Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1078: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (79)

When everyone heard this, they thought it was okay, and they immediately spread the word as hard as they could.

Anyway, they are just a cheap life, even the Duke doesn't care, what do they have to be afraid of? People die for money, birds die for food, the worst is to risk everything.

Jiaoyang held her chest with both hands and saw the two carriages getting closer and closer. Everyone in the wedding team recognized them and were dumbfounded, "This, such a bold Duke Sheng! Normally you are domineering and do all kinds of evil, so that's all. Now you have to put such a vicious curse on your biological brother’s wedding, what are your intentions?”

Jiaoyang breathed lazily and recognized her as soon as she recognized him. What she wanted was for them to recognize her. Didn't her brother want to suppress all these things? Then she still wanted to do whatever she wanted and make everyone in the capital troubled. Know!

"Mommy, what you said is wrong. Jiaoyang just saw her brother's wedding, and she couldn't express the joy in her heart, so she went to find this thing to add some romantic atmosphere to her brother's wedding. You are just common people who have been the slaves all your life. Naturally, people have never seen the world and don't understand the originality of Jiaoyang's creativity.

There is a saying that flowers match beauty. Jiaoyang felt that her brother and sister-in-law were particularly suitable for this flower today. "

After saying this, Jiaoyang simply opened the curtain and came out, sitting on the horse's head, snatching the pieces of paper from the hands of the servants around her, and threw them directly in front of them.

White pieces of paper flew in the air, gathered into a huge group, and fell on the horses, clothes, and faces of the welcoming team on the opposite side.

Everyone's sight was blocked, and they were busy chasing away these unlucky pieces of white paper, escaping in all directions. For a while, horses hooves neighed, and there was chaos, and some people even fell off their horses.

Jiaoyang sat opposite them, holding the reins in her hand, watching the farce in front of her, laughing unbridled.

"Yes, that's right. Since it's your wedding day, of course it should be lively!"

"Mr. Sheng Guo, don't be too proud and dare to ruin Yu Ci's wedding. Let's see if the emperor doesn't chop off your head this time!"

"You go, you go," Jiaoyang yawned, "Let's see if that paralyzed face will chop off my head, and let's see whether it's me or you who dies in the end!"

"The sky has eyes! You are such a scourge to the Xiao Kingdom. Even your good brother must be cursed. You won't be rampant for long. Sooner or later, you will die!"

"I've already told you that you, a servant, don't understand and have a narrow vision, yet you still dare to yell at me. It doesn't matter. I have a lot of people, so I won't care about you, a cannon fodder."

Jiaoyang ignored A Niang's constant glances to stop her, and faced the meaningful glances from someone who had been silent all this time. She turned around and whistled. If you say she is arrogant, let them see what true arrogance means.

"Perhaps these white flowers alone can't set off the atmosphere, so some self-righteous mediocre people point fingers at my elegant taste. I specially called for music, and today it will open everyone's eyes. !”

A row of musical instruments was brought over, and a group of people played drums and suonas. The music that was being played was the famous "Elegy Music", which is also the funeral march.

Everyone was stunned, as the paper flowers continued to fly all over the sky.

Jiaoyang took a fan from somewhere and fanned it in a good mood, "Look at what, young master, I came out today to beg for the lottery for my brother's wedding. Now I have the lottery in front, but not in the back. I'm not happy. Hurry forward, do you really plan to follow your brother and meet my sister-in-law together?"

The corner of her mouth curled up slightly: "Master, let me tell you, my sister-in-law has already arranged these things, so you don't need to worry about it!"

The faces of the people in the welcoming team turned pale instantly: Did the Taifu Mansion arrange the same thing? This happened on the first day of their wedding. Today is really going to make their prime minister laugh!

Someone came to her brother and whispered something in her ear. He kept looking at her with dark eyes.

"Since it is a surprise prepared by Jiaoyang for me, then I will do as you wish."

Jiaoyang paused at the paper flower she was playing with and glanced up at him.

Then, the brother drove his horse, tightened the reins, and drove forward: "Everyone obeys the order! The route remains unchanged!"

After everyone was stunned, they all responded: "Yes!"

So the team really plunged step by step into the flying paper flowers in front of them, which were so numerous that it was blinding to open their eyes. They passed by Jiaoyang's carriage, and accompanied by the sorrow and music she had prepared long ago, slowly but surely Go forward.

Jiaoyang turned her head to look and sneered.

He was showing her the firm belief in his heart and his determination to never look back.

Jiaoyang withdrew her gaze and looked forward, her eyes cold.

"Young Master, my blessings have been sent to you, why are you still standing there in a daze!"

The paper flowers in the air were still dancing wildly, and the two carriages were gradually moving away with the sunlight.

Despite the twists and turns on the road, Ms. Li finally wore a red hijab, a phoenix crown and a harem, and entered the Sheng family a few hours later.

While the wedding was in progress, everyone stared at the door, trembling with fear, fearing that the living king of hell would come out and cause trouble again.

At this time, rumors have been spread outside about the love-hate relationship between the two young masters of the Sheng family.

Others said that Duke Sheng Guo had such a big reaction to his brother's marriage. There might be some hidden secret that they didn't know about. It was said that Duke Sheng Guo was madly in love with Miss Li, but he was confused.

What's even more outrageous is that some people say that the prime minister was seduced by the demonic and charming Sheng Guogong, and that the two had already had an unspeakable ambiguous relationship in secret.

After all, their prime minister's extraordinary love and care for his half-brother in the past few years has been seen by everyone in the capital. The reason why Duke Sheng Guogong reacted so strongly was probably because he and his prime minister had already made a private decision for life, but he didn't expect that his lover would break his vow and turn around with another woman, leaving him alone in the quagmire. Of course he was jealous. When angry, choose revenge.

To them, this is all nonsense!

People who say these things must not understand the people in Shengguo Pingyi! Why is he vindictive? He is the kind of person who is likely to do such a thing no matter what happens if something doesn't go her way!

In their opinion, when Sheng Guogong did such a thing, firstly, he treated the Prime Minister as his own private property, and secondly, he did not want to see the Prime Minister well!

He didn't even think about it, who was their prime minister?

But maybe the Sheng Guogong was tired from all the troubles just now, so he didn't show his face until the ceremony was completed.

It doesn't matter if you don't have enough etiquette, as long as you don't commit any crime.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thought that today's events were over, Jiaoyang suddenly appeared from outside the door and walked in through the steps. Behind him were many people, all of whom were burly and strong men. .

The heart that was about to let go suddenly rose again.

Jiaoyang held a fan in her hand and glanced around, finally landing on the two people in the center wearing wedding clothes.

His eyes passed over the still clueless bride, and when he met the man's gaze, the corner of his mouth curled up provocatively.

She raised her head, as if arrogant, snapped her fingers in the sky, and then gave orders.

"Smash it for me!"

Right, she wasn't lying.

She had never thought that she was the heroine in the storybook who dared to love and hate, nor was she a little white flower who swallowed her anger. She Sheng Jiaoyang was obviously a villain.

Anyone who finds her unhappy will be unhappy with her!

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