Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1068: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (69)

"Tsk tsk tsk"

She sighed for a while: "Your Majesty's face is so ugly that you can't see your true face. Even if I wanted to find out, I can't find out."

The ugly monster squinted at her with a murderous look on his face: "Are you good at it or not?"

"Master Rong, let me try again."

Jiaoyang Shen Shen muttered for a while, then counted with his fingers, and suddenly said: "I figured it out, you are the rare Ziwei star, which is opposite to the Emperor star. You are destined to have an unclear destiny and origin in this life. As usual, when two stars are in conflict, one of them will fall. But now it seems that your destiny is very tough. Even if you are at a disadvantage in the end, you can escape with your body intact. From this point of view, if the prince wants to do something, it will be difficult for him to do so. You can do it boldly.”

The ugly guy nodded, apparently satisfied with her explanation: "What else?"

Jiaoyang looked at him: "What else?"

The ugly guy turned his gaze to one side and looked directly at her: "Career and family, you only account for one-half."

Jiaoyang raised her eyebrows, as if she suddenly understood, and slightly raised her lips: "Family? Master, I thought you were the kind of person who doesn't care about family. Oh, I understand, winter is over and spring is coming soon, so Even the usually stoic and ugly guy is starting to feel lustful inside?"

The ugly guy had an expressionless face, unable to look at her emotionally.

Jiaoyang looked at him with her chin raised, and smiled with evil intentions: "You didn't tell me earlier, if you have that idea, I can help you find some stunning beauties earlier, even if it's on your terms. , not many people will think highly of you, but you are from a good family, belong to the royal family, and have a lot of money. In addition, I will help you with your lobbying, and I should be able to break your fate of being a lonely star in this life. By the way, I will marry you off smoothly!"

As he spoke, he hung his arm on his shoulder with a smile, as if the two brothers were in good company.

The ugly face's face became darker and darker as she spoke. Finally, he grabbed Jiaoyang's hand on his body, clasped it and twisted it back, with a cold look in his eyes: "Get out!"

Jiaoyang shouted: "Don't you act like a good boy even though you are getting an advantage! My good intentions are not repaid, young master. If you don't let me go, I can guarantee that you will be punished by God within ten days!"

The ugly monster remained unmoved, tightening his fingers tighter and tighter, attracting more and more passers-by to watch. At this moment, a "passerby" rushed out, drew out the sword from his waist, and suddenly a cold light flashed.

"Stop! You are not allowed to attack Shanda people!" Xie Beixi held a sword in his hand and stared at the ugly monster with hostility in his eyes.

Jiaoyang glanced at him and twitched the corner of her mouth, where did this fool come from. What's more, if there was a real fight, would he be an ugly opponent? Don't underestimate yourself.

"Hey, what does this have to do with you? Also, I am the Duke of the State now, please call me Duke Sheng!"

The ugly guy glanced at him, lukewarm, and had no reaction.

Xie Beixi was stunned for a moment, with an apology on his face: "Sorry, Duke Sheng, I was too anxious just now. I was really in a hurry and worried that the thief would hurt you, so I..."

Jiaoyang rolled her eyes at him, and she was a fool to accept his favor: "Please, Master, is it your turn to save me? Are you familiar with me? Are you taking advantage of the fact that I am close to Niu TouLian again? , is that why you came to rescue me? Didn’t you remember the last time? Besides, as the saying goes, hitting means kissing and scolding means loving. Ugly Bastard is playing a trick on me. Isn’t it, Ugly Bastard? "

Jiaoyang looked over with a smile in this posture.

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