Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1084: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (85)

When A Niang saw her coming, she stood up from her chair happily and waved to her.

"Jiaoyang, come on, I've met your sister-in-law."

Miss Li was stunned for a while, and then stood up as well. A smile appeared on her gentle-natured face.

Jiaoyang stopped there and looked at her, showing no intention of passing.

"What are you doing, kid? You have no manners at all." Auntie complained with a smile, turning back to Miss Li and saying, "Jiaoyang has been willful since she was a child. Fortunately, you don't argue with her."

Miss Li smiled slightly, but she really didn't take it seriously. If something like this happened, others would make a fuss out of it and tell all the gossip. She had loved Yu Zhi for many years and was lucky enough to be married to him. She knew her husband's nature best.

And Jiaoyang remembered that when the marriage was settled, many girls in the capital were jealous of Yu Zhi. Once this incident came out, she would inevitably become the target of public criticism. Some said that she was coquettish and forced the marriage, and some said that she was a high-ranking official in the Taifu family. She stood at the center of the whirlpool of rumors and did not dare to go out all day long.

But only one person stood up and spoke for her. That person is none other than Jiaoyang. She argued with the girl from the Cao family on the street, and what she said has always been in her heart, and she will remember his kindness to this day.

Jiaoyang is just a child. She has a willful and wild temper. She can't let go of her brother. Her relationship with her brother is too deep and too dependent. She doesn't want to see her brother treat anyone else well except him. She is jealous and doesn't want her brother to marry. She also understands that feeling. of. Not to mention Jiaoyang, even she had times when she was a child and she and her brothers and sisters would compete for favor in front of their elders and act willfully.

When anyone is not a child, at most they act impulsively and have some bad intentions. But as Yu Zhi's wife and Jiao Yang's sister-in-law, she must shoulder her responsibilities. Honor your elders, serve your husband, take care of all the trivial matters in the prime minister's house, take care of every junior in the prime minister's house, and pay attention to the emotions of everyone here. This is what a woman should do.

In Li Qingluan's view, those who say that the relationship between Yu Zhi and Jiao Yang is unclear is not so much that they think so, but rather that they hope so. Men are jealous of Yu Zhi's excellence, so they say Yu Zhi is a good-looking man, turning it into dirty water and pouring it on Yu Zhi. Women are not willing to accept it, so they say that Yu Zhi is a good-looking man. In this way, Yu Zhi has never looked directly at them and is not close to women. , there is a reason.

These are all dirty water thrown at the Prime Minister's Mansion by outsiders. Since she is married to Yu Zhi and is already a member of the Prime Minister's Mansion, she must of course make everyone inside and outside the Prime Minister's Mansion unite as one. There is no reason to help outsiders.

You know, a sister-in-law is like a mother. The most important thing she should do now is to take care of Jiaoyang's emotions, let Jiaoyang accept her, and resolve Jiaoyang's inner prejudice against herself. Yu Zhi said to himself that Jiaoyang was his most beloved brother in his life. In this case, as her husband's wife and Jiaoyang's sister-in-law, of course she should make every effort to treat her well.

With the support of the maid beside him, Li Qingluan poured a cup of tea and walked towards Jiaoyang with a smile on his face: "You have been outside for so long, are you thirsty? Although it is spring now, there is still a chill. Come drink some tea and moisten your throat."

Auntie smiled and waved at the side: "Just spoil her. She was spoiled by the people around her to have such a lawless temper. I'm afraid that one day in the future, she will cause a big disaster. I count on my wife to help discipline her." As for her, it turns out it’s good now, you’re also someone who knows how to spoil her.”

Li Qingluan held the cup and smiled back: "What did Auntie say? Jiaoyang is bound to be spoiled. We have this condition, so why not get used to it? He has a good temper, and Auntie raised him well. Otherwise, I would be afraid that he would be bullied by others."

Grandma covered her face with a handkerchief and smiled from ear to ear.

Jiaoyang looked at them, curled her lips sarcastically, sneered, and suddenly raised her hand, swiping down the porcelain cup in front of her.

There was a "bang", the porcelain pieces fell to the ground, and all the hot water was poured on Li Qingluan.

Li Qingluan backed away in shock, his hair getting wet. He screamed, realized what was happening and quickly wiped the water stains that were still dripping down his body with a handkerchief.

Everyone was stunned and their expressions changed instantly. The maid brought by Li Qingluan had an angry look on her face. She was about to step forward to argue, but was stunned by the cold light in Jiaoyang's eyes.

Next, Miss Li shouted: "Yuan'er, stop!"

Jiaoyang crossed her arms and smiled evilly: "Didn't you see that your master's cup was broken? It's not a good sign that the cup was broken on the second day of the wedding."

"You" Yuan'er held back her anger. This is not all because of you! I really don’t know why such a good prime minister would have a younger brother with such an unreasonable personality!

"What are you looking at?" Jiaoyang said with a condescending attitude, "Pick it up for me."

Yuan'er looked at the broken porcelain pieces and tea on the ground, bit her lip, and finally knelt down in humiliation, reached out and humbly picked them up one by one.

My finger was accidentally scratched and blood flowed out.

Jiaoyang raised the corners of her mouth and looked down at him, with a careless look in her eyes that did not put anyone in her eyes.

Sometimes it is right to say that people are ants.

Grandma couldn't stand it anymore and ran up to stop her angrily: "Have you had enough trouble, Jiaoyang? You have been making trouble all day yesterday. I thought you would stop today, but now you have disappointed me so much! Do you know Yesterday, because of you, your sister-in-law even missed the most important moment as a woman! When you came back here today, not only did you not apologize to your sister-in-law, but you also continued to make trouble! Yes, we can all just go along with it. You, you can endure whatever you do, but you can’t always be so willful and ignorant of the general situation!”

Jiaoyang turned around expressionlessly.

Seeing the expression on her face, Aunt Zhao was stunned.

"Do you have the right to speak here?" Jiaoyang looked at her.

"What did you say?"

The bull-headed man listened beside him, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I mean," Jiaoyang looked arrogant and mean, "I will no longer be your daughter. Since you care so much about Miss Li next to you, just ask her to be your daughter. Anyway, you are all the same. Unwanted and unloved.”

It was like a thunderbolt fell from the blue. When the words fell, even the bull-headed face looked at her in a daze.

A-Niang was stunned, unable to believe that she would actually say such a thing. The next moment, anger and disappointment swept through her mind. She raised her hand and put it on Jiaoyang's face: "What did you say?"

Jiaoyang grabbed it and sneered: "Am I wrong? Isn't it because you are all weak, so you have the same resonance? You see the shadow of yourself in this Miss Li, so even if I just It's your biological child, will you still favor her and care about her?

Just because I am too strong, I have had a smooth life since I was a child, and I can get whatever I want. You see the shadow of those who used to bully you, so you always think that I will become bad. I'm afraid that I've bullied the weak one in your heart, and if you stick together, you're cowardly and stupid! Let me tell you, it is because of this that you will be eliminated in this society that is constantly in chaos! Your vision has destined you to stop here, because you are all the same, weak losers, so you can cherish each other and look at yourself with pity! "

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