Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1094: Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (95)

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, and then she said dissatisfiedly: "Please, why are you messing with my things? Now you've made me unable to find them!"

Listening to her dissatisfied complaints, Aniang was a little stunned, her nose felt sore, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

The scene that was once so familiar, the tone that was so familiar, were now beyond her reach, which she could only rely on her memories.

Jiaoyang, thank you for still being willing to talk to grandma. Thank you for being willing to talk to grandma in the same tone as before.

Jiaoyang finally dug out a box and opened it with a key. Inside was her little vault.

Jiaoyang's eyes were bright, and she turned around to leave with the box in her hands. Aniang stopped her, faced her puzzled look, held back her tears, showed a kind smile, and asked softly: "Why don't you stay for a meal before leaving? ?”

"don't want."

Jiaoyang refused directly. She didn't have time to spend more time here now. Some people were disgusted when they saw them. She didn't want to stay in case she met them later.

The smile on Auntie's face froze slightly, and she almost couldn't hold it back, but she continued to smile slightly: "Can't even the little cake buy you off now?"

Jiaoyang raised his eyebrows, glanced at her face, and then curled his lips with a bad expression: "I'm sorry, after Jiaoyang left, I have eaten truly delicious food, countless delicacies from mountains and seas, and dishes. Now, I’m tired of eating the little cakes made by grandma.”

Aniang was almost emotionally broken. She wanted to say something, but she moved her lips, but she felt numb all over.

Jiaoyang rolled her eyes at her, tilted her head with a smile, and returned to her expressionless face: "So can you get out of the way now, Ms. Zhao?"

Aunt Zhao stayed motionless, Jiaoyang went over and pushed her and left from the side. She felt uncomfortable smelling the air here!

After taking a few steps, Aniang called her from behind in a hurried tone.

"Aniang knows she was wrong."

Jiaoyang paused.

"While you were away, Aniang has already thought everything through. Let other families take care of other families' children. They don't lack both father and mother. Why do you want me to meddle in other people's business? Jiaoyang, Aniang, you are the only one. As a daughter, the last thing I want to lose in my life is you."

Aniang cried and came up to hold her hand. Jiaoyang curled her lips and didn't look at her.

"Stay, Jiaoyang, you have seen what happened today. That man can't protect you at all. Even if he desperately wants to love you, powerful children like them have no choice at all. rights. They have long been accustomed to covering the sky with one hand and being lawless, so they can't see clearly about themselves. They can't see clearly that they can't shoulder the responsibility for the woman they love!

Next, if he doesn't want you, you will be homeless. If he insists on keeping you, facing such a situation, if you follow him, you will have to worry about your mother. "

A-niang said, holding her other hand, with tears in her eyes: "Stay, stay Jiaoyang, my mother, this place will always be your home."

It would have been fine if she didn't say it, but once she said it, Jiaoyang became angry again.

Why did you mention this matter again, so everyone knows it now? So she can't stay even more. What will happen to her if she comes back? Are those people just waiting for her to come back? They all think so, so if she goes away, it's not like she can't live on her own!

Jiaoyang took out her hand: "No, since I left, I have never thought about coming back, and I will never come back. In this poor place, even if I die outside, it is better than staying here!"

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