she was his brother's friend. He looked apologetic and at a loss: "I'm sorry, I don't know you."

"Is it useful to say I'm sorry? Master, my head is hurting to death. Can you just say I'm sorry and I'll be fine?" Jiaoyang glared at her and continued to make trouble unreasonably, regardless of the fact that she was the one who bumped into her.

Anyway, she has been a playboy and a bully over the years. She should have been used to the people coming and going on the street. Moreover, Xie Beixi was the bull-faced younger brother, but his appearance and temper were completely opposite. Seeing that he was so easy to bully, she should give Guangping Houfu a face and bully him more.

Xie Beixi's eyes were panicked and he saluted quickly: "I have a good ointment in my house, which has miraculous effects on treating wounds. I don't know, Brother Sheng?"

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