Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1061: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (62)

The ugly monster raised an arm to stop Sheng Yuzhi who was still going forward: "Xiang Sheng, this is your fault. Jiaoyang has grown up and is qualified to make decisions for herself. No one is qualified to interfere with her, including her. you."

Sheng Yuzhi's eyes were cold: "Get out of the way, it's not up to outsiders to interfere or provoke in the family affairs between me and Jiaoyang."

Ugly Baguai's face immediately turned ugly. He could not forget the relationship between Sheng Jiaoyang and Sheng Yuzhi that no one could get in between. Almost as soon as Sheng Yuzhi spoke, they had no room to speak.

Cao Qingqing usually opposes her in everything, but now, perhaps because of her good master Chou Baguai, he has begun to take her side: "Who dares to provoke you, but Sheng Xiang is so arbitrary in his opinions, how can you blame us for interfering. More What's more, who are outsiders? We grew up together with Shanda people, and our friendship is no less than your elder brother! You said we are not qualified, why should we not be qualified!"

Jiaoyang gave a thumbs up in the dark, and the corner of her mouth twitched: I don't know how Cao Qingqing felt when she said these words, but she was disgusted anyway.

The bull-headed man stood behind his brother. Just when he was about to say something, Jiaoyang glared at him. He swallowed hard and stopped talking.

"We grew up together, but we have bad intentions. Some things are easy to put on the surface. Do you dare to say that it is for his own good to involve Jiao Yang?" Sheng Yuzhi looked at the dark waves of disgust.

"I don't care what their purpose is. I voluntarily stood on the same side as the ugly monster. It's not that he wants to drag me into the water. It's my own intention." Jiaoyang curled her lips, walked over, and grabbed one of the ugly monsters. arm, looking at his brother with hostility.

The ugly guy was startled and looked at her.

"What's the reason?" My brother's eyes grew darker.

"Reason? Of course it was Choubaguai's personal charm that conquered me," Jiaoyang curled her lips. The reason was that she would not be taken advantage of by following anyone but not you. "Although Choubaguai is a bit ugly on the outside, he is beautiful on the inside. He is smart, wise, has great martial arts skills, is decisive and not sloppy in his work, and he is famous externally. Why should I not follow him?"

"Jiaoyang, now is not the time to be angry." The elder brother glanced at the ugly face, and then tried to pull her away, but Jiaoyang threw her away.

"Master, I'm not angry! Anyway, I will be a Ding Chou monster in my life, and none of you can try to pull me away from him!"

Jiaoyang was a little annoyed and held on to Chou Baguai's arm tightly and wouldn't let go. Why is it right to follow someone with a paralyzed face, and follow an ugly person because she is angry, and his paralyzed face is the best and the best in the world and should be followed, right?

Then he should just follow his Mian Pian Lian. Why should he care who she follows? Anyway, she was the baggage that he got thrown away while following Mian Pian Lian.

Niutou Lian was still in the clouds and couldn't figure out the situation in front of him. Maybe he was secretly enjoying himself. Jiao Yang finally broke up with her brother and turned to someone else.

Before he could realize that the current situation seemed to be even more wrong than before, his brother had already demonstrated the words "it's not up to you" with his actions.

He took the initiative to stretch out his hand and tugged at Jiaoyang. Jiaoyang refused to obey, grabbing Choubaguai's arm with one hand and hugging Choubaguai's waist with the other. At this moment, it was like a young couple facing separation, and Sheng Yuzhi was That evil man.

"Follow me, I'll tell you the situation slowly when I get back!"

"No, no, young master, I have been an ugly person in my life, and I will be an ugly ghost in death. If you want to tell me, I am not willing to listen!"

Just when the two were in a stalemate, the ugly guy who had been silent suddenly stretched out a hand and pulled Jiaoyang in his direction, and his eyes met Sheng Yuzhi's.

He spoke with cold eyes: "Jiaoyang is an independent individual, not someone you Sheng Yu knows. Since she has already made her choice, you have no right to interfere with her decision."

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Choubaguai who took the initiative to hold her hand, her eyes sparkled, and she made a touched expression: It was indeed her love and persistence that influenced Choubaguai's heart that was as invulnerable as a copper wall, so she was willing to take the initiative. Stand in front of her and take a stand.

"You were so handsome in that scene just now. You were so ugly." Jiaoyang praised with a smile and fanned her to light the fire.

The elder brother sneered at the corner of his mouth and looked at the ugly monster without any sign of weakness: "I will naturally not interfere with other decisions, but this is the only one. Since I know your purpose and want to see our brothers kill each other, then I will It’s decided to interfere!”

The brother and the ugly guy each grabbed one of her arms and snatched her back and forth in front of the palace gate.

Cao Qingqing was stunned for a while. As a woman, she could only linger in place and stare stupidly.

The elder brother looked at others calling for reinforcements: "Nanning, if you are really doing it for Jiaoyang's good, then do what you should do. If so, I will pretend to turn a blind eye to the matter between you and Jiaoyang!"

The bull-faced man was shocked. When did he know this? It was only the second half of the sentence that made his heart flutter, probably for the purpose of pleasing his brother-in-law. Just as he was about to step forward and join the fight, Jiaoyang glared back at him.

"How dare you! If you take one more step forward, our relationship will be completely over!"

Damn Sheng Yuzhi, what qualifications does he have?

Jiaoyang's eyes darkened.

The bull-faced man was frightened. After much deliberation, it was of course more important to please his wife than his brother-in-law. Otherwise, Jiaoyang will not allow him to touch him again, nor will he touch him, then he will be in so much pain for the rest of his life, he will be considered useless.

In the end, Chou Baguai and his brother each grabbed one of her arms, grabbing her left and right, and Jiaoyang impatiently pushed her arm in the middle, "Okay!"

Before the two of them could react, they only heard a "hiss" sound, which was the sound of their clothes being torn apart.

No matter how good the quality of the clothes was, they couldn't withstand such a sudden tug. A huge tear opened in Jiaoyang's blue official uniform, the official hat on her head was also tilted, and the hair inside was messed up.

The ugly guy was stunned: "You"

Jiaoyang got angry and threw away the two people who were in a daze. She smashed the official hat on her head to the ground, took off her official uniform and threw it down. She was fully clothed underneath, but fortunately she was prepared. Looking at how smart she is, she is simply the best actress.

In front of everyone, he walked towards the street.

"What kind of bad official is this? I don't deserve it anymore, young master, even if I die!"

The news of Jiaoyang's dismissal caused uproar in the city and spread throughout Kyoto the next day.

Jiaoyang simply skipped the morning meeting the next day and happily slept at home for a long time.

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